Source code for lsst.sims.maf.batches.common

from __future__ import print_function
import inspect

import lsst.sims.maf.metrics as metrics
import lsst.sims.maf.stackers as stackers

__all__ = ['combineMetadata', 'filterList', 'radecCols', 'standardSummary', 'extendedSummary',
           'standardMetrics', 'extendedMetrics', 'standardAngleMetrics',
           'summaryCompletenessAtTime', 'summaryCompletenessOverH', 'fractionPopulationAtThreshold']

[docs]def combineMetadata(meta1, meta2): if meta1 is not None and meta2 is not None: meta = meta1 + ' ' + meta2 elif meta1 is not None: meta = meta1 elif meta2 is not None: meta = meta2 else: meta = None return meta
[docs]def filterList(all=True, extraSql=None, extraMetadata=None): """Return a list of filters, plot colors and orders. Parameters ---------- all : boolean, opt Include 'all' in the list of filters and as part of the colors/orders dictionaries. Default True. extraSql : str, opt Additional sql constraint to add to sqlconstraints returned per filter. Default None. extraMetadata : str, opt Substitute metadata to add to metadata strings composed per band. Default None. Returns ------- list, dict, dict List of filter names, dictionary of colors (for plots), dictionary of orders (for display) """ if all: filterlist = ('all', 'u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y') else: filterlist = ('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y') colors = {'u': 'cyan', 'g': 'g', 'r': 'orange', 'i': 'r', 'z': 'm', 'y': 'b'} orders = {'u': 1, 'g': 2, 'r': 3, 'i': 4, 'z': 5, 'y': 6} if all: colors['all'] = 'k' orders['all'] = 0 sqls = {} metadata = {} if extraMetadata is None: if extraSql is None or len(extraSql) == 0: md = '' else: md = '%s ' % extraSql else: md = '%s ' % extraMetadata for f in filterlist: if f == 'all': sqls[f] = '' metadata[f] = md + 'all bands' else: sqls[f] = 'filter = "%s"' % f metadata[f] = md + '%s band' % f if extraSql is not None and len(extraSql) > 0: for s in sqls: if s == 'all': sqls[s] = extraSql else: sqls[s] = '(%s) and (%s)' % (extraSql, sqls[s]) return filterlist, colors, orders, sqls, metadata
[docs]def radecCols(ditherStacker, colmap, ditherkwargs=None): degrees = colmap['raDecDeg'] if ditherStacker is None: raCol = colmap['ra'] decCol = colmap['dec'] stacker = None ditherMeta = None else: if isinstance(ditherStacker, stackers.BaseDitherStacker): stacker = ditherStacker else: s = stackers.BaseStacker().registry[ditherStacker] args = [f for f in inspect.getfullargspec(s).args if f.endswith('Col')] # Set up default dither kwargs. kwargs = {} for a in args: colmapCol = a.replace('Col', '') if colmapCol in colmap: kwargs[a] = colmap[colmapCol] # Update with passed values, if any. if ditherkwargs is not None: kwargs.update(ditherkwargs) stacker = s(degrees=degrees, **kwargs) raCol = stacker.colsAdded[0] decCol = stacker.colsAdded[1] # Send back some metadata information. ditherMeta = stacker.__class__.__name__.replace('Stacker', '') if ditherkwargs is not None: for k, v in ditherkwargs.items(): ditherMeta += ' ' + '%s:%s' % (k, v) return raCol, decCol, degrees, stacker, ditherMeta
[docs]def standardSummary(withCount=True): """A set of standard summary metrics, to calculate Mean, RMS, Median, #, Max/Min, and # 3-sigma outliers. """ standardSummary = [metrics.MeanMetric(), metrics.RmsMetric(), metrics.MedianMetric(), metrics.MaxMetric(), metrics.MinMetric(), metrics.NoutliersNsigmaMetric(metricName='N(+3Sigma)', nSigma=3), metrics.NoutliersNsigmaMetric(metricName='N(-3Sigma)', nSigma=-3.)] if withCount: standardSummary += [metrics.CountMetric()] return standardSummary
[docs]def extendedSummary(): """An extended set of summary metrics, to calculate all that is in the standard summary stats, plus 25/75 percentiles.""" extendedStats = standardSummary() extendedStats += [metrics.PercentileMetric(metricName='25th%ile', percentile=25), metrics.PercentileMetric(metricName='75th%ile', percentile=75)] return extendedStats
[docs]def standardMetrics(colname, replace_colname=None): """A set of standard simple metrics for some quantity. Typically would be applied with unislicer. Parameters ---------- colname : str The column name to apply the metrics to. replace_colname: str or None, opt Value to replace colname with in the metricName. i.e. if replace_colname='' then metric name is Mean, instead of Mean Airmass, or if replace_colname='seeingGeom', then metric name is Mean seeingGeom instead of Mean seeingFwhmGeom. Default is None, which does not alter the metric name. Returns ------- List of configured metrics. """ standardMetrics = [metrics.MeanMetric(colname), metrics.MedianMetric(colname), metrics.MinMetric(colname), metrics.MaxMetric(colname)] if replace_colname is not None: for m in standardMetrics: if len(replace_colname) > 0: ='%s' % colname, '%s' % replace_colname) else: =' %s' % colname) return standardMetrics
[docs]def extendedMetrics(colname, replace_colname=None): """An extended set of simple metrics for some quantity. Typically applied with unislicer. Parameters ---------- colname : str The column name to apply the metrics to. replace_colname: str or None, opt Value to replace colname with in the metricName. i.e. if replace_colname='' then metric name is Mean, instead of Mean Airmass, or if replace_colname='seeingGeom', then metric name is Mean seeingGeom instead of Mean seeingFwhmGeom. Default is None, which does not alter the metric name. Returns ------- List of configured metrics. """ extendedMetrics = standardMetrics(colname, replace_colname=None) extendedMetrics += [metrics.RmsMetric(colname), metrics.NoutliersNsigmaMetric(colname, metricName='N(+3Sigma) ' + colname, nSigma=3), metrics.NoutliersNsigmaMetric(colname, metricName='N(-3Sigma) ' + colname, nSigma=-3), metrics.PercentileMetric(colname, percentile=25), metrics.PercentileMetric(colname, percentile=75), metrics.CountMetric(colname)] if replace_colname is not None: for m in extendedMetrics: if len(replace_colname) > 0: ='%s' % colname, '%s' % replace_colname) else: =' %s' % colname) return extendedMetrics
[docs]def standardAngleMetrics(colname, replace_colname=None): """A set of standard simple metrics for some quantity which is a wrap-around angle. Parameters ---------- colname : str The column name to apply the metrics to. replace_colname: str or None, opt Value to replace colname with in the metricName. i.e. if replace_colname='' then metric name is Mean, instead of Mean Airmass, or if replace_colname='seeingGeom', then metric name is Mean seeingGeom instead of Mean seeingFwhmGeom. Default is None, which does not alter the metric name. Returns ------- List of configured metrics. """ standardAngleMetrics = [metrics.MeanAngleMetric(colname), metrics.RmsAngleMetric(colname), metrics.FullRangeAngleMetric(colname), metrics.MinMetric(colname), metrics.MaxMetric(colname)] if replace_colname is not None: for m in standardAngleMetrics: if len(replace_colname) > 0: ='%s' % colname, '%s' % replace_colname) else: =' %s' % colname) return standardAngleMetrics
[docs]def summaryCompletenessAtTime(times, Hval, Hindex=0.33): """A simple list of summary metrics to be applied to the Discovery_Time or PreviouslyKnown metrics. (can be used with any moving object metric which returns the time of discovery). Parameters ---------- times : np.ndarray or list The times at which to evaluate the completeness @ Hval. Hval : float The H value at which to evaluate the completeness (cumulative and differential). Hindex : float, opt The index of the power law to integrate H over (for cumulative completeness). Default is 0.33. Returns ------- List of moving object MoCompletenessAtTime metrics (cumulative and differential) """ summaryMetrics = [metrics.MoCompletenessAtTimeMetric(times=times, Hval=Hval, Hindex=Hindex, cumulative=False), metrics.MoCompletenessAtTimeMetric(times=times, Hval=Hval, Hindex=Hindex, cumulative=True)] return summaryMetrics
[docs]def summaryCompletenessOverH(requiredChances=1, Hindex=0.33): """A simple list of summary metrics to be applied to the Discovery_N_Chances metric. Parameters ---------- requiredChances : int, opt Number of discovery opportunities required to consider an object 'discovered'. Hindex : float, opt The index of the power law to integrate H over (for cumulative completeness). Default is 0.33. Returns ------- List of moving object MoCompleteness metrics (cumulative and differential) """ summaryMetrics = [metrics.MoCompletenessMetric(threshold=requiredChances, cumulative=False, Hindex=Hindex), metrics.MoCompletenessMetric(threshold=requiredChances, cumulative=True, Hindex=Hindex)] return summaryMetrics
[docs]def fractionPopulationAtThreshold(thresholds, optnames=None): """Creates a list of summary metrics to be applied to any moving object metric which reports a float value, calculating the fraction of the population above X. Parameters ---------- thresholds : list of float The thresholds at which to calculate what fraction of the population exceeds these values. optnames : list of str, opt If provided, these names will be used instead of the threshold values when constructing the metric names. This allows more descriptive summary statistic names. Returns ------- List of moving object MoCompleteness metrics (differential fractions of the population). """ fracMetrics = [] for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds): if optnames is not None: opt = optnames[i] else: opt = threshold m = metrics.MoCompletenessMetric(threshold=threshold, cumulative=False, metricName=f'FractionPop {opt}') fracMetrics.append(m) return fracMetrics