import os
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
from lsst.utils import getPackageDir
from lsst.sims.maf.utils import radec2pix
from . import BaseMap
__all__ = ['StellarDensityMap']
[docs]class StellarDensityMap(BaseMap):
Return the cumulative stellar luminosity function for each slicepoint. Units of stars per sq degree.
Uses a healpix map of nside=64. Uses the nearest healpix point for other ra,dec values.
startype : str ('allstars', 'wdstars')
Load the luminosity function for all stars ('allstars'), which includes main-sequence stars
white dwarfs, blue horozontal branch, RR Lyrae, and Cepheids. The 'wdstars' option only includes
white dwarf stars.
filtername : str
Filter to use. Options of u,g,r,i,z,y
def __init__(self, startype='allstars', filtername='r'):
self.mapDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_maps'), 'StarMaps')
self.filtername = filtername
self.keynames = [f'starLumFunc_{self.filtername}', f'starMapBins_{self.filtername}']
if startype == 'allstars':
self.startype = ''
self.startype = startype+'_'
def _readMap(self):
filename = 'starDensity_%s_%snside_64.npz' % (self.filtername, self.startype)
starMap = np.load(os.path.join(self.mapDir,filename))
self.starMap = starMap['starDensity'].copy()
self.starMapBins = starMap['bins'].copy()
self.starmapNside = hp.npix2nside(np.size(self.starMap[:,0]))
[docs] def run(self, slicePoints):
nsideMatch = False
if 'nside' in slicePoints:
if slicePoints['nside'] == self.starmapNside:
slicePoints[f'starLumFunc_{self.filtername}'] = self.starMap
nsideMatch = True
if not nsideMatch:
# Compute the healpix for each slicepoint on the nside=64 grid
indx = radec2pix(self.starmapNside, slicePoints['ra'], slicePoints['dec'])
slicePoints[f'starLumFunc_{self.filtername}'] = self.starMap[indx,:]
slicePoints[f'starMapBins_{self.filtername}'] = self.starMapBins
return slicePoints