import numpy as np
from .baseMetric import BaseMetric
__all__ = ['YearCoverageMetric']
[docs]class YearCoverageMetric(BaseMetric):
"""Count the number of bins covered by nightCol -- default bins are 'years'.
Handy for checking that a point on the sky gets observed every year, as the default settings
result in the metric returning the number years in the dataslice (when used with a HealpixSlicer).
nightCol: str, opt
Data column to histogram. Default 'night'.
bins: numpy.ndarray, opt
Bins to use in the histogram. Default corresponds to years 0-10 (with 365.25 nights per year).
units: str, opt
Units to use for the metric result. Default 'N years'.
Number of histogram bins where the histogram value is greater than 0.
Typically this will be the number of years in the 'nightCol'.
def __init__(self, nightCol='night', bins=None, units=None, **kwargs):
self.nightCol = nightCol
if bins is None:
self.bins = np.arange(0, np.ceil(365.25*10.), 365.25) - 0.5
self.bins = bins
if units is None:
units = 'N years'
super().__init__([nightCol], units=units)
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint):
hist, be = np.histogram(dataSlice[self.nightCol], bins=self.bins)
result = np.where(hist > 0)[0].size
return result