Source code for lsst.sims.maf.batches.visitdepthBatch

"""Sets of metrics to look at general sky coverage - nvisits/coadded depth/Teff.
import numpy as np
import lsst.sims.maf.metrics as metrics
import lsst.sims.maf.slicers as slicers
import lsst.sims.maf.plots as plots
import lsst.sims.maf.metricBundles as mb
import lsst.sims.maf.utils as mafUtils
from .colMapDict import ColMapDict, getColMap
from .common import standardSummary, filterList, radecCols, combineMetadata

__all__ = ['nvisitsM5Maps', 'tEffMetrics', 'nvisitsPerNight', 'nvisitsPerProp']

[docs]def nvisitsM5Maps(colmap=None, runName='opsim', extraSql=None, extraMetadata=None, nside=64, runLength=10., ditherStacker=None, ditherkwargs=None): """Generate number of visits and Coadded depth per RA/Dec point in all and per filters. Parameters ---------- colmap : dict, opt A dictionary with a mapping of column names. Default will use OpsimV4 column names. runName : str, opt The name of the simulated survey. Default is "opsim". extraSql : str, opt Additional constraint to add to any sql constraints (e.g. 'propId=1' or 'fieldID=522'). Default None, for no additional constraints. extraMetadata : str, opt Additional metadata to add before any below (i.e. "WFD"). Default is None. nside : int, opt Nside value for healpix slicer. Default 64. If "None" is passed, the healpixslicer-based metrics will be skipped. runLength : float, opt Length of the simulated survey, for scaling values for the plot limits. Default 10. ditherStacker: str or lsst.sims.maf.stackers.BaseDitherStacker Optional dither stacker to use to define ra/dec columns. ditherkwargs: dict, opt Optional dictionary of kwargs for the dither stacker. Returns ------- metricBundleDict """ if colmap is None: colmap = ColMapDict('opsimV4') bundleList = [] subgroup = extraMetadata if subgroup is None: subgroup = 'All visits' raCol, decCol, degrees, ditherStacker, ditherMeta = radecCols(ditherStacker, colmap, ditherkwargs) extraMetadata = combineMetadata(extraMetadata, ditherMeta) # Set up basic all and per filter sql constraints. filterlist, colors, orders, sqls, metadata = filterList(all=True, extraSql=extraSql, extraMetadata=extraMetadata) # Set up some values to make nicer looking plots. benchmarkVals = mafUtils.scaleBenchmarks(runLength, benchmark='design') # Check that nvisits is not set to zero (for very short run length). for f in benchmarkVals['nvisits']: if benchmarkVals['nvisits'][f] == 0: print('Updating benchmark nvisits value in %s to be nonzero' % (f)) benchmarkVals['nvisits'][f] = 1 benchmarkVals['coaddedDepth'] = mafUtils.calcCoaddedDepth(benchmarkVals['nvisits'], benchmarkVals['singleVisitDepth']) # Scale the nvisit ranges for the runLength. nvisitsRange = {'u': [20, 80], 'g': [50, 150], 'r': [100, 250], 'i': [100, 250], 'z': [100, 300], 'y': [100, 300], 'all': [700, 1200]} scale = runLength / 10.0 for f in nvisitsRange: for i in [0, 1]: nvisitsRange[f][i] = int(np.floor(nvisitsRange[f][i] * scale)) # Generate Nvisit maps in all and per filters displayDict = {'group': 'Nvisits Maps', 'subgroup': subgroup} metric = metrics.CountMetric(colmap['mjd'], metricName='NVisits', units='') slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, latCol=decCol, lonCol=raCol, latLonDeg=degrees) for f in filterlist: sql = sqls[f] displayDict['caption'] = 'Number of visits per healpix in %s.' % metadata[f] displayDict['order'] = orders[f] binsize = 2 if f == 'all': binsize = 5 plotDict = {'xMin': nvisitsRange[f][0], 'xMax': nvisitsRange[f][1], 'colorMin': nvisitsRange[f][0], 'colorMax': nvisitsRange[f][1], 'binsize': binsize, 'color': colors[f]} bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sql, metadata=metadata[f], stackerList=ditherStacker, displayDict=displayDict, plotDict=plotDict, summaryMetrics=standardSummary()) bundleList.append(bundle) # Generate Coadded depth maps per filter displayDict = {'group': 'Coadded M5 Maps', 'subgroup': subgroup} metric = metrics.Coaddm5Metric(m5Col=colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], metricName='CoaddM5') slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, latCol=decCol, lonCol=raCol, latLonDeg=degrees) for f in filterlist: # Skip "all" for coadded depth. if f == 'all': continue mag_zp = benchmarkVals['coaddedDepth'][f] sql = sqls[f] displayDict['caption'] = 'Coadded depth per healpix, with %s benchmark value subtracted (%.1f) ' \ 'in %s.' % (f, mag_zp, metadata[f]) displayDict['caption'] += ' More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.' displayDict['order'] = orders[f] plotDict = {'zp': mag_zp, 'xMin': -0.6, 'xMax': 0.6, 'xlabel': 'coadded m5 - %.1f' % mag_zp, 'colorMin': -0.6, 'colorMax': 0.6, 'color': colors[f]} bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sql, metadata=metadata[f], stackerList=ditherStacker, displayDict=displayDict, plotDict=plotDict, summaryMetrics=standardSummary()) bundleList.append(bundle) # Set the runName for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.setRunName(runName) return mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList)
[docs]def tEffMetrics(colmap=None, runName='opsim', extraSql=None, extraMetadata=None, nside=64, ditherStacker=None, ditherkwargs=None): """Generate a series of Teff metrics. Teff total, per night, and sky maps (all and per filter). Parameters ---------- colmap : dict, opt A dictionary with a mapping of column names. Default will use OpsimV4 column names. runName : str, opt The name of the simulated survey. Default is "opsim". extraSql : str, opt Additional constraint to add to any sql constraints (e.g. 'propId=1' or 'fieldID=522'). Default None, for no additional constraints. extraMetadata : str, opt Additional metadata to add before any below (i.e. "WFD"). Default is None. nside : int, opt Nside value for healpix slicer. Default 64. If "None" is passed, the healpixslicer-based metrics will be skipped. ditherStacker: str or lsst.sims.maf.stackers.BaseDitherStacker Optional dither stacker to use to define ra/dec columns. ditherkwargs: dict, opt Optional dictionary of kwargs for the dither stacker. Returns ------- metricBundleDict """ if colmap is None: colmap = ColMapDict('opsimV4') bundleList = [] subgroup = extraMetadata if subgroup is None: subgroup = 'All visits' raCol, decCol, degrees, ditherStacker, ditherMeta = radecCols(ditherStacker, colmap, ditherkwargs) extraMetadata = combineMetadata(extraMetadata, ditherMeta) # Set up basic all and per filter sql constraints. filterlist, colors, orders, sqls, metadata = filterList(all=True, extraSql=extraSql, extraMetadata=extraMetadata) if metadata['all'] is None: metadata['all'] = 'All visits' subsetPlots = [plots.HealpixSkyMap(), plots.HealpixHistogram()] # Total Teff and normalized Teff. displayDict = {'group': 'T_eff Summary', 'subgroup': subgroup} displayDict['caption'] = 'Total effective time of the survey (see Teff metric).' displayDict['order'] = 0 metric = metrics.TeffMetric(m5Col=colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], filterCol=colmap['filter'], normed=False, metricName='Total Teff') slicer = slicers.UniSlicer() bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint=sqls['all'], displayDict=displayDict, metadata=metadata['all']) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict['caption'] = 'Normalized total effective time of the survey (see Teff metric).' displayDict['order'] = 1 metric = metrics.TeffMetric(m5Col=colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], filterCol=colmap['filter'], normed=True, metricName='Normalized Teff') slicer = slicers.UniSlicer() bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint=sqls['all'], displayDict=displayDict, metadata=metadata['all']) bundleList.append(bundle) # Generate Teff maps in all and per filters displayDict = {'group': 'T_eff Maps', 'subgroup': subgroup} if ditherMeta is not None: for m in metadata: metadata[m] = combineMetadata(metadata[m], ditherMeta) metric = metrics.TeffMetric(m5Col=colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], filterCol=colmap['filter'], normed=True, metricName='Normalized Teff') slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, latCol=decCol, lonCol=raCol, latLonDeg=degrees) for f in filterlist: displayDict['caption'] = 'Normalized effective time of the survey, for %s' % metadata[f] displayDict['order'] = orders[f] plotDict = {'color': colors[f]} bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqls[f], metadata=metadata[f], stackerList=ditherStacker, displayDict=displayDict, plotFuncs=subsetPlots, plotDict=plotDict, summaryMetrics=standardSummary()) bundleList.append(bundle) # Set the runName for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.setRunName(runName) return mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList)
[docs]def nvisitsPerNight(colmap=None, runName='opsim', binNights=1, extraSql=None, extraMetadata=None, subgroup=None): """Count the number of visits per night through the survey. Parameters ---------- colmap : dict or None, opt A dictionary with a mapping of column names. Default will use OpsimV4 column names. runName : str, opt The name of the simulated survey. Default is "opsim". binNights : int, opt Number of nights to count in each bin. Default = 1, count number of visits in each night. extraSql : str or None, opt Additional constraint to add to any sql constraints (e.g. 'propId=1' or 'fieldID=522'). Default None, for no additional constraints. extraMetadata : str or None, opt Additional metadata to add before any below (i.e. "WFD"). Default is None. subgroup : str or None, opt Use this for the 'subgroup' in the displayDict, instead of metadata. Default is None. Returns ------- metricBundleDict """ if colmap is None: colmap = ColMapDict('opsimV4') subgroup = subgroup if subgroup is None: subgroup = extraMetadata if subgroup is None: subgroup = 'All visits' metadataCaption = extraMetadata if extraMetadata is None: if extraSql is not None: metadataCaption = extraSql else: metadataCaption = 'all visits' bundleList = [] displayDict = {'group': 'Nvisits Per Night', 'subgroup': subgroup} displayDict['caption'] = 'Number of visits per night for %s.' % (metadataCaption) displayDict['order'] = 0 metric = metrics.CountMetric(colmap['mjd'], metricName='Nvisits') slicer = slicers.OneDSlicer(sliceColName=colmap['night'], binsize=binNights) bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, extraSql, metadata=metadataCaption, displayDict=displayDict, summaryMetrics=standardSummary()) bundleList.append(bundle) # Set the runName for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.setRunName(runName) return mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList)
[docs]def nvisitsPerProp(opsdb, colmap=None, runName='opsim', binNights=1, extraSql=None): """Set up a group of all and per-proposal nvisits metrics. Parameters ---------- opsdb : lsst.sims.maf.db.Database or lsst.sims.maf.db.OpsimDatabase* object colmap : dict or None, opt A dictionary with a mapping of column names. Default will use OpsimV4 column names. runName : str, opt The name of the simulated survey. Default is "opsim". binNights : int, opt Number of nights to count in each bin. Default = 1, count number of visits in each night. sqlConstraint : str or None, opt SQL constraint to add to all metrics. Returns ------- metricBundle """ if colmap is None: colmap = getColMap(opsdb) propids, proptags = opsdb.fetchPropInfo() bdict = {} bundleList = [] totvisits = opsdb.fetchNVisits() metadata = 'All props' if extraSql is not None and len(extraSql) > 0: metadata += ' %s' % extraSql # Nvisits per night, all proposals. bdict.update(nvisitsPerNight(colmap=colmap, runName=runName, binNights=binNights, extraSql=extraSql, extraMetadata=metadata, subgroup='All proposals')) # Nvisits total, all proposals. metric = metrics.CountMetric(colmap['mjd'], metricName='Nvisits') slicer = slicers.UniSlicer() summaryMetrics = [metrics.IdentityMetric(metricName='Count'), metrics.NormalizeMetric(normVal=totvisits, metricName='Fraction of total')] displayDict = {'group': 'Nvisit Summary', 'subgroup': 'Proposal distribution', 'order': -1} displayDict['caption'] = 'Total number of visits for all proposals.' if extraSql is not None and len(extraSql) > 0: displayDict['caption'] += ' (with constraint %s.)' % extraSql bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, extraSql, metadata=metadata, displayDict=displayDict, summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics) bundleList.append(bundle) # Look for any multi-proposal groups that we should include. for tag in proptags: if len(proptags[tag]) > 1: pids = proptags[tag] sql = '(' for pid in pids[:-1]: sql += '%s=%d or ' % (colmap['proposalId'], pid) sql += ' %s=%d)' % (colmap['proposalId'], pids[-1]) metadata = '%s' % tag if extraSql is not None: sql = '(%s) and (%s)' % (sql, extraSql) metadata += ' %s' % (extraSql) bdict.update(nvisitsPerNight(colmap=colmap, runName=runName, binNights=binNights, extraSql=sql, extraMetadata=metadata, subgroup=tag)) displayDict['order'] += 1 displayDict['caption'] = 'Number of visits and fraction of total visits, for %s.' % metadata bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sql, metadata=metadata, summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) # And each proposal separately. for propid in propids: sql = '%s=%d' % (colmap['proposalId'], propid) metadata = '%s' % (propids[propid]) if extraSql is not None: sql += ' and (%s)' % (extraSql) metadata += ' %s' % extraSql bdict.update(nvisitsPerNight(colmap=colmap, runName=runName, binNights=binNights, extraSql=sql, extraMetadata=metadata, subgroup='Per proposal')) displayDict['order'] += 1 displayDict['caption'] = 'Number of visits and fraction of total visits, for %s.' % metadata bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint=sql, metadata=metadata, summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) for b in bundleList: b.setRunName(runName) bdict.update(mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList)) return bdict