Source code for lsst.sims.maf.batches.descWFDBatch

import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
import lsst.sims.maf.metrics as metrics
import lsst.sims.maf.slicers as slicers
import lsst.sims.maf.plots as plots
import lsst.sims.maf.maps as maps
import lsst.sims.maf.metricBundles as mb
from .common import standardSummary, filterList, combineMetadata
from .colMapDict import ColMapDict

__all__ = ['descWFDBatch', 'tdcBatch']

[docs]def descWFDBatch(colmap=None, runName='opsim', nside=64, bandpass='i', nfilters_needed=6, lim_ebv=0.2, mag_cuts = {1: 24.75 - 0.1, 3: 25.35 - 0.1, 6: 25.72 - 0.1, 10: 26.0 - 0.1}): # Hide some dependencies .. we should probably bring these into MAF from mafContrib.lssmetrics.depthLimitedNumGalMetric import DepthLimitedNumGalMetric from mafContrib import (Plasticc_metric, plasticc_slicer, load_plasticc_lc) # The options to add additional sql constraints are removed for now. if colmap is None: colmap = ColMapDict('fbs') # Calculate a subset of DESC WFD-related metrics. displayDict = {'group': 'Cosmology'} subgroupCount = 1 standardStats = standardSummary(withCount=False) subsetPlots = [plots.HealpixSkyMap(), plots.HealpixHistogram()] if not isinstance(mag_cuts, dict): if isinstance(mag_cuts, float) or isinstance(mag_cuts, int): mag_cuts = {10: mag_cuts} else: raise TypeError() yrs = list(mag_cuts.keys()) maxYr = max(yrs) # Load up the plastic light curves models = ['SNIa-normal'] plasticc_models_dict = {} for model in models: plasticc_models_dict[model] = list(load_plasticc_lc(model=model).values()) # One of the primary concerns for DESC WFD metrics is to add dust extinction and coadded depth limits # as well as to get some coverage in all 6 bandpasses. # These cuts figure into many of the general metrics. displayDict['subgroup'] = f'{subgroupCount}: Static Science' ## Static Science # Calculate the static science metrics - effective survey area, mean/median coadded depth, stdev of # coadded depth and the 3x2ptFoM emulator. dustmap = maps.DustMap(nside=nside, interp=False) pix_area = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True) summaryMetrics = [metrics.MeanMetric(), metrics.MedianMetric(), metrics.RmsMetric(), metrics.CountRatioMetric(normVal=1/pix_area, metricName='Effective Area (deg)')] bundleList = [] displayDict['order'] = 0 for yr_cut in yrs: ptsrc_lim_mag_i_band = mag_cuts[yr_cut] sqlconstraint = 'night <= %s' % (yr_cut * 365.25) sqlconstraint += ' and note not like "DD%"' metadata = f'{bandpass} band non-DD year {yr_cut}' ThreebyTwoSummary = metrics.StaticProbesFoMEmulatorMetricSimple(nside=nside, year=yr_cut, metricName='3x2ptFoM') print(colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], colmap['filter']) m = metrics.ExgalM5_with_cuts(m5Col=colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], filterCol=colmap['filter'], lsstFilter=bandpass, nFilters=nfilters_needed, extinction_cut=lim_ebv, depth_cut=ptsrc_lim_mag_i_band) s = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, useCache=False) caption = f'Cosmology/Static Science metrics are based on evaluating the region of ' caption += f'the sky that meets the requirements (in year {yr_cut} of coverage in ' caption += f'all {nfilters_needed}, a lower E(B-V) value than {lim_ebv}, and at ' caption += f'least a coadded depth of {ptsrc_lim_mag_i_band} in {bandpass}. ' caption += f'From there the effective survey area, coadded depth, standard deviation of the depth, ' caption += f'and a 3x2pt static science figure of merit emulator are calculated using the ' caption += f'dust-extincted coadded depth map (over that reduced footprint).' displayDict['caption'] = caption bundle = mb.MetricBundle(m, s, sqlconstraint, mapsList=[dustmap], metadata=metadata, summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics + [ThreebyTwoSummary], displayDict=displayDict) displayDict['order'] += 1 bundleList.append(bundle) ## LSS Science # The only metric we have from LSS is the NGals metric - which is similar to the GalaxyCountsExtended # metric, but evaluated only on the depth/dust cuts footprint. subgroupCount += 1 displayDict['subgroup'] = f'{subgroupCount}: LSS' displayDict['order'] = 0 plotDict = {'nTicks': 5} # Have to include all filters in query, so that we check for all-band coverage. # Galaxy numbers calculated using 'bandpass' images only though. sqlconstraint = f'note not like "DD%"' metadata = f'{bandpass} band galaxies non-DD' metric = DepthLimitedNumGalMetric(m5Col=colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], filterCol=colmap['filter'], nside=nside, filterBand=bandpass, redshiftBin='all', nfilters_needed=nfilters_needed, lim_mag_i_ptsrc=mag_cuts[maxYr], lim_ebv=lim_ebv) summary = [metrics.AreaSummaryMetric(area=18000, reduce_func=np.sum, decreasing=True, metricName='N Galaxies (18k)')] summary.append(metrics.SumMetric(metricName='N Galaxies (all)')) slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, useCache=False) bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, plotDict=plotDict, metadata=metadata, mapsList=[dustmap], displayDict=displayDict, summaryMetrics=summary, plotFuncs=subsetPlots) bundleList.append(bundle) ## WL metrics # Calculates the number of visits per pointing, after removing parts of the footprint due to dust/depth subgroupCount += 1 displayDict['subgroup'] = f'{subgroupCount}: WL' displayDict['order'] = 0 sqlconstraint = f'note not like "DD%" and filter = "{bandpass}"' metadata = f'{bandpass} band non-DD' minExpTime = 15 m = metrics.WeakLensingNvisits(m5Col=colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], expTimeCol=colmap['exptime'], lsstFilter=bandpass, depthlim=mag_cuts[maxYr], ebvlim=lim_ebv, min_expTime=minExpTime) s = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, useCache=False) displayDict['caption'] = f'The number of visits per pointing, over the same reduced footprint as ' displayDict['caption'] += f'described above. A cutoff of {minExpTime} removes very short visits.' displayDict['order'] = 1 bundle = mb.MetricBundle(m, s, sqlconstraint, mapsList=[dustmap], metadata=metadata, summaryMetrics=standardStats, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) # This probably will get replaced by @pgris's SN metrics? subgroupCount += 1 displayDict['subgroup'] = f'{subgroupCount}: SNe Ia' displayDict['order'] = 0 # XXX-- use the light curves from PLASTICC here displayDict['caption'] = 'Fraction of normal SNe Ia (using PLaSTICCs)' sqlconstraint = 'note not like "DD%"' metadata = 'non-DD' slicer = plasticc_slicer(plcs=plasticc_models_dict['SNIa-normal'], seed=42, badval=0) metric = Plasticc_metric(metricName='SNIa') # Set the maskval so that we count missing objects as zero. summary_stats = [metrics.MeanMetric(maskVal=0)] plotFuncs = [plots.HealpixSkyMap()] bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, metadata=metadata, summaryMetrics=summary_stats, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) subgroupCount += 1 displayDict['subgroup'] = f'{subgroupCount}: Camera Rotator' displayDict['caption'] = 'Kuiper statistic (0 is uniform, 1 is delta function) of the ' slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside) metric1 = metrics.KuiperMetric('rotSkyPos') metric2 = metrics.KuiperMetric('rotTelPos') filterlist, colors, filterorders, filtersqls, filtermetadata = filterList(all=False, extraSql=None, extraMetadata=None) for f in filterlist: for m in [metric1, metric2]: plotDict = {'color': colors[f]} displayDict['order'] = filterorders[f] displayDict['caption'] += f"{m.colname} for visits in {f} band." bundleList.append(mb.MetricBundle(m, slicer, filtersqls[f], plotDict=plotDict, displayDict=displayDict, summaryMetrics=standardStats, plotFuncs=subsetPlots)) # Set the runName for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.setRunName(runName) return mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList)
[docs]def tdcBatch(colmap=None, runName='opsim', nside=64, extraSql=None, extraMetadata=None): # The options to add additional sql constraints are removed for now. if colmap is None: colmap = ColMapDict('fbs') # Calculate a subset of DESC WFD-related metrics. displayDict = {'group': 'Strong Lensing'} displayDict['subgroup'] = 'Lens Time Delay' subsetPlots = [plots.HealpixSkyMap(), plots.HealpixHistogram()] summaryMetrics = [metrics.MeanMetric(), metrics.MedianMetric(), metrics.RmsMetric()] # Ideally need a way to do better on calculating the summary metrics for the high accuracy area. slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, useCache=False) tdcMetric = metrics.TdcMetric(metricName='TDC', mjdCol=colmap['mjd'], nightCol=colmap['night'], filterCol=colmap['filter'], m5Col=colmap['fiveSigmaDepth']) dustmap = maps.DustMap(nside=nside, interp=False) bundle = mb.MetricBundle(tdcMetric, slicer, constraint=extraSql, metadata=extraMetadata, displayDict=displayDict, plotFuncs=subsetPlots, mapsList=[dustmap], summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics) bundleList = [bundle] # Set the runName for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.setRunName(runName) return mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList)