Available metrics¶
Core LSST MAF metrics¶
- AbsMaxMetric
Calculate the max of the absolute value of a simData column slice.
- AbsMaxPercentMetric
Return the percent of the data which has the absolute value of the max value of the data.
- AbsMeanMetric
Calculate the mean of the absolute value of a simData column slice.
- AbsMedianMetric
Calculate the median of the absolute value of a simData column slice.
- AccumulateCountMetric
Calculate the accumulated stat
- AccumulateM5Metric
Calculate the accumulated stat
- AccumulateMetric
Calculate the accumulated stat
- AccumulateUniformityMetric
Make a 2D version of UniformityMetric
- ActivityOverPeriodMetric
Count fraction of object period we could identify activity for an SSobject.
- ActivityOverTimeMetric
Count fraction of survey we could identify activity for an SSobject.
- AreaSummaryMetric
Find the min/max of a value in the best area. This is a handy substitute for when
- AveSlewFracMetric
Base class for the metrics.
- BaseMetric
Base class for the metrics.
- BaseMoMetric
Base class for the moving object metrics.
- BinaryMetric
Return 1 if there is data.
- BruteOSFMetric
Assume I can’t trust the slewtime or visittime colums.
- CampaignLengthMetric
Calculate the number of seasons (roughly, years) a pointing is observed for.
- ChipVendorMetric
See what happens if we have chips from different vendors
- Coaddm5Metric
Calculate the coadded m5 value at this gridpoint.
- Color_AsteroidMetric
This metric is appropriate for MBAs and NEOs, and other inner solar system objects.
- CompletenessMetric
Compute the completeness and joint completeness
- CountExplimMetric
Count the number of x second visits. Useful for rejecting very short exposures
- CountMetric
Count the length of a simData column slice.
- CountRatioMetric
Count the length of a simData column slice, then divide by ‘normVal’.
- CountSubsetMetric
Count the length of a simData column slice which matches ‘subset’.
- CountUniqueMetric
Return the number of unique values.
- CrowdingM5Metric
Return the magnitude at which the photometric error exceeds crowding_error threshold.
- CrowdingMagUncertMetric
Given a stellar magnitude, calculate the mean uncertainty on the magnitude from crowding.
- DcrPrecisionMetric
Determine how precise a DCR correction could be made
- DiscoveryMetric
Identify the discovery opportunities for an SSobject.
- Discovery_DistanceMetric
Returns the distance of the i-th discovery track of an SSobject.
- Discovery_EcLonLatMetric
Returns the ecliptic lon/lat and solar elong of the i-th discovery track of an SSobject.
- Discovery_N_ChancesMetric
Calculate total number of discovery opportunities for an SSobject.
- Discovery_N_ObsMetric
Calculates the number of observations in the i-th discovery track of an SSobject.
- Discovery_RADecMetric
Returns the RA/Dec of the i-th discovery track of an SSobject.
- Discovery_TimeMetric
Returns the time of the i-th discovery track of an SSobject.
- Discovery_VelocityMetric
Returns the sky velocity of the i-th discovery track of an SSobject.
- ExgalM5
Calculate co-added five-sigma limiting depth after dust extinction.
- ExgalM5_with_cuts
Calculate co-added five-sigma limiting depth, but apply dust extinction and depth cuts.
- FftMetric
Calculate a truncated FFT of the exposure times.
- FilterColorsMetric
Calculate an RGBA value that accounts for the filters used up to time t0.
- FracAboveMetric
Find the fraction of data values above a given value.
- FracBelowMetric
Find the fraction of data values below a given value.
- FullRangeAngleMetric
Calculate the full range of an angular (degrees) simData column slice.
- FullRangeMetric
Calculate the range of a simData column slice.
- HighVelocityMetric
Count number of times an SSobject appears trailed.
- HighVelocityNightsMetric
Count the number of discovery opportunities (via trailing) for an SSobject.
- HistogramM5Metric
Calculate the coadded depth for each bin (e.g., per night).
- HistogramMetric
A wrapper to stats.binned_statistic
- HourglassMetric
Plot the filters used as a function of time. Must be used with the Hourglass Slicer.
- IdentityMetric
Return the metric value itself .. this is primarily useful as a summary statistic for UniSlicer metrics.
- InstantaneousColorMetric
Identify SSobjects which could have observations suitable to determine colors.
- InterNightGapsMetric
Calculate the gap between consecutive observations in different nights, in days.
- IntraNightGapsMetric
Calculate the gap between consecutive observations within a night, in hours.
- KnownObjectsMetric
Identify SSobjects which could be classified as ‘previously known’ based on their peak V magnitude.
- KuiperMetric
Find the Kuiper V statistic for a distribution, useful for angles.
- LightcurveColor_OuterMetric
This metric is appropriate for outer solar system objects, such as TNOs and SDOs.
- LightcurveInversion_AsteroidMetric
This metric is generally applicable to NEOs and MBAs - inner solar system objects.
- LongGapAGNMetric
max delta-t and average of the top-10 longest gaps.
- MagicDiscoveryMetric
Count the number of discovery opportunities with very good software for an SSobject.
- MaxGapMetric
Find the maximum gap in observations. Useful for making sure there is an image within the last year that would
- MaxMetric
Calculate the maximum of a simData column slice.
- MaxPercentMetric
Return the percent of the data which has the maximum value.
- MaxStateChangesWithinMetric
Compute the maximum number of changes of state that occur within a given timespan.
- MeanAngleMetric
Calculate the mean of an angular (degree) simData column slice.
- MeanCampaignFrequencyMetric
Calculate the mean separation between nights, within a season - then the mean over the campaign.
- MeanMetric
Calculate the mean of a simData column slice.
- MeanValueAtHMetric
Return the mean value of a metric at a given H.
- MedianMetric
Calculate the median of a simData column slice.
- MetricRegistry
Meta class for metrics, to build a registry of metric classes.
- MinMetric
Calculate the minimum of a simData column slice.
- MinTimeBetweenStatesMetric
Compute the minimum time between changes of state in a column value.
- MoCompletenessAtTimeMetric
Calculate the completeness (relative to the entire population) <= a given H as a function of time,
- MoCompletenessMetric
Calculate the fraction of the population that meets threshold value or higher.
- NChangesMetric
Compute the number of times a column value changes.
- NNightsMetric
Count the number of distinct nights an SSobject is observed.
- NObsMetric
Count the total number of observations where an SSobject was ‘visible’.
- NObsNoSinglesMetric
Count the number of observations for an SSobject, without singles.
- NRevisitsMetric
Calculate the number of consecutive visits with time differences less than dT.
- NStateChangesFasterThanMetric
Compute the number of changes of state that happen faster than ‘cutoff’.
- NVisitsPerNightMetric
Histogram the number of visits in each night.
- NightPointingMetric
Gather relevant information for a night to plot.
- NightgapsMetric
Histogram the number of nights between observations.
- NormalizeMetric
Return a metric values divided by ‘normVal’. Useful for turning summary statistics into fractions.
- NoutliersNsigmaMetric
Calculate the # of visits less than nSigma below the mean (nSigma<0) or
- NstarsMetric
Return the number of stars visible above some uncertainty limit,
- ObsArcMetric
Calculate the difference between the first and last observation of an SSobject.
- OpenShutterFractionMetric
Compute the fraction of time the shutter is open compared to the total time spent observing.
- OptimalM5Metric
Compare the co-added depth of the survey to one where
- PairFractionMetric
What fraction of observations are part of a pair.
- PairMetric
Count the number of pairs that could be used for Solar System object detection
- ParallaxCoverageMetric
Check how well the parallax factor is distributed. Subtracts the weighted mean position of the
- ParallaxDcrDegenMetric
Use the full parallax and DCR displacement vectors to find if they are degenerate.
- ParallaxMetric
Calculate the uncertainty in a parallax measurement given a series of observations.
- PassMetric
Just pass the entire array through
- PeakVMagMetric
Pull out the peak V magnitude of all observations of the SSobject.
- PercentileMetric
Find the value of a column at a given percentile.
- PeriodicDetectMetric
Determine if we would be able to classify an object as periodic/non-uniform, using an F-test
- PeriodicQualityMetric
Base class for the metrics.
- PhaseGapMetric
Measure the maximum gap in phase coverage for observations of periodic variables.
- ProperMotionMetric
Calculate the uncertainty in the returned proper motion.
- RadiusObsMetric
find the radius in the focal plane. returns things in degrees.
- RapidRevisitMetric
Base class for the metrics.
- RapidRevisitUniformityMetric
Calculate uniformity of time between consecutive visits on short timescales (for RAV1).
- RmsAngleMetric
Calculate the standard deviation of an angular (degrees) simData column slice.
- RmsMetric
Calculate the standard deviation of a simData column slice.
- RobustRmsMetric
Use the inter-quartile range of the data to estimate the RMS.
- SNCadenceMetric
Metric to estimate the redshift limit for faint supernovae (x1,color) = (-2.0,0.2)
- SNNSNMetric
Estimate (nSN,zlim) of type Ia supernovae.
- SNSLMetric
Base class for the metrics.
- SNSNRMetric
Metric to estimate the detection rate for faint supernovae (x1,color) = (-2.0,0.2)
- SeasonLengthMetric
Calculate the length of LSST seasons, in days.
- SlewContributionMetric
Base class for the metrics.
- StarDensityMetric
Interpolate the stellar luminosity function to return the number of
- StaticProbesFoMEmulatorMetricSimple
This calculates the Figure of Merit for the combined
- StringCountMetric
Count up the number of times each string appears in a column.
- SumMetric
Calculate the sum of a simData column slice.
- TableFractionMetric
Count the completeness (for many fields) and summarize how many fields have given completeness levels
- TdcMetric
Calculate the Time Delay Challenge metric, as described in Liao et al 2015
- TeffMetric
Effective time equivalent for a given set of visits.
- TemplateExistsMetric
Calculate the fraction of images with a previous template image of desired quality.
- TgapsMetric
Histogram the times of the gaps between observations.
- TotalPowerMetric
Calculate the total power in the angular power spectrum between lmin/lmax.
- TransientMetric
Calculate what fraction of the transients would be detected. Best paired with a spatial slicer.
- UniformityMetric
Calculate how uniformly the observations are spaced in time.
- UniqueRatioMetric
Return the number of unique values divided by the total number of values.
- ValueAtHMetric
Return the metric value at a given H value.
- VisitGapMetric
Calculate the gap between any consecutive observations, in hours, regardless of night boundaries.
- VisitGroupsMetric
Count the number of visits per night within deltaTmin and deltaTmax.
- WeakLensingNvisits
A proxy metric for WL systematics. Higher values indicate better systematics mitigation.
- YearCoverageMetric
Count the number of bins covered by nightCol – default bins are ‘years’.
- ZeropointMetric
Return a metric values with the addition of ‘zp’. Useful for altering the zeropoint for summary statistics.
- fOArea
Metrics based on a specified number of visits, but returning AREA related to Nvisits:
- fONv
Metrics based on a specified area, but returning NVISITS related to area:
Contributed mafContrib metrics¶
- AngularSpreadMetric
Compute the angular spread statistic which measures uniformity of a distribution angles accounting for 2pi periodicity.
- GRBTransientMetric
Detections for on-axis GRB afterglows decaying as
- GW170817DetMetric
Wrapper metric class for GW170817-like kilonovae based on the
- GalaxyCountsMetric
Estimate the number of galaxies expected at a particular coadded depth.
- KNePopMetric
Base class for the metrics.
- MicrolensingMetric
Quantifies detectability of Microlensing events.
- NumObsMetric
Calculate the number of observations per data slice.
- PeriodDeviationMetric
Measure the percentage deviation of recovered periods for pure sine wave variability (in magnitude).
- PeriodicMetric
From a set of observation times, uses code provided by Robert Siverd (LCOGT) to calculate the spectral window function.
- PeriodicStarMetric
At each slicePoint, run a Monte Carlo simulation to see how well a periodic source can be fit.
- RelRmsMetric
Relative scatter metric (RMS over median).
- SEDSNMetric
Computes the S/Ns for a given SED.
- SNMetric
Calculate the signal to noise metric in a given filter for an object of a given magnitude.
- StarCountMassMetric
Find the number of stars in a given field in the mass range fainter than magnitude 16 and bright enough to have noise less than 0.03 in a given band. M1 and M2 are the upper and lower limits of the mass range. ‘band’ is the band to be observed.
- StarCountMetric
Find the number of stars in a given field between D1 and D2 in parsecs.
- StaticProbesFoMEmulatorMetric
This calculates the Figure of Merit for the combined
- TdePopMetric
Base class for the metrics.
- ThreshSEDSNMetric
Computes the metric whether the S/N is bigger than the threshold in all the bands for a given SED
- TransientAsciiMetric
Based on the transientMetric, but uses an ascii input file and provides option to write out lightcurve.
- TripletBandMetric
Find the number of ‘triplets’ of three images taken in the same band, based on user-selected minimum and maximum intervals (in hours),
- TripletMetric
Find the number of ‘triplets’ of three images taken in any band, based on user-selected minimum and maximum intervals (in hours),
- transientAsciiSEDMetric
Based on the transientMetric and transientAsciiMetric, uses an ascii