import numpy as np
from lsst.sims.maf.metrics import BaseMetric
from lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils import Load_Reference, Telescope, LCfast
from lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils import SN_Rate, CovColor
import pandas as pd
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rf
import time
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as nlr
__all__ = ['SNNSNMetric']
[docs]class SNNSNMetric(BaseMetric):
Estimate (nSN,zlim) of type Ia supernovae.
metricName : str, opt
metric name (default : SNSNRMetric)
mjdCol : str, opt
mjd column name (default : observationStartMJD)
RACol : str,opt
Right Ascension column name (default : fieldRA)
DecCol : str,opt
Declinaison column name (default : fieldDec)
filterCol : str,opt
filter column name (default: filter)
m5Col : str, opt
five-sigma depth column name (default : fiveSigmaDepth)
exptimeCol : str,opt
exposure time column name (default : visitExposureTime)
nightCol : str,opt
night column name (default : night)
obsidCol : str,opt
observation id column name (default : observationId)
nexpCol : str,opt
number of exposure column name (default : numExposures)
vistimeCol : str,opt
visit time column name (default : visitTime)
season : list,opt
list of seasons to process (float)(default: -1 = all seasons)
zmin : float,opt
min redshift for the study (default: 0.0)
zmax : float,opt
max redshift for the study (default: 1.2)
pixArea: float, opt
pixel area (default: 9.6)
verbose: bool,opt
verbose mode (default: False)
ploteffi: bool,opt
to plot observing efficiencies vs z (default: False)
n_bef: int, opt
number of LC points LC before T0 (default:5)
n_aft: int, opt
number of LC points after T0 (default: 10)
snr_min: float, opt
minimal SNR of LC points (default: 5.0)
n_phase_min: int, opt
number of LC points with phase<= -5(default:1)
n_phase_max: int, opt
number of LC points with phase>= 20 (default: 1)
def __init__(self, metricName='SNNSNMetric',
mjdCol='observationStartMJD', RACol='fieldRA', DecCol='fieldDec',
filterCol='filter', m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', exptimeCol='visitExposureTime',
nightCol='night', obsidCol='observationId', nexpCol='numExposures',
vistimeCol='visitTime', season=[-1], zmin=0.0, zmax=1.2,
pixArea=9.6, verbose=False, ploteffi=False,
n_bef=4, n_aft=10, snr_min=5., n_phase_min=1,
n_phase_max=1, templateDir=None, zlim_coeff=-1., **kwargs):
self.mjdCol = mjdCol
self.m5Col = m5Col
self.filterCol = filterCol
self.RACol = RACol
self.DecCol = DecCol
self.exptimeCol = exptimeCol
self.seasonCol = 'season'
self.nightCol = nightCol
self.obsidCol = obsidCol
self.nexpCol = nexpCol
self.vistimeCol = vistimeCol
self.pixArea = pixArea
self.zlim_coeff = zlim_coeff
cols = [self.nightCol, self.m5Col, self.filterCol, self.mjdCol, self.obsidCol,
self.nexpCol, self.vistimeCol, self.exptimeCol]
super(SNNSNMetric, self).__init__(
col=cols, metricDtype='object', metricName=metricName, **kwargs)
self.season = season
# LC selection parameters
self.n_bef = n_bef # nb points before peak
self.n_aft = n_aft # nb points after peak
self.snr_min = snr_min # SNR cut for points before/after peak
self.n_phase_min = n_phase_min # nb of point with phase <=-5
self.n_phase_max = n_phase_max # nb of points with phase >=20
# loading reference LC files
lc_reference = Load_Reference(templateDir=templateDir).ref
self.lcFast = {}
telescope = Telescope(airmass=1.2)
for key, vals in lc_reference.items():
self.lcFast[key] = LCfast(vals, key[0], key[1], telescope,
self.mjdCol, self.RACol, self.DecCol,
self.filterCol, self.exptimeCol,
self.m5Col, self.seasonCol, self.nexpCol,
# loading parameters
self.zmin = zmin # zmin for the study
self.zmax = zmax # zmax for the study
self.zStep = 0.05 # zstep
self.daymaxStep = 3. # daymax step
self.min_rf_phase = -20. # min ref phase for LC points selection
self.max_rf_phase = 40. # max ref phase for LC points selection
self.min_rf_phase_qual = -15. # min ref phase for bounds effects
self.max_rf_phase_qual = 25. # max ref phase for bounds effects
# snrate
self.rateSN = SN_Rate(
min_rf_phase=self.min_rf_phase_qual, max_rf_phase=self.max_rf_phase_qual)
# verbose mode - useful for debug and code performance estimation
self.verbose = False
self.ploteffi = False
# supernovae parameters
self.params = ['x0', 'x1', 'daymax', 'color']
# r = [(-1.0, -1.0)]
self.bad = np.rec.fromrecords([(-1.0, -1.0)], names=['nSN', 'zlim'])
# self.bad = {'nSN': -1.0, 'zlim': -1.0}
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None):
run method of the metric
dataSlice: array
data to process
idarray = None
healpixID = -1
if slicePoint is not None:
if 'nside' in slicePoint.keys():
import healpy as hp
self.pixArea = hp.nside2pixarea(
slicePoint['nside'], degrees=True)
r = []
names = []
healpixID = hp.ang2pix(
slicePoint['nside'], np.rad2deg(slicePoint['ra']), np.rad2deg(slicePoint['dec']), nest=True, lonlat=True)
for kk, vv in slicePoint.items():
idarray = np.rec.fromrecords([r], names=names)
idarray = np.rec.fromrecords([0., 0.], names=['RA', 'Dec'])
# Two things to do: concatenate data (per band, night) and estimate seasons
dataSlice = rf.drop_fields(dataSlice, ['season'])
dataSlice = self.coadd(pd.DataFrame(dataSlice))
dataSlice = self.getseason(dataSlice)
# get the seasons
seasons = self.season
# if seasons = -1: process the seasons seen in data
if self.season == [-1]:
seasons = np.unique(dataSlice[self.seasonCol])
# get redshift range for processing
zRange = list(np.arange(self.zmin, self.zmax, self.zStep))
if zRange[0] < 1.e-6:
zRange[0] = 0.01
self.zRange = np.unique(zRange)
# season infos
dfa = pd.DataFrame(np.copy(dataSlice))
season_info = dfa.groupby(['season']).apply(
lambda x: self.seasonInfo(x)).reset_index()
#print('season info', season_info)
# select seasons of at least 30 days
idx = season_info['season_length'] >= 60.
season_info = season_info[idx]
# check wether requested seasons can be processed
test_season = season_info[season_info['season'].isin(seasons)]
# if len(test_season) == 0:
if test_season.empty:
return nlr.merge_arrays([idarray, self.bad], flatten=True)
seasons = test_season['season']
# print('test_seas', seasons)
# print('hh', season_info)
# get season length depending on the redshift
dur_z = season_info.groupby(['season']).apply(
lambda x: self.duration_z(x)).reset_index()
# remove dur_z with negative season lengths
idx = dur_z['season_length'] >= 10.
dur_z = dur_z[idx]
# generating simulation parameters
gen_par = dur_z.groupby(['z', 'season']).apply(
lambda x: self.calcDaymax(x)).reset_index()
if gen_par.empty:
return nlr.merge_arrays([idarray, self.bad], flatten=True)
resdf = pd.DataFrame()
for seas in seasons:
vara_df = self.run_season(
dataSlice, [seas], gen_par, dur_z)
#print('res', seas, vara_df)
if vara_df is not None:
resdf = pd.concat((resdf, vara_df))
# final result: median zlim for a faint sn
# and nsn_med for z<zlim
if resdf.empty:
return nlr.merge_arrays([idarray, self.bad], flatten=True)
resdf = resdf.round({'zlim': 3, 'nsn_med': 3})
x1_ref = -2.0
color_ref = 0.2
idx = np.abs(resdf['x1']-x1_ref) < 1.e-5
idx &= np.abs(resdf['color']-color_ref) < 1.e-5
idx &= resdf['zlim'] > 0
if not resdf[idx].empty:
zlim = resdf[idx]['zlim'].median()
nSN = resdf[idx]['nsn_med'].sum()
resd = np.rec.fromrecords([(nSN, zlim, healpixID)], names=[
'nSN', 'zlim', 'healpixID'])
res = nlr.merge_arrays([idarray, resd], flatten=True)
res = nlr.merge_arrays([idarray, self.bad], flatten=True)
return res
[docs] def reducenSN(self, metricVal):
# At each slicepoint, return the sum nSN value.
return np.sum(metricVal['nSN'])
[docs] def reducezlim(self, metricVal):
# At each slicepoint, return the median zlim
return np.median(metricVal['zlim'])
[docs] def coadd(self, data):
Method to coadd data per band and per night
data: pandas df of observations
coadded data (pandas df)
keygroup = [self.filterCol, self.nightCol]
data.sort_values(by=keygroup, ascending=[
True, True], inplace=True)
coadd_df = data.groupby(keygroup).agg({self.nexpCol: ['sum'],
self.vistimeCol: ['sum'],
self.exptimeCol: ['sum'],
self.mjdCol: ['mean'],
self.RACol: ['mean'],
self.DecCol: ['mean'],
self.m5Col: ['mean']}).reset_index()
coadd_df.columns = [self.filterCol, self.nightCol, self.nexpCol,
self.vistimeCol, self.exptimeCol, self.mjdCol,
self.RACol, self.DecCol, self.m5Col]
coadd_df.loc[:, self.m5Col] += 1.25 * \
coadd_df.sort_values(by=[self.filterCol, self.nightCol], ascending=[
True, True], inplace=True)
return coadd_df.to_records(index=False)
[docs] def getseason(self, obs, season_gap=80., mjdCol='observationStartMJD'):
Method to estimate seasons
obs: numpy array
array of observations
season_gap: float, opt
minimal gap required to define a season (default: 80 days)
mjdCol: str, opt
col name for MJD infos (default: observationStartMJD)
original numpy array with seasonnumber appended
# check wether season has already been estimated
if 'season' in obs.dtype.names:
return obs
seasoncalc = np.ones(obs.size, dtype=int)
if len(obs) > 1:
diff = np.diff(obs[mjdCol])
flag = np.where(diff > season_gap)[0]
if len(flag) > 0:
for i, indx in enumerate(flag):
seasoncalc[indx+1:] = i+2
obs = rf.append_fields(obs, 'season', seasoncalc)
return obs
[docs] def seasonInfo(self, grp):
Method to estimate seasonal info (cadence, season length, ...)
grp: pandas df group
pandas df with the cfollowing cols:
df = pd.DataFrame([len(grp)], columns=['Nvisits'])
df['MJD_min'] = grp[self.mjdCol].min()
df['MJD_max'] = grp[self.mjdCol].max()
df['season_length'] = df['MJD_max']-df['MJD_min']
df['cadence'] = 0.
if len(grp) > 5:
to = grp.groupby(['night'])[self.mjdCol].median().sort_values()
df['cadence'] = np.mean(to.diff())
return df
[docs] def duration_z(self, grp):
Method to estimate the season length vs redshift
This is necessary to take into account boundary effects
when estimating the number of SN that can be detected
daymin, daymax = min and max MJD of a season
T0_min(z) = daymin-(1+z)*min_rf_phase_qual
T0_max(z) = daymax-(1+z)*max_rf_phase_qual
season_length(z) = T0_max(z)-T0_min(z)
grp: pandas df group
data to process: season infos
pandas df with season_length, z, T0_min and T0_max cols
daymin = grp['MJD_min'].values
daymax = grp['MJD_max'].values
dur_z = pd.DataFrame(self.zRange, columns=['z'])
dur_z['T0_min'] = daymin-(1.+dur_z['z'])*self.min_rf_phase_qual
dur_z['T0_max'] = daymax-(1.+dur_z['z'])*self.max_rf_phase_qual
dur_z['season_length'] = dur_z['T0_max']-dur_z['T0_min']
return dur_z
[docs] def calcDaymax(self, grp):
Method to estimate T0 (daymax) values for simulation.
grp: group (pandas df sense)
group of data to process with the following cols:
T0_min: T0 min value (per season)
T0_max: T0 max value (per season)
pandas df with daymax, min_rf_phase, max_rf_phase values
T0_max = grp['T0_max'].values
T0_min = grp['T0_min'].values
num = (T0_max-T0_min)/self.daymaxStep
if T0_max-T0_min > 10:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.linspace(
T0_min, T0_max, int(num)), columns=['daymax'])
df = pd.DataFrame([-1], columns=['daymax'])
df['min_rf_phase'] = self.min_rf_phase_qual
df['max_rf_phase'] = self.max_rf_phase_qual
return df
[docs] def run_season(self, dataSlice, season, gen_par, dura_z):
Method to run on seasons
dataSlice: numpy array, opt
data to process (scheduler simulations)
seasons: list(int)
list of seasons to process
effi_seasondf: pandas df
efficiency curves
zlimsdf: pandas df
redshift limits and number of supernovae
time_ref = time.time()
if self.verbose:
print('#### Processing season', season)
groupnames = ['season', 'x1', 'color']
gen_p = gen_par[gen_par['season'].isin(season)]
if gen_p.empty:
if self.verbose:
print('No generator parameter found')
return None
dur_z = dura_z[dura_z['season'].isin(season)]
obs = pd.DataFrame(np.copy(dataSlice))
obs = obs[obs['season'].isin(season)]
obs = obs.sort_values(by=['night'])
#print('data here', obs.columns)
#print(obs[['night', 'filter', 'observationStartMJD', 'fieldRA', 'fieldDec']])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(dataSlice['fieldRA'], dataSlice['fieldDec'], 'ko')
print('data', len(dataSlice))
# simulate supernovae and lc
if self.verbose:
print("SN generation")
print(season, obs)
sn = self.genSN(obs.to_records(
index=False), gen_p.to_records(index=False))
if self.verbose:
idx = np.abs(sn['x1']+2) < 1.e-5
idx &= np.abs(sn['z']-0.2) < 1.e-5
sel = sn[idx]
sel = sel.sort_values(by=['z', 'daymax'])
print('sn and lc', len(sn), sel.columns,
sel[['x1', 'color', 'z', 'daymax', 'Cov_colorcolor', 'n_bef', 'n_aft']])
# from these supernovae: estimate observation efficiency vs z
effi_seasondf = self.effidf(sn)
# zlims can only be estimated if efficiencies are ok
idx = effi_seasondf['z'] <= 0.2
x1ref = -2.0
colorref = 0.2
idx &= np.abs(effi_seasondf['x1']-x1ref) < 1.e-5
idx &= np.abs(effi_seasondf['color']-colorref) < 1.e-5
sel = effi_seasondf[idx]
if np.mean(sel['effi']) > 0.02:
# estimate zlims
zlimsdf = self.zlims(effi_seasondf, dur_z, groupnames)
# estimate number of medium supernovae
zlimsdf['nsn_med'], zlimsdf['var_nsn_med'] = zlimsdf.apply(lambda x: self.nsn_typedf(
x, 0.0, 0.0, effi_seasondf, dur_z), axis=1, result_type='expand').T.values
return None
if self.verbose:
print('#### SEASON processed', time.time()-time_ref,
return zlimsdf
[docs] def genSN(self, obs, gen_par):
Method to simulate LC and supernovae
obs: numpy array
array of observations(from scheduler)
gen_par: numpy array
array of parameters for simulation
time_ref = time.time()
# LC estimation
sn_tot = pd.DataFrame()
lc_tot = pd.DataFrame()
for key, vals in self.lcFast.items():
time_refs = time.time()
gen_par_cp = np.copy(gen_par)
if key == (-2.0, 0.2):
idx = gen_par_cp['z'] < 0.9
gen_par_cp = gen_par_cp[idx]
lc = vals(obs, gen_par_cp, bands='grizy')
if self.verbose:
print('End of simulation', key, time.time()-time_refs)
if self.verbose:
print('End of simulation after concat',
key, time.time()-time_refs)
# estimate SN
sn = pd.DataFrame()
if len(lc) > 0:
sn = self.process(pd.DataFrame(lc))
if self.verbose:
print('End of supernova', time.time()-time_refs)
if not sn.empty:
sn_tot = pd.concat([sn_tot, pd.DataFrame(sn)], sort=False)
if self.verbose:
print('End of supernova - all', time.time()-time_ref)
return sn_tot
[docs] def process(self, tab):
Method to process LC: sigma_color estimation and LC selection
tab: pandas df of LC points with the following cols:
flux: flux
fluxerr: flux error
phase: phase
snr_m5: Signal-to-Noise Ratio
time: time(MJD)
mag: magnitude
m5: five-sigma depth
magerr: magnitude error
exposuretime: exposure time
band: filter
zp: zero-point
season: season number
healpixID: pixel ID
pixRA: pixel RA
pixDec: pixel Dec
z: redshift
daymax: T0
flux_e_sec: flux(in photoelec/sec)
flux_5: 5-sigma flux(in photoelec/sec)
F_x0x0, ...F_colorcolor: Fisher matrix elements
x1: x1 SN
color: color SN
n_aft: number of LC points before daymax
n_bef: number of LC points after daymax
n_phmin: number of LC points with a phase < -5
n_phmax: number of LC points with a phase > 20
# now groupby
tab = tab.round({'daymax': 3,
'z': 3, 'x1': 2, 'color': 2})
groups = tab.groupby(
['daymax', 'season', 'z', 'x1', 'color'])
tosum = []
for ia, vala in enumerate(self.params):
for jb, valb in enumerate(self.params):
if jb >= ia:
tosum += ['n_aft', 'n_bef', 'n_phmin', 'n_phmax']
# apply the sum on the group
sums = groups[tosum].sum().reset_index()
# select LC according to the number of points bef/aft peak
idx = sums['n_aft'] >= self.n_aft
idx &= sums['n_bef'] >= self.n_bef
idx &= sums['n_phmin'] >= self.n_phase_min
idx &= sums['n_phmax'] >= self.n_phase_max
if self.verbose:
print('selection parameters', self.n_bef,
self.n_aft, self.n_phase_min, self.n_phase_max)
finalsn = pd.DataFrame()
goodsn = pd.DataFrame(sums.loc[idx])
# estimate the color for SN that passed the selection cuts
if len(goodsn) > 0:
goodsn.loc[:, 'Cov_colorcolor'] = CovColor(goodsn).Cov_colorcolor
finalsn = pd.concat([finalsn, goodsn], sort=False)
badsn = pd.DataFrame(sums.loc[~idx])
# Supernovae that did not pass the cut have a sigma_color=10
if len(badsn) > 0:
badsn.loc[:, 'Cov_colorcolor'] = 100.
finalsn = pd.concat([finalsn, badsn], sort=False)
return finalsn
[docs] def effidf(self, sn_tot, color_cut=0.04):
Method estimating efficiency vs z for a sigma_color cut
sn_tot: pandas df
data used to estimate efficiencies
color_cut: float, opt
color selection cut(default: 0.04)
effi: pandas df with the following cols:
season: season
pixRA: RA of the pixel
pixDec: Dec of the pixel
healpixID: pixel ID
x1: SN stretch
color: SN color
z: redshift
effi: efficiency
effi_err: efficiency error(binomial)
sndf = pd.DataFrame(sn_tot)
listNames = ['season', 'x1', 'color']
groups = sndf.groupby(listNames)
# estimating efficiencies
effi = groups[['Cov_colorcolor', 'z']].apply(
lambda x: self.effiObsdf(x, color_cut)).reset_index(level=list(range(len(listNames))))
# this is to plot efficiencies and also sigma_color vs z
if self.ploteffi:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
figb, axb = plt.subplots()
self.plot(ax, effi, 'effi', 'effi_err',
'Observing Efficiencies', ls='-')
sndf['sigma_color'] = np.sqrt(sndf['Cov_colorcolor'])
self.plot(axb, sndf, 'sigma_color', None, '$\sigma_{color}$')
# get efficiencies vs z
return effi
[docs] def plot(self, ax, effi, vary, erry=None, legy='', ls='None'):
Simple method to plot vs z
axis where to plot
effi: pandas df
data to plot
vary: str
variable(column of effi) to plot
erry: str, opt
error on y-axis(default: None)
legy: str, opt
y-axis legend(default: '')
grb = effi.groupby(['x1', 'color'])
yerr = None
for key, grp in grb:
x1 = grp['x1'].unique()[0]
color = grp['color'].unique()[0]
if erry is not None:
yerr = grp[erry]
ax.errorbar(grp['z'], grp[vary], yerr=yerr,
marker='o', label='(x1,color)=({},{})'.format(x1, color), lineStyle=ls)
ftsize = 15
ax.set_xlabel('z', fontsize=ftsize)
ax.set_ylabel(legy, fontsize=ftsize)
[docs] def effiObsdf(self, data, color_cut=0.04):
Method to estimate observing efficiencies for supernovae
data: pandas df - grp
data to process
pandas df with the following cols:
- cols used to make the group
- effi, effi_err: observing efficiency and associated error
# reference df to estimate efficiencies
df = data.loc[lambda dfa: np.sqrt(dfa['Cov_colorcolor']) < 100000., :]
# selection on sigma_c<= 0.04
df_sel = df.loc[lambda dfa: np.sqrt(
dfa['Cov_colorcolor']) <= color_cut, :]
# make groups (with z)
group = df.groupby('z')
group_sel = df_sel.groupby('z')
# Take the ratio to get efficiencies
rb = (group_sel.size()/group.size())
err = np.sqrt(rb*(1.-rb)/group.size())
var = rb*(1.-rb)*group.size()
rb = rb.array
err = err.array
var = var.array
rb[np.isnan(rb)] = 0.
err[np.isnan(err)] = 0.
var[np.isnan(var)] = 0.
return pd.DataFrame({group.keys: list(group.groups.keys()),
'effi': rb,
'effi_err': err,
'effi_var': var})
[docs] def zlims(self, effi_seasondf, dur_z, groupnames):
Method to estimate redshift limits
effi_seasondf: pandas df
season: season
pixRA: RA of the pixel
pixDec: Dec of the pixel
healpixID: pixel ID
x1: SN stretch
color: SN color
z: redshift
effi: efficiency
effi_err: efficiency error (binomial)
dur_z: pandas df with the following cols:
season: season
z: redshift
T0_min: min daymax
T0_max: max daymax
season_length: season length
groupnames: list(str)
list of columns to use to define the groups
pandas df with the following cols: pixRA: RA of the pixel
pixDec: Dec of the pixel
healpixID: pixel ID
season: season number
x1: SN stretch
color: SN color
zlim: redshift limit
res = effi_seasondf.groupby(groupnames).apply(
lambda x: self.zlimdf(x, dur_z)).reset_index(level=list(range(len(groupnames))))
return res
[docs] def zlimdf(self, grp, duration_z):
Method to estimate redshift limits
grp: pandas df group
efficiencies to estimate redshift limits;
season: season
pixRA: RA of the pixel
pixDec: Dec of the pixel
healpixID: pixel ID
x1: SN stretch
color: SN color
z: redshift
effi: efficiency
effi_err: efficiency error (binomial)
duration_z: pandas df with the following cols:
season: season
z: redshift
T0_min: min daymax
T0_max: max daymax
season_length: season length
pandas df with the following cols:
zlimit: redshift limit
zlimit = 0.0
# z range for the study
zplot = np.arange(self.zmin, self.zmax, 0.01)
# print(grp['z'], grp['effi'])
if len(grp['z']) <= 3:
return pd.DataFrame({'zlim': [zlimit]})
# 'status': [int(status)]})
# interpolate efficiencies vs z
effiInterp = interp1d(
grp['z'], grp['effi'], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
if self.zlim_coeff < 0.:
# in that case zlim is estimated from efficiencies
# first step: identify redshift domain with efficiency decrease
zlimit = self.zlim_from_effi(effiInterp, zplot)
#status = self.status['ok']
zlimit = self.zlim_from_cumul(
grp, duration_z, effiInterp, zplot)
return pd.DataFrame({'zlim': [zlimit]})
# 'status': [int(status)]})
[docs] def zlim_from_cumul(self, grp, duration_z, effiInterp, zplot, rate='cte'):
Method to estimate the redshift limit from the cumulative
The redshift limit is estimated to be the z value corresponding to:
grp: pandas group
data to process
duration_z: array
duration as a function of the redshift
effiInterp: interp1d
interpolator for efficiencies
zplot: interp1d
interpolator for redshift values
rate: str, opt
rate to estimate the number of SN to estimate zlimit
rate = cte: rate independent of z
rate = SN_rate: rate from SN_Rate class
zlimit: float
the redshift limit
if rate == 'SN_rate':
# get rate
season = np.median(grp['season'])
idx = duration_z['season'] == season
seas_duration_z = duration_z[idx]
durinterp_z = interp1d(
seas_duration_z['z'], seas_duration_z['season_length'], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
# estimate the rates and nsn vs z
zz, rate, err_rate, nsn, err_nsn = self.rateSN(zmin=self.zmin,
# rate interpolation
rateInterp = interp1d(zz, nsn, kind='linear',
bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
# this is for a rate z-independent
nsn = np.ones(len(zplot))
rateInterp = interp1d(zplot, nsn, kind='linear',
bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
nsn_cum = np.cumsum(effiInterp(zplot)*rateInterp(zplot))
if nsn_cum[-1] >= 1.e-5:
nsn_cum_norm = nsn_cum/nsn_cum[-1] # normalize
zlim = interp1d(nsn_cum_norm, zplot)
zlimit = zlim(self.zlim_coeff).item()
if self.ploteffi:
self.plot_NSN_cumul(grp, nsn_cum_norm, zplot)
zlimit = 0.
return zlimit
[docs] def plot_NSN_cumul(self, grp, nsn_cum_norm, zplot):
Method to plot the NSN cumulative vs redshift
grp: pandas group
data to process
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x1 = grp['x1'].unique()[0]
color = grp['color'].unique()[0]
ax.plot(zplot, nsn_cum_norm,
label='(x1,color)=({},{})'.format(x1, color))
ftsize = 15
ax.set_ylabel('NSN ($z<$)', fontsize=ftsize)
ax.set_xlabel('z', fontsize=ftsize)
ax.set_xlim((0.0, 0.8))
ax.set_ylim((0.0, 1.05))
ax.plot([0., 1.2], [0.95, 0.95], ls='--', color='k')
[docs] def zlim_from_effi(self, effiInterp, zplot):
Method to estimate the redshift limit from efficiency curves
The redshift limit is defined here as the redshift value beyond
which efficiency decreases up to zero.
effiInterp: interpolator
use to get efficiencies
zplot: numpy array
redshift values
zlimit: float
the redshift limit
# get efficiencies
effis = effiInterp(zplot)
# select data with efficiency decrease
idx = np.where(np.diff(effis) < -0.005)[0]
# Bail out if there is no data
if np.size(idx) == 0:
return 0
z_effi = np.array(zplot[idx], dtype={
'names': ['z'], 'formats': [float]})
# from this make some "z-periods" to avoid accidental zdecrease at low z
z_gap = 0.05
seasoncalc = np.ones(z_effi.size, dtype=int)
diffz = np.diff(z_effi['z'])
flag = np.where(diffz > z_gap)[0]
if len(flag) > 0:
for i, indx in enumerate(flag):
seasoncalc[indx+1:] = i+2
z_effi = rf.append_fields(z_effi, 'season', seasoncalc)
# now take the highest season (end of the efficiency curve)
idd = z_effi['season'] == np.max(z_effi['season'])
zlimit = np.min(z_effi[idd]['z'])
return zlimit
[docs] def zlimdf_deprecated(self, grp, duration_z):
Method to estimate redshift limits
grp: pandas df group
efficiencies to estimate redshift limits;
season: season
pixRA: RA of the pixel
pixDec: Dec of the pixel
healpixID: pixel ID
x1: SN stretch
color: SN color
z: redshift
effi: efficiency
effi_err: efficiency error (binomial)
duration_z: pandas df with the following cols:
season: season
z: redshift
T0_min: min daymax
T0_max: max daymax
season_length: season length
pandas df with the following cols:
zlimit: redshift limit
zlimit = 0.0
# z range for the study
zplot = list(np.arange(self.zmin, self.zmax, 0.001))
# print(grp['z'], grp['effi'])
if len(grp['z']) <= 3:
return pd.DataFrame({'zlim': [zlimit]})
# 'status': [int(status)]})
# interpolate efficiencies vs z
effiInterp = interp1d(
grp['z'], grp['effi'], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
# get rate
season = np.median(grp['season'])
idx = duration_z['season'] == season
seas_duration_z = duration_z[idx]
# print('hhh1', seas_duration_z)
durinterp_z = interp1d(
seas_duration_z['z'], seas_duration_z['season_length'], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
# estimate the rates and nsn vs z
zz, rate, err_rate, nsn, err_nsn = self.rateSN(zmin=self.zmin,
# rate interpolation
rateInterp = interp1d(zz, nsn, kind='linear',
bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
# estimate the cumulated number of SN vs z
nsn_cum = np.cumsum(effiInterp(zplot)*rateInterp(zplot))
if nsn_cum[-1] >= 1.e-5:
nsn_cum_norm = nsn_cum/nsn_cum[-1] # normalize
zlim = interp1d(nsn_cum_norm, zplot)
zlimit = zlim(0.95).item()
# status = self.status['ok']
if self.ploteffi:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x1 = grp['x1'].unique()[0]
color = grp['color'].unique()[0]
ax.plot(zplot, nsn_cum_norm,
label='(x1,color)=({},{})'.format(x1, color))
ftsize = 15
ax.set_ylabel('NSN ($z<$)', fontsize=ftsize)
ax.set_xlabel('z', fontsize=ftsize)
ax.set_xlim((0.0, 1.2))
ax.set_ylim((0.0, 1.05))
ax.plot([0., 1.2], [0.95, 0.95], ls='--', color='k')
return pd.DataFrame({'zlim': [zlimit]})
# 'status': [int(status)]})
[docs] def nsn_typedf(self, grp, x1, color, effi_tot, duration_z, search=True):
Method to estimate the number of supernovae for a given type of SN
grp: pandas series with the following infos:
pixRA: pixelRA
pixDec: pixel Dec
healpixID: pixel ID
season: season
x1: SN stretch
color: SN color
zlim: redshift limit
x1, color: SN params to estimate the number
effi_tot: pandas df with columns:
season: season
pixRA: RA of the pixel
pixDec: Dec of the pixel
healpixID: pixel ID
x1: SN stretch
color: SN color
z: redshift
effi: efficiency
effi_err: efficiency error (binomial)
duration_z: pandas df with the following cols:
season: season
z: redshift
T0_min: min daymax
T0_max: max daymax
season_length: season length
nsn: float
number of supernovae
# get rate
season = np.median(grp['season'])
idx = duration_z['season'] == season
seas_duration_z = duration_z[idx]
# print('hhh2', seas_duration_z)
durinterp_z = interp1d(
seas_duration_z['z'], seas_duration_z['season_length'], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
if search:
effisel = effi_tot.loc[lambda dfa: (
dfa['x1'] == x1) & (dfa['color'] == color), :]
effisel = effi_tot
nsn, var_nsn = self.nsn(effisel, grp['zlim'], durinterp_z)
return (nsn, var_nsn)
[docs] def nsn(self, effi, zlim, duration_z):
Method to estimate the number of supernovae
effi: pandas df grp of efficiencies
season: season
pixRA: RA of the pixel
pixDec: Dec of the pixel
healpixID: pixel ID
x1: SN stretch
color: SN color
z: redshift
effi: efficiency
effi_err: efficiency error (binomial)
zlim: float
redshift limit value
duration_z: pandas df with the following cols:
season: season
z: redshift
T0_min: min daymax
T0_max: max daymax
season_length: season length
nsn, var_nsn : float
number of supernovae (and variance) with z<zlim
if zlim < 1.e-3:
return (-1.0, -1.0)
dz = 0.001
zplot = list(np.arange(self.zmin, self.zmax, dz))
# interpolate efficiencies vs z
effiInterp = interp1d(
effi['z'], effi['effi'], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
# estimate the cumulated number of SN vs z
zz, rate, err_rate, nsn, err_nsn = self.rateSN(zmin=self.zmin,
nsn_cum = np.cumsum(effiInterp(zplot)*nsn)
nsn_interp = interp1d(zplot, nsn_cum)
nsn = nsn_interp(zlim).item()
return [nsn, 0.0]