Source code for lsst.sims.maf.metrics.starDensity

from .baseMetric import BaseMetric
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

__all__ = ['StarDensityMetric']

[docs]class StarDensityMetric(BaseMetric): """Interpolate the stellar luminosity function to return the number of stars per square arcsecond brighter than the rmagLimit. Note that the map is built from CatSim stars in the range 20 < r < 28.""" def __init__(self, rmagLimit=25., units='stars/sq arcsec', filtername='r', maps=['StellarDensityMap'], **kwargs): super(StarDensityMetric, self).__init__(col=[], maps=maps, units=units, **kwargs) self.rmagLimit = rmagLimit self.filtername = filtername
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None): # Interpolate the data to the requested mag interp = interp1d(slicePoint['starMapBins_%s' % self.filtername][1:], slicePoint['starLumFunc_%s' % self.filtername]) # convert from stars/sq degree to stars/sq arcsec result = interp(self.rmagLimit)/(3600.**2) return result