import numpy as np
import lsst.sims.maf.metrics as metrics
import healpy as hp
from .seasonMetrics import calcSeason
from lsst.sims.photUtils import Dust_values
from lsst.sims.maf.utils import collapse_night
__all__ = ['SNSLMetric']
[docs]class SNSLMetric(metrics.BaseMetric):
def __init__(self, metricName='SNSLMetric',
mjdCol='observationStartMJD', RaCol='fieldRA', DecCol='fieldDec',
filterCol='filter', exptimeCol='visitExposureTime',
nightCol='night', obsidCol='observationId', nexpCol='numExposures',
vistimeCol='visitTime', m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', season=[-1], night_collapse=False,
nfilters_min=4, min_season_obs=5,
m5mins={'u': 22.7, 'g': 24.1, 'r': 23.7, 'i': 23.1, 'z': 22.2, 'y': 21.4},
maps=['DustMap'], **kwargs):
Strongly Lensed SN metric
The number of is given by:
N (lensed SNe Ia with well measured time delay) = 45.7 * survey_area /
(20000 deg^2) * cumulative_season_length / (2.5 years) / (2.15 *
exp(0.37 * gap_median_all_filter))
survey_area: survey area (in deg2)
cumulative_season_length: cumulative season length (in years)
gap_median_all_filter: median gap (all filters)
metricName : str, opt
metric name
Default : SNCadenceMetric
mjdCol : str, opt
mjd column name
Default : observationStartMJD,
RaCol : str,opt
Right Ascension column name
Default : fieldRa
DecCol : str,opt
Declinaison column name
Default : fieldDec
filterCol : str,opt
filter column name
Default: filter
exptimeCol : str,opt
exposure time column name
Default : visitExposureTime
nightCol : str,opt
night column name
Default : night
obsidCol : str,opt
observation id column name
Default : observationId
nexpCol : str,opt
number of exposure column name
Default : numExposures
vistimeCol : str,opt
visit time column name
Default : visitTime
season: int (list) or -1, opt
season to process (default: -1: all seasons)
nfilters_min : int (5)
The number of filters to demand in a season
self.mjdCol = mjdCol
self.filterCol = filterCol
self.RaCol = RaCol
self.DecCol = DecCol
self.exptimeCol = exptimeCol
self.nightCol = nightCol
self.obsidCol = obsidCol
self.nexpCol = nexpCol
self.vistimeCol = vistimeCol
self.seasonCol = 'season'
self.m5Col = m5Col
self.maps= maps
cols = [self.nightCol, self.filterCol, self.mjdCol, self.obsidCol,
self.nexpCol, self.vistimeCol, self.exptimeCol, self.m5Col]
super(SNSLMetric, self).__init__(
col=cols, metricName=metricName, maps=self.maps, units='N SL', **kwargs)
self.badVal = 0
self.season = season
self.bands = 'ugrizy'
self.night_collapse = night_collapse
self.m5mins = m5mins
self.min_season_obs = min_season_obs
self.nfilters_min = nfilters_min
self.phot_properties = Dust_values()
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None):
Runs the metric for each dataSlice
dataSlice: simulation data
slicePoint: slicePoint(default None)
number of SL time delay supernovae
# Crop it down so things are coadded per night at the median MJD time
dataSlice = collapse_night(dataSlice, nightCol=self.nightCol, filterCol=self.filterCol,
m5Col=self.m5Col, mjdCol=self.mjdCol)
# get the pixel area
area = hp.nside2pixarea(slicePoint['nside'], degrees=True)
if len(dataSlice) == 0:
return self.badVal
season_id = np.floor(calcSeason(np.degrees(slicePoint['ra']), dataSlice[self.mjdCol]))
seasons = self.season
if self.season == [-1]:
seasons = np.unique(season_id)
season_lengths = []
median_gaps = []
for season in seasons:
idx = np.where(season_id == season)[0]
bright_enough = np.zeros(idx.size, dtype=bool)
for key in self.m5mins:
in_filt = np.where(dataSlice[idx][self.filterCol] == key)[0]
A_x = self.phot_properties.Ax1[key] * slicePoint['ebv']
bright_enough[in_filt[np.where((dataSlice[idx[in_filt]][self.m5Col] - A_x) > self.m5mins[key])[0]]] = True
idx = idx[bright_enough]
u_filters = np.unique(dataSlice[idx][self.filterCol])
if (len(idx) < self.min_season_obs) | (np.size(u_filters) < self.nfilters_min):
if self.night_collapse:
u_nights, unight_indx = np.unique(dataSlice[idx][self.nightCol], return_index=True)
idx = idx[unight_indx]
order = np.argsort(dataSlice[self.mjdCol][idx])
idx = idx[order]
mjds_season = dataSlice[self.mjdCol][idx]
cadence = mjds_season[1:]-mjds_season[:-1]
# get the cumulative season length
cumul_season_length = np.sum(season_lengths)
if cumul_season_length == 0:
return self.badVal
# get gaps
gap_median = np.mean(median_gaps)
# estimate the number of lensed supernovae
cumul_season = cumul_season_length/(12.*30.)
N_lensed_SNe_Ia = 45.7 * area / 20000. * cumul_season /\
2.5 / (2.15 * np.exp(0.37 * gap_median))
return N_lensed_SNe_Ia