==================================================== A Jupyter notebook tutorial: generating observations ==================================================== The classes in sims_movingObjects can be accessed to generate observations directly, and an example of this is created in the in-line jupyter notebook below. However, a more typical use-case is to simply use the high-level script, ``makeLSSTobs.py``. Documentation on the use of makeLSSTobs.py can be obtained by entering ``makeLSSTobs.py --help`` at the shell prompt. A brief explanation of the various flags for makeLSSTobs.py is given in the resulting output. A demonstration `notebook`_ shows some examples of the input data and generating observations, step-by-step inside the makeLSSTobs.py script. .. _notebook: demo_notebook.ipynb Some more thoughts on the usage of makeLSSTobs.py: - Input data includes an opsim database (specified with the ``--opsimDb`` flag) and a set of orbits (specified with the ``--orbitFile`` flag). - The opsim database: It's easiest to use a full LSST opsim database, but technically this isn't actually a requirement. If using the full makeLSSTobs.py script, the database must be a sqlite database with a table called "SummaryAllProps" which contains the observations, and the observations must consist of records containing columns named:: ['observationStartMJD', 'night', 'fieldRA', 'fieldDec', 'rotSkyPos', 'filter', 'visitExposureTime', 'seeingFwhmEff', 'seeingFwhmGeom', 'fiveSigmaDepth', 'solarElong'] - The orbit file: This is just a text file containing information on the orbits. A variety of orbit formats is accomodated, with a variety of headers. The orbits will be fed into the python bindings of Oorb, so the basic requirements (for units, etc.) are the same as those for `Oorb orbits`_. .. _Oorb orbits: https://github.com/oorb/oorb/tree/master/python#defining-orbits - The ``--sqlConstraint`` flag is probably most likely to be used for constraining tests of the observation generation to a small subset of nights. An example would be ``--sqlConstraint 'night < 365'`` to find only observations within the first year of the survey. The value of this sqlConstraint will be propagated into the output metrics and metadata, if obsMetadata is not set. - The ``--obsMetadata`` flag is useful to set to describe your input population; whatever is set here will be propagated into the names of the output metrics and metadata. - The ``--footprint`` flag sets the desired footprint for each observation; if an object lands in the footprint, then it is output as an observation of that object. The available footprints are 'camera' (the true camera footprint), 'circle' (a simple circle, so you then must specify ``--rFov`` for the circle size), 'rectangle' (a simple rectangle, so then specify ``--xTol`` and ``--yTol``). Finally, some thoughts on the ``--obsType`` flag, which gives you two very different options on how to run the observation generation code. - With ``--obsType linear``, a linear grid of times will be set up from the start to the end of observations with intervals of ``--tStep``. The ephemerides for each object calculated at those points, and then linear interpolation between those times will be used to decide which fields the object would be observed in. The linear interpolation will be used to report the positions of the objects; these observations will not generally be suitable for detailed tests for orbit fitting, but statistically are fine for representing numbers of observations, etc. - With ``--obsType direct``, there are two passes to the code: In the first pass, ephemerides are calculated at times separated by ``--tStep``, the observations from OpSim are grouped into the same time steps, and observations which lie within ``--roughTol`` of the relevant ephemeris position are identified as potential observations (i.e. if tStep is 1 and roughTol is 20, then ephemerides are calculated for each night, observations are sorted by time to identify their closest ephemeris (i.e. identify observations within time +/- 0.5*tstep of each ephemeris), and then observations within 20 deg of their closest ephemeris are tagged as 'potential observations). In the second pass, ephemerides are calculated for each of the exact times of the potential observations and then matched against the position of the individual observation and its footprint (i.e. a circle if that is the ``--footprint`` selected). Thus, there is no interpolation at all. These observations would be suitable for detailed tests of orbit fitting, but MAY take longer to calculate. With the ``--obsType direct`` observations, you must specify: - the mode of ephemeris generation in the first pass (nbody or 2body?). 2body is not a bad option if you give it a wider roughTol to account for it, as long as there are no close encounters. This is not true for impactors (close encounters!), so ``--prelimEph`` must be set to 'nbody'. - the value of the roughTol and the value of the tStep. Obviously, these are correlated. If you have a large tStep you should have a larger roughTol to account for the larger distance the object will travel between timesteps. The assumption is that you will set roughTol to be about the maximum distance an object would move in the time between tSteps. So how do you know how to set roughTol and tStep? Generally, I'd look at the max velocity of an object at any time over the lifetime of the survey and then set roughTol accordingly (roughTol = maxVel * tStep). You SHOULD then be able to set tStep to any value you like although there may be different efficiencies regarding how many false positives you get in the potential observation list, of course (if roughTol is large you will be matching against many observations where the object could never really be). How do you know if you made a mistake in roughTol and tStep? Generally, I'd say look at the logfiles -- there is an output line that identifies how many of the potential observations (from the first pass) turned out to really have actual observations of the object (in the second pass) -- if this number is 100% or very close to 100%, there is some chance you missed some observations. It is a work in progress to make this roughTol and tStep selection automatic. As part of that work, it is expected that sims_movingObjects in general will speed up dramatically (Here's hoping Mario and I have some time available soon!).