import numpy as np import healpy as hp from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy import units as u import lsst.sims.featureScheduler.utils as utils from lsst.sims.featureScheduler.utils import generate_goal_map from lsst.sims.featureScheduler.utils import standard_goals # OK, what are the footprints we'd like to try? def bluer_footprint(nside=32): """Try a bluer filter dist. May want to turn this into a larger parameter search. """ result = {} result['u'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0., WFD_fraction=0.31, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15) # Turn up the g in WFD result['g'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.2, WFD_fraction=0.9, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15) result['r'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.46, WFD_fraction=1.0, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15) result['i'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.46, WFD_fraction=1.0, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15) # Turn down the z and y in WFD result['z'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.4, WFD_fraction=0.7, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15) result['y'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0., WFD_fraction=0.7, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15) return result def gp_smooth(nside=32): # Treat the galactic plane as just part of the WFD result = {} result['u'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0., WFD_fraction=0.31, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.31) result['g'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.2, WFD_fraction=0.44, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.44) result['r'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.46, WFD_fraction=1.0, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=1.0) result['i'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.46, WFD_fraction=1.0, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=1.0) result['z'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.4, WFD_fraction=0.9, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.9) result['y'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0., WFD_fraction=0.9, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.9) return result def no_gp_north(nside=32): result = {} gl1 = 290. gl2 = 40. result['u'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0., WFD_fraction=0.31, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15, gp_long1=gl1, gp_long2=gl2) result['g'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.2, WFD_fraction=0.44, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15, gp_long1=gl1, gp_long2=gl2) result['r'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.46, WFD_fraction=1.0, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15, gp_long1=gl1, gp_long2=gl2) result['i'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.46, WFD_fraction=1.0, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15, gp_long1=gl1, gp_long2=gl2) result['z'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0.4, WFD_fraction=0.9, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15, gp_long1=gl1, gp_long2=gl2) result['y'] = generate_goal_map(nside=nside, NES_fraction=0., WFD_fraction=0.9, SCP_fraction=0.15, GP_fraction=0.15, gp_long1=gl1, gp_long2=gl2) return result def add_mag_clouds(inmap=None, nside=32): if inmap is None: result = standard_goals(nside=nside) else: result = inmap mag_clouds_hpix = utils.magellanic_clouds_healpixels(nside) for key in result: result[key][np.where(mag_clouds_hpix == 1)[0]] = np.max(result[key]) return result def big_sky(nside=32, weights={'u': [0.31, 0.15, False], 'g': [0.44, 0.15], 'r': [1., 0.3], 'i': [1., 0.3], 'z': [0.9, 0.3], 'y': [0.9, 0.3, False]}): """ Based on the Olsen et al Cadence White Paper """ wfd_north = 12.4 wfd_south = -72.25 gal_lat_limit = 15. full_north = 30. # WFD in big sky = dec range -72.5 to 12.5, avoiding galactic plane |b| < 15. deg. bigsky = utils.WFD_no_gp_healpixels(nside, dec_min=wfd_south, dec_max=wfd_north, center_width=gal_lat_limit, gal_long1=0, gal_long2=360) # Add extention to the north, up to 30 deg. ra, dec = utils.ra_dec_hp_map(nside=nside) bigsky = np.where((dec > np.radians(wfd_north)) & (dec < np.radians(full_north)), 1.e-6, bigsky) # Now let's break it down by filter result = {} for key in weights: result[key] = bigsky + 0. result[key][np.where(result[key] == 1)] = weights[key][0] result[key][np.where(result[key] == 1e-6)] = weights[key][1] if len(weights[key]) == 3: result[key][np.where(dec > np.radians(wfd_north))] = 0. return result def big_sky_nouiy(nside=32, weights={'u': [0.31, 0., False], 'g': [0.44, 0.15], 'r': [1., 0.3], 'i': [1., 0.0, False], 'z': [0.9, 0.3], 'y': [0.9, 0.0, False]}): result = big_sky(nside=nside, weights=weights) return result def big_sky_dust(nside=32, weights={'u': [0.31, 0.15, False], 'g': [0.44, 0.15], 'r': [1., 0.3], 'i': [1., 0.3], 'z': [0.9, 0.3], 'y': [0.9, 0.3, False]}, dust_limit=0.19): """ Based on the Olsen et al Cadence White Paper """ wfd_north = 12.4 wfd_south = -72.25 full_north = 30. # WFD in big sky = dec range -72.5 to 12.5, avoiding galactic plane |b| < 15. deg. bigsky = utils.WFD_no_dust_healpixels(nside, dec_min=wfd_south, dec_max=wfd_north, dust_limit=dust_limit) # Add extention to the north, up to 30 deg. ra, dec = utils.ra_dec_hp_map(nside=nside) bigsky = np.where((dec > np.radians(wfd_north)) & (dec < np.radians(full_north)), 1.e-6, bigsky) # Now let's break it down by filter result = {} for key in weights: result[key] = bigsky + 0. result[key][np.where(result[key] == 1)] = weights[key][0] result[key][np.where(result[key] == 1e-6)] = weights[key][1] if len(weights[key]) == 3: result[key][np.where(dec > wfd_north)] = 0. return result def new_regions(nside=32, north_limit=2.25): ra, dec = utils.ra_dec_hp_map(nside=nside) coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.rad, dec=dec*u.rad) g_long, g_lat = coord.galactic.l.radian, coord.galactic.b.radian # OK, let's just define the regions north = np.where((dec > np.radians(north_limit)) & (dec < np.radians(30.)))[0] wfd = np.where(utils.WFD_healpixels(dec_min=-72.25, dec_max=north_limit, nside=nside) > 0)[0] nes = np.where(utils.NES_healpixels(dec_min=north_limit, min_EB=-30., max_EB=10.) > 0)[0] scp = np.where(utils.SCP_healpixels(nside=nside, dec_max=-72.25) > 0)[0] new_gp = np.where((dec < np.radians(north_limit)) & (dec > np.radians(-72.25)) & (np.abs(g_lat) < np.radians(15.)) & ((g_long < np.radians(90.)) | (g_long > np.radians(360.-70.))))[0] anti_gp = np.where((dec < np.radians(north_limit)) & (dec > np.radians(-72.25)) & (np.abs(g_lat) < np.radians(15.)) & (g_long < np.radians(360.-70.)) & (g_long > np.radians(90.)))[0] footprints = {'north': north, 'wfd': wfd, 'nes': nes, 'scp': scp, 'gp': new_gp, 'gp_anti': anti_gp} return footprints def newA(nside=32): """ From XXX--this seems to have very strange u-band distributions """ zeros = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float) footprints = new_regions(north_limit=12.25) # Define how many visits per field we want obs_region = {'gp': 750, 'wfd': 839, 'nes': 255, 'scp': 200, 'gp_anti': 825, 'north': 138} wfd_ratio = {'u': 0.06796116504854369, 'g': 0.0970873786407767, 'r': 0.22330097087378642, 'i': 0.22330097087378642, 'z': 0.1941747572815534, 'y': 0.1941747572815534} uniform_ratio = {'u': 0.16666666666666666, 'g': 0.16666666666666666, 'r': 0.16666666666666666, 'i': 0.16666666666666666, 'z': 0.16666666666666666, 'y': 0.16666666666666666} filter_ratios = {'gp': wfd_ratio, 'gp_anti': wfd_ratio, 'nes': {'u': 0.0, 'g': 0.2, 'r': 0.4, 'i': 0.4, 'z': 0.0, 'y': 0.0}, 'north': uniform_ratio, 'scp': uniform_ratio, 'wfd': wfd_ratio} results = {} norm_val = obs_region['wfd']*filter_ratios['wfd']['r'] for filtername in filter_ratios['wfd']: results[filtername] = zeros + 0 for region in footprints: if np.max(filter_ratios[region][filtername]) > 0: results[filtername][footprints[region]] = filter_ratios[region][filtername]*obs_region[region]/norm_val return results def newB(nside=32): """ From XXX--this seems to have very strange u-band distributions """ zeros = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float) footprints = new_regions(north_limit=12.25) # Define how many visits per field we want obs_region = {'gp': 650, 'wfd': 830, 'nes': 255, 'scp': 200, 'gp_anti': 100, 'north': 207} wfd_ratio = {'u': 0.06796116504854369, 'g': 0.0970873786407767, 'r': 0.22330097087378642, 'i': 0.22330097087378642, 'z': 0.1941747572815534, 'y': 0.1941747572815534} uniform_ratio = {'u': 0.16666666666666666, 'g': 0.16666666666666666, 'r': 0.16666666666666666, 'i': 0.16666666666666666, 'z': 0.16666666666666666, 'y': 0.16666666666666666} filter_ratios = {'gp': wfd_ratio, 'gp_anti': wfd_ratio, 'nes': {'u': 0.0, 'g': 0.2, 'r': 0.4, 'i': 0.4, 'z': 0.0, 'y': 0.0}, 'north': uniform_ratio, 'scp': uniform_ratio, 'wfd': wfd_ratio} results = {} norm_val = obs_region['wfd']*filter_ratios['wfd']['r'] for filtername in filter_ratios['wfd']: results[filtername] = zeros + 0 for region in footprints: if np.max(filter_ratios[region][filtername]) > 0: results[filtername][footprints[region]] = filter_ratios[region][filtername]*obs_region[region]/norm_val return results def slice_wfd_area(nslice, target_map, scale_down_factor=0.2): """ Slice the WFD area into even dec bands """ # Make it so things still sum to one. scale_up_factor = nslice - scale_down_factor*(nslice-1) wfd = target_map['r'] * 0 wfd_indices = np.where(target_map['r'] == 1)[0] wfd[wfd_indices] = 1 wfd_accum = np.cumsum(wfd) split_wfd_indices = np.floor(np.max(wfd_accum)/nslice*(np.arange(nslice)+1)).astype(int) split_wfd_indices = split_wfd_indices.tolist() split_wfd_indices = [0] + split_wfd_indices all_scaled_down = {} for filtername in target_map: all_scaled_down[filtername] = target_map[filtername]+0 all_scaled_down[filtername][wfd_indices] *= scale_down_factor scaled_maps = [] for i in range(len(split_wfd_indices)-1): new_map = {} indices = wfd_indices[split_wfd_indices[i]:split_wfd_indices[i+1]] for filtername in all_scaled_down: new_map[filtername] = all_scaled_down[filtername] + 0 new_map[filtername][indices] = target_map[filtername][indices]*scale_up_factor scaled_maps.append(new_map) return scaled_maps def stuck_rolling(nside=32, scale_down_factor=0.2): """A bit of a trolling footprint. See what happens if we use a rolling footprint, but don't roll it. """ sg = standard_goals() footprints = slice_wfd_area(2, sg, scale_down_factor=scale_down_factor) # Only take the first set footprints = footprints[0] return footprints