"""Evaluate some bulk properties of the sky coverage
import numpy as np
import lsst.sims.maf.metrics as metrics
import lsst.sims.maf.slicers as slicers
import lsst.sims.maf.metricBundles as mb
from .colMapDict import ColMapDict
__all__ = ['meanRADec', 'eastWestBias']
[docs]def meanRADec(colmap=None, runName='opsim', extraSql=None, extraMetadata=None):
"""Plot the range of RA/Dec as a function of night.
colmap : dict, opt
A dictionary with a mapping of column names. Default will use OpsimV4 column names.
runName : str, opt
The name of the simulated survey. Default is "opsim".
extraSql : str, opt
Additional constraint to add to any sql constraints (e.g. 'night<365')
Default None, for no additional constraints.
extraMetadata : str, opt
Additional metadata to add before any below (i.e. "WFD"). Default is None.
if colmap is None:
colmap = ColMapDict('opsimV4')
bundleList = []
plotBundles = []
group = 'RA Dec coverage'
subgroup = 'All visits'
if extraMetadata is not None:
subgroup = extraMetadata
displayDict = {'group': group, 'subgroup': subgroup, 'order': 0}
ra_metrics = [metrics.MeanAngleMetric(colmap['ra']), metrics.FullRangeAngleMetric(colmap['ra'])]
dec_metrics = [metrics.MeanMetric(colmap['dec']), metrics.MinMetric(colmap['dec']),
for m in ra_metrics:
slicer = slicers.OneDSlicer(sliceColName=colmap['night'], binsize=1)
if not colmap['raDecDeg']:
plotDict = {'yMin': np.radians(-5), 'yMax': np.radians(365)}
plotDict = {'yMin': -5, 'yMax': 365}
bundle = mb.MetricBundle(m, slicer, extraSql, metadata=extraMetadata,
displayDict=displayDict, plotDict=plotDict)
for m in dec_metrics:
slicer = slicers.OneDSlicer(sliceColName=colmap['night'], binsize=1)
bundle = mb.MetricBundle(m, slicer, extraSql, metadata=extraMetadata,
# Set the runName for all bundles and return the bundleDict.
for b in bundleList:
return mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList), plotBundles
[docs]def eastWestBias(colmap=None, runName='opsim', extraSql=None, extraMetadata=None):
"""Plot the number of observations to the east vs to the west, per night.
colmap : dict, opt
A dictionary with a mapping of column names. Default will use OpsimV4 column names.
runName : str, opt
The name of the simulated survey. Default is "opsim".
extraSql : str, opt
Additional constraint to add to any sql constraints (e.g. 'night<365')
Default None, for no additional constraints.
extraMetadata : str, opt
Additional metadata to add before any below (i.e. "WFD"). Default is None.
if colmap is None:
colmap = ColMapDict('opsimV4')
bundleList = []
plotBundles = []
group = 'East vs West'
subgroup = 'All visits'
if extraMetadata is not None:
subgroup = extraMetadata
displayDict = {'group': group, 'subgroup': subgroup, 'order': 0}
eastvswest = 180
if not colmap['raDecDeg']:
eastvswest = np.radians(eastvswest)
displayDict['caption'] = 'Number of visits per night that occur with azimuth <= 180.'
if extraSql is not None:
displayDict['caption'] += ' With additional sql constraint %s.' % extraSql
metric = metrics.CountMetric(colmap['night'], metricName='Nvisits East')
slicer = slicers.OneDSlicer(sliceColName=colmap['night'], binsize=1)
sql = '%s <= %f' % (colmap['az'], eastvswest)
if extraSql is not None:
sql = '(%s) and (%s)' % (sql, extraSql)
plotDict = {'color': 'orange', 'label': 'East'}
bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sql, metadata=extraMetadata,
displayDict=displayDict, plotDict=plotDict)
displayDict['caption'] = 'Number of visits per night that occur with azimuth > 180.'
if extraSql is not None:
displayDict['caption'] += ' With additional sql constraint %s.' % extraSql
metric = metrics.CountMetric(colmap['night'], metricName='Nvisits West')
slicer = slicers.OneDSlicer(sliceColName=colmap['night'], binsize=1)
sql = '%s > %f' % (colmap['az'], eastvswest)
if extraSql is not None:
sql = '(%s) and (%s)' % (sql, extraSql)
plotDict = {'color': 'blue', 'label': 'West'}
bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sql, metadata=extraMetadata,
displayDict=displayDict, plotDict=plotDict)
# Set the runName for all bundles and return the bundleDict.
for b in bundleList:
return mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList), plotBundles