import numpy as np
import lsst.sims.maf.metrics as metrics
__all__ = ['SNCadenceMetric']
[docs]class SNCadenceMetric(metrics.BaseMetric):
Metric to estimate the redshift limit for faint supernovae (x1,color) = (-2.0,0.2)
list : str, opt
Name of the columns used to estimate the metric
coadd : bool, opt
to make "coaddition" per night (uses snStacker)
Default True
lim_sn : class, opt
Reference data used to estimate redshift values (interpolation)
def __init__(self, metricName='SNCadenceMetric',
mjdCol='observationStartMJD', RaCol='fieldRA', DecCol='fieldDec',
filterCol='filter', m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', exptimeCol='visitExposureTime',
nightCol='night', obsidCol='observationId', nexpCol='numExposures',
vistimeCol='visitTime', coadd=True, lim_sn=None, **kwargs):
self.mjdCol = mjdCol
self.m5Col = m5Col
self.filterCol = filterCol
self.RaCol = RaCol
self.DecCol = DecCol
self.exptimeCol = exptimeCol
self.seasonCol = 'season'
self.nightCol = nightCol
self.obsidCol = obsidCol
self.nexpCol = nexpCol
self.vistimeCol = vistimeCol
cols = [self.nightCol, self.m5Col, self.filterCol, self.mjdCol, self.obsidCol,
self.nexpCol, self.vistimeCol, self.exptimeCol, self.seasonCol]
if coadd:
cols += ['coadd']
super(SNCadenceMetric, self).__init__(
col=cols, metricName=metricName, **kwargs)
self.filterNames = np.array(['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'])
self.lim_sn = lim_sn
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None):
# Cut down to only include filters in correct wave range.
goodFilters = np.in1d(dataSlice['filter'], self.filterNames)
dataSlice = dataSlice[goodFilters]
if dataSlice.size == 0:
return None
r = []
fieldRA = np.mean(dataSlice[self.RaCol])
fieldDec = np.mean(dataSlice[self.DecCol])
band = np.unique(dataSlice[self.filterCol])[0]
sel = dataSlice
bins = np.arange(np.floor(sel[self.mjdCol].min()), np.ceil(
sel[self.mjdCol].max()), 1.)
c, b = np.histogram(sel[self.mjdCol], bins=bins)
if (c.mean() < 1.e-8) | np.isnan(c).any() | np.isnan(c.mean()):
cadence = 0.
cadence = 1. / c.mean()
# time_diff = sel[self.mjdCol][1:]-sel[self.mjdCol][:-1]
r.append((fieldRA, fieldDec, band,
np.mean(sel[self.m5Col]), cadence))
res = np.rec.fromrecords(
r, names=['fieldRA', 'fieldDec', 'band', 'm5_mean', 'cadence_mean'])
zref = self.lim_sn.interp_griddata(res)
if np.isnan(zref):
zref = self.badval
return zref