from builtins import zip
import numpy as np
from .baseMetric import BaseMetric
from lsst.sims.utils import Site
__all__ = ['HourglassMetric']
def nearestVal(A, val):
return A[np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(A)-val))]
[docs]class HourglassMetric(BaseMetric):
"""Plot the filters used as a function of time. Must be used with the Hourglass Slicer."""
def __init__(self, telescope='LSST', mjdCol='observationStartMJD', filterCol='filter',
nightCol='night', **kwargs):
self.mjdCol = mjdCol
self.filterCol = filterCol
self.nightCol = nightCol
cols = [self.mjdCol, self.filterCol, self.nightCol]
super(HourglassMetric, self).__init__(col=cols, metricDtype='object', **kwargs)
self.telescope = Site(name=telescope)
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None):
import ephem
unights, uindx = np.unique(dataSlice[self.nightCol], return_index=True)
names = ['mjd', 'midnight', 'moonPer', 'twi6_rise', 'twi6_set', 'twi12_rise',
'twi12_set', 'twi18_rise', 'twi18_set']
types = ['float']*len(names)
pernight = np.zeros(len(unights), dtype=list(zip(names, types)))
pernight['mjd'] = dataSlice[self.mjdCol][uindx]
left = np.searchsorted(dataSlice[self.nightCol], unights)
lsstObs = ephem.Observer() = self.telescope.latitude_rad
lsstObs.lon = self.telescope.longitude_rad
lsstObs.elevation = self.telescope.height
horizons = ['-6', '-12', '-18']
key = ['twi6', 'twi12', 'twi18']
obsList = []
S = ephem.Sun()
moon = ephem.Moon()
for h in horizons:
obs = ephem.Observer(), obs.lon, obs.elevation = self.telescope.latitude_rad, self.telescope.longitude_rad, \
obs.horizon = h
# Convert ...pyephem uses 1899 as it's zero-day, and MJD has Nov 17 1858 as zero-day.
doff = ephem.Date(0)-ephem.Date('1858/11/17')
for i, mjd in enumerate(pernight['mjd']):
mjd = mjd-doff
pernight['midnight'][i] = nearestVal([lsstObs.previous_antitransit(S, start=mjd),
lsstObs.next_antitransit(S, start=mjd)], mjd) + doff
pernight['moonPer'][i] = moon.phase
for j, obs in enumerate(obsList):
pernight[key[j]+'_rise'][i] = obs.next_rising(S, start=pernight['midnight'][i]-doff,
use_center=True) + doff
pernight[key[j]+'_set'][i] = obs.previous_setting(S, start=pernight['midnight'][i]-doff,
use_center=True) + doff
# Define the breakpoints as where either the filter changes OR
# there's more than a 2 minute gap in observing
good = np.where((dataSlice[self.filterCol] != np.roll(dataSlice[self.filterCol], 1)) |
(np.abs(np.roll(dataSlice[self.mjdCol], 1) -
dataSlice[self.mjdCol]) > 120./3600./24.))[0]
good = np.concatenate((good, [0], [len(dataSlice[self.filterCol])]))
good = np.unique(good)
left = good[:-1]
right = good[1:]-1
good = np.ravel(list(zip(left, right)))
names = ['mjd', 'midnight', 'filter']
types = ['float', 'float', (np.str_ ,1)]
perfilter = np.zeros((good.size), dtype=list(zip(names, types)))
perfilter['mjd'] = dataSlice[self.mjdCol][good]
perfilter['filter'] = dataSlice[self.filterCol][good]
for i, mjd in enumerate(perfilter['mjd']):
mjd = mjd - doff
perfilter['midnight'][i] = nearestVal([lsstObs.previous_antitransit(S, start=mjd),
lsstObs.next_antitransit(S, start=mjd)], mjd)+doff
return {'pernight': pernight, 'perfilter': perfilter}