import numpy as np
import warnings
from .moMetrics import BaseMoMetric
__all__ = ['integrateOverH', 'ValueAtHMetric', 'MeanValueAtHMetric',
'MoCompletenessMetric', 'MoCompletenessAtTimeMetric']
[docs]def integrateOverH(Mvalues, Hvalues, Hindex = 0.33):
"""Function to calculate a metric value integrated over an Hrange, assuming a power-law distribution.
Mvalues : numpy.ndarray
The metric values at each H value.
Hvalues : numpy.ndarray
The H values corresponding to each Mvalue (must be the same length).
Hindex : float, opt
The power-law index expected for the H value distribution.
Default is 0.33 (dN/dH = 10^(Hindex * H) ).
The integrated or cumulative metric values.
# Set expected H distribution.
# dndh = differential size distribution (number in this bin)
dndh = np.power(10., Hindex*(Hvalues-Hvalues.min()))
# dn = cumulative size distribution (number in this bin and brighter)
intVals = np.cumsum(Mvalues*dndh)/np.cumsum(dndh)
return intVals
[docs]class ValueAtHMetric(BaseMoMetric):
"""Return the metric value at a given H value.
Requires the metric values to be one-dimensional (typically, completeness values).
Hmark : float, opt
The H value at which to look up the metric value. Default = 22.
def __init__(self, Hmark=22, **kwargs):
metricName = 'Value At H=%.1f' %(Hmark)
super(ValueAtHMetric, self).__init__(metricName=metricName, **kwargs)
self.Hmark = Hmark
[docs] def run(self, metricVals, Hvals):
# Check if desired H value is within range of H values.
if (self.Hmark < Hvals.min()) or (self.Hmark > Hvals.max()):
warnings.warn('Desired H value of metric outside range of provided H values.')
return None
if metricVals.shape[0] != 1:
warnings.warn('This is not an appropriate summary statistic for this data - need 1d values.')
return None
value = np.interp(self.Hmark, Hvals, metricVals[0])
return value
[docs]class MeanValueAtHMetric(BaseMoMetric):
"""Return the mean value of a metric at a given H.
Allows the metric values to be multi-dimensional (i.e. use a cloned H distribution).
Hmark : float, opt
The H value at which to look up the metric value. Default = 22.
def __init__(self, Hmark=22, reduceFunc=np.mean, metricName=None, **kwargs):
if metricName is None:
metricName = 'Mean Value At H=%.1f' %(Hmark)
super(MeanValueAtHMetric, self).__init__(metricName=metricName, **kwargs)
self.Hmark = Hmark
self.reduceFunc = reduceFunc
[docs] def run(self, metricVals, Hvals):
# Check if desired H value is within range of H values.
if (self.Hmark < Hvals.min()) or (self.Hmark > Hvals.max()):
warnings.warn('Desired H value of metric outside range of provided H values.')
return None
value = np.interp(self.Hmark, Hvals, self.reduceFunc(metricVals.swapaxes(0, 1), axis=1))
return value
[docs]class MoCompletenessMetric(BaseMoMetric):
"""Calculate the fraction of the population that meets `threshold` value or higher.
This is equivalent to calculating the completeness (relative to the entire population) given
the output of a Discovery_N_Chances metric, or the fraction of the population that meets a given cutoff
value for Color determination metrics.
Any moving object metric that outputs a float value can thus have the 'fraction of the population'
with greater than X value calculated here, as a summary statistic.
threshold : int, opt
Count the fraction of the population that exceeds this value. Default = 1.
nbins : int, opt
If the H values for the metric are not a cloned distribution, then split up H into this many bins.
Default 20.
minHrange : float, opt
If the H values for the metric are not a cloned distribution, then split up H into at least this
range (otherwise just use the min/max of the H values). Default 1.0
cumulative : bool, opt
If False, simply report the differential fractional value (or differential completeness).
If True, integrate over the H distribution (using IntegrateOverH) to report a cumulative fraction.
Default None which becomes True;
if metricName is set and starts with 'Differential' this will then set to False.
Hindex : float, opt
Use Hindex as the power law to integrate over H, if cumulative is True. Default 0.3.
def __init__(self, threshold=1, nbins=20, minHrange=1.0, cumulative=None, Hindex=0.33, **kwargs):
if cumulative is None: # if metricName does not start with 'differential', then cumulative->True
if 'metricName' not in kwargs:
self.cumulative = True
metricName = 'CumulativeCompleteness'
else: # 'metricName' in kwargs:
metricName = kwargs.pop('metricName')
if metricName.lower().startswith('differential'):
else: # cumulative was set
self.cumulative = cumulative
if 'metricName' in kwargs:
metricName = kwargs.pop('metricName')
if metricName.lower().startswith('differential') and self.cumulative:
warnings.warn(f'Completeness metricName is {metricName} but cumulative is True')
if self.cumulative:
metricName = 'CumulativeCompleteness'
metricName = 'DifferentialCompleteness'
if self.cumulative:
units = "<=H"
units = "@H"
super().__init__(metricName=metricName, units=units, **kwargs)
self.threshold = threshold
# If H is not a cloned distribution, then we need to specify how to bin these values.
self.nbins = nbins
self.minHrange = minHrange
self.Hindex = Hindex
[docs] def run(self, metricValues, Hvals):
nSsos = metricValues.shape[0]
nHval = len(Hvals)
metricValH = metricValues.swapaxes(0, 1)
if nHval == metricValues.shape[1]:
# Hvals array is probably the same as the cloned H array.
completeness = np.zeros(len(Hvals), float)
for i, H in enumerate(Hvals):
completeness[i] = np.where(metricValH[i].filled(0) >= self.threshold)[0].size
completeness = completeness / float(nSsos)
# The Hvals are spread more randomly among the objects (we probably used one per object).
hrange = Hvals.max() - Hvals.min()
minH = Hvals.min()
if hrange < self.minHrange:
hrange = self.minHrange
minH = Hvals.min() - hrange/2.0
stepsize = hrange / float(self.nbins)
bins = np.arange(minH, minH + hrange + stepsize/2.0, stepsize)
Hvals = bins[:-1]
n_all, b = np.histogram(metricValH[0], bins)
condition = np.where(metricValH[0] >= self.threshold)[0]
n_found, b = np.histogram(metricValH[0][condition], bins)
completeness = n_found.astype(float) / n_all.astype(float)
completeness = np.where(n_all==0, 0, completeness)
if self.cumulative:
completenessInt = integrateOverH(completeness, Hvals, self.Hindex)
summaryVal = np.empty(len(completenessInt), dtype=[('name', np.str_, 20), ('value', float)])
summaryVal['value'] = completenessInt
for i, Hval in enumerate(Hvals):
summaryVal['name'][i] = 'H <= %f' % (Hval)
summaryVal = np.empty(len(completeness), dtype=[('name', np.str_, 20), ('value', float)])
summaryVal['value'] = completeness
for i, Hval in enumerate(Hvals):
summaryVal['name'][i] = 'H = %f' % (Hval)
return summaryVal
[docs]class MoCompletenessAtTimeMetric(BaseMoMetric):
"""Calculate the completeness (relative to the entire population) <= a given H as a function of time,
given the times of each discovery.
Input values of the discovery times can come from the Discovery_Time (child) metric or the
KnownObjects metric.
times : numpy.ndarray like
The bins to distribute the discovery times into. Same units as the discovery time (typically MJD).
Hval : float, opt
The value of H to count completeness at (or cumulative completeness to).
Default None, in which case a value halfway through Hvals (the slicer H range) will be chosen.
cumulative : bool, opt
If True, calculate the cumulative completeness (completeness <= H).
If False, calculate the differential completeness (completeness @ H).
Default None which becomes 'True' unless metricName starts with 'differential'.
Hindex : float, opt
Use Hindex as the power law to integrate over H, if cumulative is True. Default 0.3.
def __init__(self, times, Hval=None, cumulative=None, Hindex=0.33, **kwargs):
self.Hval = Hval
self.times = times
self.Hindex = Hindex
if cumulative is None: # if metricName does not start with 'differential', then cumulative->True
if 'metricName' not in kwargs:
self.cumulative = True
metricName = 'CumulativeCompleteness@Time@H=%.2f' % self.Hval
else: # 'metricName' in kwargs:
metricName = kwargs.pop('metricName')
if metricName.lower().startswith('differential'):
else: # cumulative was set
self.cumulative = cumulative
if 'metricName' in kwargs:
metricName = kwargs.pop('metricName')
if metricName.lower().startswith('differential') and self.cumulative:
warnings.warn(f'Completeness metricName is {metricName} but cumulative is True')
if self.cumulative:
metricName = 'CumulativeCompleteness@Time@H=%.2f' % self.Hval
metricName = 'DifferentialCompleteness@Time@H=%.2f' % self.Hval
super().__init__(metricName=metricName, units=self.units, **kwargs)
def _setLabels(self):
if self.Hval is not None:
if self.cumulative:
self.units = 'H <=%.1f' % (self.Hval)
self.units = 'H = %.1f' % (self.Hval)
self.units = 'H'
[docs] def run(self, discoveryTimes, Hvals):
if len(Hvals) != discoveryTimes.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("This summary metric expects cloned H distribution. Cannot calculate summary.")
nSsos = discoveryTimes.shape[0]
timesinH = discoveryTimes.swapaxes(0, 1)
completenessH = np.empty([len(Hvals), len(self.times)], float)
for i, H in enumerate(Hvals):
n, b = np.histogram(timesinH[i].compressed(), bins=self.times)
completenessH[i][0] = 0
completenessH[i][1:] = n.cumsum()
completenessH = completenessH / float(nSsos)
completeness = completenessH.swapaxes(0, 1)
if self.cumulative:
for i, t in enumerate(self.times):
completeness[i] = integrateOverH(completeness[i], Hvals)
# To save the summary statistic, we must pick out a given H value.
if self.Hval is None:
Hidx = len(Hvals) // 2
self.Hval = Hvals[Hidx]
Hidx = np.where(np.abs(Hvals - self.Hval) == np.abs(Hvals - self.Hval).min())[0][0]
self.Hval = Hvals[Hidx]
summaryVal = np.empty(len(self.times), dtype=[('name', np.str_, 20), ('value', float)])
summaryVal['value'] = completeness[:, Hidx]
for i, time in enumerate(self.times):
summaryVal['name'][i] = '%s @ %.2f' % (self.units, time)
return summaryVal