Available stackers¶
Core LSST MAF stackers¶
- BaseDitherStacker
Base class for dither stackers.
Adds columns: []
- BaseMoStacker
Base class for moving object (SSobject) stackers. Relevant for MoSlicer ssObs (pd.dataframe).
Adds columns: []
- BaseStacker
Base MAF Stacker: add columns generated at run-time to the simdata array.
Adds columns: []
- CoaddStacker
Stacker to estimate m5 “coadded” per band and par night
Adds columns: [‘coadd’]
- CometMagVStacker
Add an base V magnitude using a cometary magnitude model.
Adds columns: [‘cometV’]
- DcrStacker
Calculate the RA,Dec offset expected for an object due to differential chromatic refraction.
Adds columns: [‘ra_dcr_amp’, ‘dec_dcr_amp’]
- EclStacker
Add ecliptic latitude/longitude (ecLat/ecLon) to the slicer ssoObs (in degrees).
Adds columns: [‘ecLat’, ‘ecLon’]
- EclipticStacker
Add the ecliptic coordinates of each RA/Dec pointing: eclipLat, eclipLon
Adds columns: [‘eclipLat’, ‘eclipLon’]
- FilterColorStacker
Translate filters (‘u’, ‘g’, ‘r’ ..) into RGB tuples.
Adds columns: [‘rRGB’, ‘gRGB’, ‘bRGB’]
- FiveSigmaStacker
Calculate the 5-sigma limiting depth for a point source in the given conditions.
Adds columns: [‘m5_simsUtils’]
- GalacticStacker
Add the galactic coordinates of each RA/Dec pointing: gall, galb
Adds columns: [‘gall’, ‘galb’]
- HexDitherFieldPerNightStacker
Use offsets from the hexagonal grid of ‘hexdither’, but visit each vertex sequentially.
Adds columns: [‘hexDitherFieldPerNightRa’, ‘hexDitherFieldPerNightDec’]
- HexDitherFieldPerVisitStacker
Use offsets from the hexagonal grid of ‘hexdither’, but visit each vertex sequentially.
Adds columns: [‘hexDitherFieldPerVisitRa’, ‘hexDitherFieldPerVisitDec’]
- HexDitherPerNightStacker
Use offsets from the hexagonal grid of ‘hexdither’, but visit each vertex sequentially.
Adds columns: [‘hexDitherPerNightRa’, ‘hexDitherPerNightDec’]
- HourAngleStacker
Add the Hour Angle for each observation.
Adds columns: [‘HA’]
- M5OptimalStacker
Make a new m5 column as if observations were taken on the meridian.
Adds columns: [‘m5Optimal’]
- MoMagStacker
Add columns relevant to SSobject apparent magnitudes and visibility to the slicer ssoObs
Adds columns: [‘appMagV’, ‘appMag’, ‘SNR’, ‘vis’]
- NEODistStacker
For each observation, find the max distance to a ~144 km NEO,
Adds columns: [‘MaxGeoDist’, ‘NEOHelioX’, ‘NEOHelioY’]
- NFollowStacker
Add the number of telescopes (‘nObservatories’) that could follow up any visit
Adds columns: [‘nObservatories’]
- NormAirmassStacker
Calculate the normalized airmass for each opsim pointing.
Adds columns: [‘normairmass’]
- OpSimFieldStacker
Add the fieldId of the closest OpSim field for each RA/Dec pointing.
Adds columns: [‘opsimFieldId’]
- ParallacticAngleStacker
Add the parallactic angle to each visit.
Adds columns: [‘PA’]
- ParallaxFactorStacker
Calculate the parallax factors for each opsim pointing. Output parallax factor in arcseconds.
Adds columns: [‘ra_pi_amp’, ‘dec_pi_amp’]
- RandomDitherFieldPerNightStacker
Randomly dither the RA and Dec pointings up to maxDither degrees from center,
Adds columns: [‘randomDitherFieldPerNightRa’, ‘randomDitherFieldPerNightDec’]
- RandomDitherFieldPerVisitStacker
Randomly dither the RA and Dec pointings up to maxDither degrees from center,
Adds columns: [‘randomDitherFieldPerVisitRa’, ‘randomDitherFieldPerVisitDec’]
- RandomDitherPerNightStacker
Randomly dither the RA and Dec pointings up to maxDither degrees from center,
Adds columns: [‘randomDitherPerNightRa’, ‘randomDitherPerNightDec’]
- RandomRotDitherPerFilterChangeStacker
Randomly dither the physical angle of the telescope rotator wrt the mount,
Adds columns: [‘randomDitherPerFilterChangeRotTelPos’]
- SaturationStacker
Calculate the saturation limit of a point source. Assumes Guassian PSF.
Adds columns: [‘saturation_mag’]
- SdssRADecStacker
convert the p1,p2,p3… columns to radians and wrap them
Adds columns: [‘RA1’, ‘Dec1’, ‘RA2’, ‘Dec2’, ‘RA3’, ‘Dec3’, ‘RA4’, ‘Dec4’]
- SpiralDitherFieldPerNightStacker
Offset along an equidistant spiral with numPoints, out to a maximum radius of maxDither.
Adds columns: [‘spiralDitherFieldPerNightRa’, ‘spiralDitherFieldPerNightDec’]
- SpiralDitherFieldPerVisitStacker
Offset along an equidistant spiral with numPoints, out to a maximum radius of maxDither.
Adds columns: [‘spiralDitherFieldPerVisitRa’, ‘spiralDitherFieldPerVisitDec’]
- SpiralDitherPerNightStacker
Offset along an equidistant spiral with numPoints, out to a maximum radius of maxDither.
Adds columns: [‘spiralDitherPerNightRa’, ‘spiralDitherPerNightDec’]
- ZenithDistStacker
Calculate the zenith distance for each pointing.
Adds columns: [‘zenithDistance’]
Contributed mafContrib stackers¶
- FermatSpiralDitherFieldPerNightStacker
Offset along a Fermat’s spiral with numPoints, out to a maximum radius of maxDither.
Adds columns: []
- FermatSpiralDitherFieldPerVisitStacker
Offset along a Fermat’s spiral with numPoints, out to a maximum radius of maxDither.
Adds columns: []
- FermatSpiralDitherPerNightStacker
Offset along a Fermat’s spiral with numPoints, out to a maximum radius of maxDither.
Adds columns: []
- PentagonDiamondDitherFieldPerSeasonStacker
Offset along a diamond circumscribed by a pentagon.
Adds columns: []
- PentagonDiamondDitherPerSeasonStacker
Offset along a diamond circumscribed by a pentagon.
Adds columns: []
- PentagonDitherPerSeasonStacker
Offset along two pentagons, one inverted and inside the other.
Adds columns: []
- RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerNightStacker
Repulsive-randomly dither the RA and Dec pointings up to maxDither degrees from center, one dither offset
Adds columns: []
- RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisitStacker
Repulsive-randomly dither the RA and Dec pointings up to maxDither degrees from center,
Adds columns: []
- RepulsiveRandomDitherPerNightStacker
Repulsive-randomly dither the RA and Dec pointings up to maxDither degrees from center, one dither offset
Adds columns: []
- SpiralDitherPerSeasonStacker
Offsets along a 10pt spiral. Sequential offset for all fields every seaso along a 10pt spiral.
Adds columns: [‘spiralDitherFieldPerVisitRa’, ‘spiralDitherFieldPerVisitDec’]