KBMOD (Kernel Based Moving Object Detection) is a GPU-accelerated framework for the detection of slowly moving asteroids within sequences of images. KBMOD enables users to detect moving objects that are too dim to be detected in a single image without requiring source detection in any individual image, nor at any fixed image cadence. KBMOD achieves this by “shift-and-stacking” images for a range of asteroid velocities and orbits without requiring the input images to be transformed to correct for the asteroid motion.


If you use KBMOD for work presented in a publication or talk please help the project via proper citation or acknowledgment Whidden et. al. 2019 and the Zenodo link for the code is here. In addition, if you use the known object matching functionality please cite either IMCCE’s SkyBoT VO tool (Berthier et. al. 2006) or JPL’s SSD (Solar System Dynamics) API service as appropriate.

Getting Started

Just found out about KBMOD? Crash course to what KBMOD can do, guided through Jupyter Notebooks. Recommended to anyone looking to see KBMOD in action.

User Manual

An in-depth guide through the basic concepts used by KBMOD. Recommended to anyone looking to use KBMOD in their work.

API Reference

The API reference guide contains a detailed description of the functions, modules, and objects included in KBMOD, which parameters to use and what to expect as a returned value. For those interested in contributing, or using KBMOD in their own work.


Want to cite KBMOD? See changelog or release history? Nuts and bolts of KBMOD mainly intended for developers and contributors to KBMOD.

Indices and tables#