from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import object
import inspect
from future.utils import with_metaclass
__all__ = ['MapsRegistry', 'BaseMap']
[docs]class MapsRegistry(type):
Meta class for Maps, to build a registry of maps classes.
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
super(MapsRegistry, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
if not hasattr(cls, 'registry'):
cls.registry = {}
modname = inspect.getmodule(cls).__name__
if modname.startswith('lsst.sims.maf.maps'):
modname = ''
if len(modname.split('.')) > 1:
modname = '.'.join(modname.split('.')[:-1]) + '.'
modname = modname + '.'
mapsname = modname + name
if mapsname in cls.registry:
raise Exception('Redefining maps %s! (there are >1 maps with the same name)' %(mapsname))
if mapsname != 'BaseMaps':
cls.registry[mapsname] = cls
[docs] def getClass(cls, mapsname):
return cls.registry[mapsname]
[docs] def help(cls, doc=False):
for mapsname in sorted(cls.registry):
if not doc:
if doc:
print('---- ', mapsname, ' ----')
maps = cls.registry[mapsname]()
print(' added to SlicePoint: ', ','.join(maps.keynames))
[docs]class BaseMap(with_metaclass(MapsRegistry, object)):
""" """
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.keynames = ['newkey']
def __eq__(self, othermap):
return self.keynames == othermap.keynames
def __ne__(self, othermap):
return self.keynames != othermap.keynames
def __lt__(self, othermap):
return (self.keynames < othermap.keynames)
def __gt__(self, othermap):
return (self.keynames > othermap.keynames)
def __le__(self, othermap):
return (self.keynames <= othermap.keynames)
def __ge__(self, othermap):
return (self.keynames >= othermap.keynames)
[docs] def run(self, slicePoints):
Given slicePoints (dict containing metadata about each slicePoint, including ra/dec),
adds additional metadata at each slicepoint and returns updated dict.
raise NotImplementedError('This must be defined in subclass')