from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from lsst.sims.maf.db import ResultsDb
import lsst.sims.maf.metricBundles as mb
import lsst.sims.maf.plots as plots
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, ColumnDataSource
from import output_file, output_notebook
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox, layout, row, column
from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, DateFormatter, TableColumn, NumberFormatter, Select
from bokeh.plotting import Figure, output_file, show
except ImportError:
warnings.warn('\n'+'The generateDiffHtml method requires bokeh to be installed'+'\n'+
'but it is not needed to use the other methods in this class.'+'\n'+
'Run: pip install bokeh then restart your jupyter notebook kernel.')
__all__ = ['RunComparison']
[docs]class RunComparison(object):
Class to read multiple results databases, find requested summary metric comparisons,
and stores results in DataFrames in class.
Set up the runs to compare and opens connections to all resultsDb_sqlite directories under
baseDir/runNames[1-N] and their subdirectories.
There are two ways to approach the storage and access to the MAF outputs:
EITHER the outputs can be stored directly in the runNames directories or subdirectories of these:
baseDir -> run1 -> subdirectory1 (e.g. 'scheduler', containing a resultsDb_sqlite.db file)
................ -> subdirectoryN
....... -> runN -> subdirectoryX
OR the outputs can be stored in a variety of different locations, and the names/locations
then would be provided by [runNames][rundirs] -- having a one-to-one correlation. In this case, you might
expect the runNames to contain duplicates if there is more than one MAF output directory per run.
baseDir : str
The root directory containing all of the underlying runs and their subdirectories.
runNames : list of str
The names to label different runs. Can contain duplicate entries.
rundirs : list
A list of directories (relative to baseDir) where the MAF outputs in runNames reside.
Optional - if not provided, assumes directories are simply the names in runNames.
Must have same length as runNames (note that runNames can contain duplicate entries).
def __init__(self, baseDir, runNames, rundirs=None,
defaultResultsDb='resultsDb_sqlite.db', verbose=False):
self.baseDir = baseDir
self.runlist = runNames
self.verbose = verbose
self.defaultResultsDb = defaultResultsDb
if rundirs is not None:
if len(rundirs) != len(self.runlist):
raise ValueError('runNames and rundirs must be the same length')
self.rundirs = rundirs
self.rundirs = self.runlist
# Class attributes to store the stats data:
self.headerStats = None # Save information on the summary stat values
self.summaryStats = None # summary stats
self.normalizedStats = None # normalized (to baselineRun) version of the summary stats
self.baselineRun = None # name of the baseline run
def _connect_to_results(self):
Open access to all the results database files.
Sets nested dictionary of results databases:
.. dictionary[run1][subdirectory1] = resultsDb
.. dictionary[run1][subdirectoryN] = resultsDb ...
# Open access to all results database files in any subdirectories under 'runs'.
self.runresults = {}
for r, rdir in zip(self.runlist, self.rundirs):
checkdir = os.path.join(self.baseDir, rdir)
if not os.path.isdir(checkdir):
warnings.warn('Warning: could not find a directory at %s' % checkdir)
# Add a dictionary to runresults to store resultsDB connections.
if r not in self.runresults:
self.runresults[r] = {}
# Check for a resultsDB in the current checkdir
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(checkdir, self.defaultResultsDb)):
s = os.path.split(rdir)[-1]
self.runresults[r][s] = ResultsDb(outDir=checkdir)
# And look for resultsDb files in subdirectories.
sublist = os.listdir(checkdir)
for s in sublist:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(checkdir, s, 'resultsDb_sqlite.db')):
self.runresults[r][s] = ResultsDb(outDir=os.path.join(checkdir, s))
# Remove any runs from runlist which we could not find results databases for.
for r in self.runlist:
if len(self.runresults[r]) == 0:
warnings.warn('Warning: could not find any results databases for run %s'
% (os.path.join(self.baseDir, r)))
# Now de-duplicate the runlist (we don't need to loop over extra items).
self.runlist = list(self.runresults.keys())
[docs] def close(self):
Close all connections to the results database files.
def __del__(self):
for r in self.runresults:
for s in self.runresults[r]:
[docs] def buildMetricDict(self, metricNameLike=None, metricMetadataLike=None,
slicerNameLike=None, subdir=None):
"""Return a metric dictionary based on finding all metrics which match 'like' the various kwargs.
metricNameLike: str, opt
Metric name like this -- i.e. will look for metrics which match metricName like "value".
metricMetadataLike: str, opt
Metric Metadata like this.
slicerNameLike: str, opt
Slicer name like this.
subdir: str, opt
Find metrics from this subdir only.
If other parameters are not specified, this returns all metrics within this subdir.
Key = self-created metric 'name', value = Dict{metricName, metricMetadata, slicerName}
if metricNameLike is None and metricMetadataLike is None and slicerNameLike is None:
getAll = True
getAll = False
mDict = {}
# Track this here, so that if directories have different subdirectories, this will still work.
insubdir = subdir
for r in self.runlist:
if insubdir is not None:
subdirs = [insubdir]
subdirs = list(self.runresults[r].keys())
for subdir in subdirs:
if getAll:
mIds = self.runresults[r][subdir].getAllMetricIds()
mIds = self.runresults[r][subdir].getMetricIdLike(metricNameLike=metricNameLike,
for mId in mIds:
info = self.runresults[r][subdir].getMetricInfo(mId)
metricName = info['metricName'][0]
metricMetadata = info['metricMetadata'][0]
slicerName = info['slicerName'][0]
name = self._buildSummaryName(metricName, metricMetadata, slicerName, None)
mDict[name] = {'metricName': metricName,
'metricMetadata': metricMetadata,
'slicerName': slicerName}
return mDict
def _buildSummaryName(self, metricName, metricMetadata, slicerName, summaryStatName):
if metricMetadata is None:
metricMetadata = ''
if slicerName is None:
slicerName = ''
sName = summaryStatName
if sName == 'Identity' or sName == 'Id' or sName == 'Count' or sName is None:
sName = ''
slName = slicerName
if slName == 'UniSlicer':
slName = ''
name = ' '.join([sName, metricName, metricMetadata, slName]).rstrip(' ').lstrip(' ')
name.replace(',', '')
return name
def _findSummaryStats(self, metricName, metricMetadata=None, slicerName=None, summaryName=None,
colName=None, verbose=False):
Look for summary metric values matching metricName (and optionally metricMetadata, slicerName
and summaryName) among the results databases for each run.
metricName : str
The name of the original metric.
metricMetadata : str, opt
The metric metadata specifying the metric desired (optional).
slicerName : str, opt
The slicer name specifying the metric desired (optional).
summaryName : str, opt
The name of the summary statistic desired (optional).
colName : str, opt
Name of the column header for the dataframe. If more than one summary stat is
returned from the database, then this will be ignored.
verbose : bool, opt
Issue warnings resulting from not finding the summary stat information
(such as if it was never calculated) will not be issued. Default False.
Pandas Dataframe
<index> <metricName> (possibly additional metricNames - multiple summary stats or metadata..)
runName value
summaryValues = {}
summaryNames = {}
for r in self.runlist:
summaryValues[r] = {}
summaryNames[r] = {}
# Check if this metric/metadata/slicer/summary stat name combo is in
# this resultsDb .. or potentially in another subdirectory's resultsDb.
for subdir in self.runresults[r]:
mId = self.runresults[r][subdir].getMetricId(metricName=metricName,
# Note that we may have more than one matching summary metric value per run.
if len(mId) > 0:
# And we may have more than one summary metric value per resultsDb
stats = self.runresults[r][subdir].getSummaryStats(mId, summaryName=summaryName)
if len(stats['summaryName']) == 1 and colName is not None:
name = colName
summaryValues[r][name] = stats['summaryValue'][0]
summaryNames[r][name] = stats['summaryName'][0]
for i in range(len(stats['summaryName'])):
name = self._buildSummaryName(metricName, metricMetadata, slicerName,
summaryValues[r][name] = stats['summaryValue'][i]
summaryNames[r][name] = stats['summaryName'][i]
if len(summaryValues[r]) == 0 and verbose:
warnings.warn("Warning: Found no metric results for %s %s %s %s in run %s"
% (metricName, metricMetadata, slicerName, summaryName, r))
# Make DataFrame.
# First determine list of all summary stats pulled from all databases.
unique_stats = set()
for r in self.runlist:
for name in summaryNames[r]:
# Make sure every runName (key) in summaryValues dictionary has a value for each stat.
# And build summaryname properly
suNames = {}
for s in unique_stats:
for r in self.runlist:
suNames[s] = summaryNames[r][s]
except KeyError:
summaryValues[r][s] = np.nan
# Create data frames for each run. This is the simplest way to handle it in pandas.
summaryBase = {}
mName = {}
mData = {}
sName = {}
basemetricname = self._buildSummaryName(metricName, metricMetadata, slicerName, None)
for s in unique_stats:
summaryBase[s] = basemetricname
mName[s] = metricName
mData[s] = metricMetadata
sName[s] = slicerName
header = pd.DataFrame([summaryBase, mName, mData, sName, suNames],
index=['BaseName', 'MetricName', 'MetricMetadata',
'SlicerName', 'SummaryName'])
tempDFList = []
for r in self.runlist:
tempDFList.append(pd.DataFrame(summaryValues[r], index=[r]))
# Concatenate dataframes for each run.
stats = pd.concat(tempDFList)
return header, stats
[docs] def addSummaryStats(self, metricDict=None, verbose=False):
Combine the summary statistics of a set of metrics into a pandas
dataframe that is indexed by the opsim run name.and
metricDict: dict, opt
A dictionary of metrics with all of the information needed to query
a results database. The metric/metadata/slicer/summary values referred to
by a metricDict value could be unique but don't have to be.
If None (default), then fetches all metric results.
(This can be slow if there are a lot of metrics.)
verbose : bool, opt
Issue warnings resulting from not finding the summary stat information
(such as if it was never calculated) will not be issued. Default False.
pandas DataFrame
A pandas dataframe containing a column for each of the
dictionary keys and related summary stats in the metricDict.
The resulting dataframe is indexed by runNames.
index metric1 metric2
<run_123> <metricValue1> <metricValue2>
<run_124> <metricValue1> <metricValue2>
if metricDict is None:
metricDict = self.buildMetricDict()
for mName, metric in metricDict.items():
if 'summaryName' not in metric:
metric['summaryName'] = None
tempHeader, tempStats = self._findSummaryStats(metricName=metric['metricName'],
colName=mName, verbose=verbose)
if self.summaryStats is None:
self.summaryStats = tempStats
self.headerStats = tempHeader
self.summaryStats = self.summaryStats.join(tempStats, lsuffix='_x')
self.headerStats = self.headerStats.join(tempHeader, lsuffix='_x')
[docs] def normalizeStats(self, baselineRun):
Normalize the summary metric values in the dataframe
resulting from combineSummaryStats based on the values of a single
baseline run.
baselineRun : str
The name of the opsim run that will serve as baseline.
pandas DataFrame
A pandas dataframe containing a column for each of the configuration
parameters given in paramNamelike and a column for each of the
dictionary keys in the metricDict. The resulting dataframe is
indexed the name of the opsim runs.
index metric1 metric2
<run_123> <norm_metricValue1> <norm_metricValue2>
<run_124> <norm_metricValue1> <norm_metricValue2>
The metric values are normalized in the following way:
norm_metric_value(run) = metric_value(run) - metric_value(baselineRun) / metric_value(baselineRun)
self.normalizedStats = self.summaryStats.copy(deep=True)
self.normalizedStats = self.normalizedStats - self.summaryStats.loc[baselineRun]
self.normalizedStats /= self.summaryStats.loc[baselineRun]
self.baselineRun = baselineRun
[docs] def sortCols(self, baseName=True, summaryName=True):
"""Return the columns (in order) to display a sorted version of the stats dataframe.
baseName : bool, opt
Sort by the baseName. Default True.
If True, this takes priority in the sorted results.
summaryName : bool, opt
Sort by the summary stat name (summaryName). Default True.
sortby = []
if baseName:
if summaryName:
o = self.headerStats.sort_values(by=sortby, axis=1)
return o.columns
[docs] def filterCols(self, summaryName):
"""Return a dataframe containing only stats which match summaryName.
summaryName : str
The type of summary stat to match. (i.e. Max, Mean)
o = self.headerStats.loc['SummaryName'] == summaryName
return self.summaryStats.loc[:, o]
[docs] def findChanges(self, threshold=0.05):
"""Return a dataframe containing only values which changed by threshhold.
threshold : float, opt
Identify values which change by more than threshold (%) in the normalized values.
Default 5% (0.05).
o = abs(self.normalizedStats) > 0.05
o = o.any(axis=0)
return self.summaryStats.loc[:, o]
[docs] def getFileNames(self, metricName, metricMetadata=None, slicerName=None):
"""For each of the runs in runlist, get the paths to the datafiles for a given metric.
metricName : str
The name of the original metric.
metricMetadata : str, opt
The metric metadata specifying the metric desired (optional).
slicerName : str, opt
The slicer name specifying the metric desired (optional).
Keys: runName, Value: path to file
filepaths = {}
for r in self.runlist:
for s in self.runresults[r]:
mId = self.runresults[r][s].getMetricId(metricName=metricName,
if len(mId) > 0 :
if len(mId) > 1:
warnings.warn("Found more than one metric data file matching " +
"metricName %s metricMetadata %s and slicerName %s"
% (metricName, metricMetadata, slicerName) +
" Skipping this combination.")
filename = self.runresults[r][s].getMetricDataFiles(metricId=mId)
filepaths[r] = os.path.join(r, s, filename[0])
return filepaths
# Plot actual metric values (skymaps or histograms or power spectra) (values not stored in class).
[docs] def readMetricData(self, metricName, metricMetadata, slicerName):
# Get the names of the individual files for all runs.
# Dictionary, keyed by run name.
filenames = self.getFileNames(metricName, metricMetadata, slicerName)
mname = self._buildSummaryName(metricName, metricMetadata, slicerName, None)
bundleDict = {}
for r in filenames:
bundleDict[r] = mb.createEmptyMetricBundle()
return bundleDict, mname
[docs] def plotMetricData(self, bundleDict, plotFunc, runlist=None, userPlotDict=None,
layout=None, outDir=None, savefig=False):
if runlist is None:
runlist = self.runlist
if userPlotDict is None:
userPlotDict = {}
ph = plots.PlotHandler(outDir=outDir, savefig=savefig)
bundleList = []
for r in runlist:
plotDicts = [{} for r in runlist]
# Depending on plotFunc, overplot or make many subplots.
if plotFunc.plotType == 'SkyMap':
# Note that we can only handle 9 subplots currently due
# to how subplot identification (with string) is handled.
if len(runlist) > 9:
raise ValueError('Please try again with < 9 subplots for skymap.')
# Many subplots.
if 'colorMin' not in userPlotDict:
colorMin = 100000000
for b in bundleDict:
if 'zp' not in bundleDict[b].plotDict:
tmp = bundleDict[b].metricValues.compressed().min()
colorMin = min(tmp, colorMin)
colorMin = bundleDict[b].plotDict['colorMin']
userPlotDict['colorMin'] = colorMin
if 'colorMax' not in userPlotDict:
colorMax = -100000000
for b in bundleDict:
if 'zp' not in bundleDict[b].plotDict:
tmp = bundleDict[b].metricValues.compressed().max()
colorMax = max(tmp, colorMax)
colorMax = bundleDict[b].plotDict['colorMax']
userPlotDict['colorMax'] = colorMax
for i, pdict in enumerate(plotDicts):
# Add user provided dictionary.
# Set subplot information.
if layout is None:
ncols = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(runlist))))
nrows = int(np.ceil(len(runlist) / float(ncols)))
ncols = layout[0]
nrows = layout[1]
pdict['subplot'] = int(str(nrows) + str(ncols) + str(i + 1))
pdict['title'] = runlist[i]
# For the subplots we do not need the label
pdict['label'] = ''
if 'suptitle' not in userPlotDict:
pdict['suptitle'] = ph._buildTitle()
elif plotFunc.plotType == 'Histogram':
# Put everything on one plot.
if 'xMin' not in userPlotDict:
xMin = 100000000
for b in bundleDict:
if 'zp' not in bundleDict[b].plotDict:
tmp = bundleDict[b].metricValues.compressed().min()
xMin = min(tmp, xMin)
xMin = bundleDict[b].plotDict['xMin']
userPlotDict['xMin'] = xMin
if 'xMax' not in userPlotDict:
xMax = -100000000
for b in bundleDict:
if 'zp' not in bundleDict[b].plotDict:
tmp = bundleDict[b].metricValues.compressed().max()
xMax = max(tmp, xMax)
xMax = bundleDict[b].plotDict['xMax']
userPlotDict['xMax'] = xMax
for i, pdict in enumerate(plotDicts):
pdict['subplot'] = '111'
# Legend and title will automatically be ok, I think.
elif plotFunc.plotType == 'BinnedData':
# Put everything on one plot.
if 'yMin' not in userPlotDict:
yMin = 100000000
for b in bundleDict:
tmp = bundleDict[b].metricValues.compressed().min()
yMin = min(tmp, yMin)
userPlotDict['yMin'] = yMin
if 'yMax' not in userPlotDict:
yMax = -100000000
for b in bundleDict:
tmp = bundleDict[b].metricValues.compressed().max()
yMax = max(tmp, yMax)
userPlotDict['yMax'] = yMax
if 'xMin' not in userPlotDict:
xMin = 100000000
for b in bundleDict:
tmp = bundleDict[b].slicer.slicePoints['bins'].min()
xMin = min(tmp, xMin)
userPlotDict['xMin'] = xMin
if 'xMax' not in userPlotDict:
xMax = -100000000
for b in bundleDict:
tmp = bundleDict[b].slicer.slicePoints['bins'].max()
xMax = max(tmp, xMax)
userPlotDict['xMax'] = xMax
for i, pdict in enumerate(plotDicts):
pdict['subplot'] = '111'
# Legend and title will automatically be ok, I think.
if self.verbose:
ph.plot(plotFunc, plotDicts=plotDicts)
[docs] def generateDiffHtml(self, normalized = False, html_out = None, show_page = False,
combined = False, fullStats = False):
Use `bokeh` to convert a summaryStats dataframe to interactive html
normalized : bool, opt
If True generate html table with normalizedStats
html_out : str, opt
Name of the html that will be output and saved. If no string
is provided then the html table will not be saved.
show_page : bool, opt
If True the html page generate by this function will automatically open
in your browser
combined : bool, opt
If True the html produce will have columns for the original
summaryStats values, as well as their normalized values. The baselineRun
used to calculate the normalized values will be dropped from the table.
fullStats : bool, opt
If False the final html table will not include summaryStats that
contain '3Sigma','Rms','Min','Max','RobustRms', or '%ile' in their
if not _BOKEH_HERE:
raise ImportError('This method requires bokeh to be installed.'+ '\n'
'Run: pip install bokeh'+'\n' +
'Then restart your jupyter notebook kernel.')
if html_out is not None:
output_file(html_out, title = html_out.strip('.html'))
if normalized is False:
# HTML table based on summary stat values
dataframe = self.headerStats.T.merge(self.summaryStats.T,
left_index=True, right_index=True)
# HTML table based on normalized summary stats
dataframe = self.headerStats.T.merge(self.normalizedStats.T,
left_index=True, right_index=True)
if combined is True:
# HTML table of combined stat values and normalized values into single table.
# The baseline run is removed from the final table.
# The normalized values are given a suffix of '_norm'
combo = self.summaryStats.T.merge(self.normalizedStats.T, left_index=True, right_index=True,
dataframe = self.headerStats.T.merge(combo, left_index=True, right_index=True)
dataframe.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
if fullStats is False:
# For a more manageable table do no include the summaryStats that
# have names included in the avoid_summarys list.
avoid_summarys = ['3Sigma','Rms','Min','Max','RobustRms','%ile']
summary_pattern = '|'.join(avoid_summarys)
dataframe = dataframe[((dataframe['SummaryName'].str.contains(summary_pattern))==False) &
columns = []
for col in dataframe.columns:
if col not in ['FullName', 'BaseName','MetricName',
'MetricMetadata', 'SlicerName', 'SummaryName']:
columns.append(TableColumn(field=col, title=col,
columns.append(TableColumn(field=col, title=col))
source = ColumnDataSource(dataframe)
original_source = ColumnDataSource(dataframe)
data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=1900, height=900)
js_code = """
var data =;
var original_data =;
var FullName= FullName_select_obj.value;
var BaseName = BaseName_select_obj.value;
var SummaryName = SummaryName_select_obj.value;
var MetricName = MetricName_select_obj.value;
var MetricMetadata = MetricMetadata_select_obj.value;
for (var key in original_data) {
data[key] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < original_data['FullName'].length; ++i) {
if ((FullName === "ALL" || original_data['FullName'][i] === FullName) &&
(BaseName === "ALL" || original_data['BaseName'][i] === BaseName) &&
(MetricMetadata === "ALL" || original_data['MetricMetadata'][i] === MetricMetadata) &&
(MetricName === "ALL" || original_data['MetricName'][i] === MetricName) &&
(SummaryName === "ALL" || original_data['SummaryName'][i] === SummaryName)) {
FullName_list = dataframe['FullName'].unique().tolist()
FullName_select = Select(title="FullName:", value=FullName_list[0], options=FullName_list)
BaseName_list = dataframe['BaseName'].unique().tolist()
BaseName_select = Select(title="BaseName:",
dataframe['SummaryName'].fillna('None', inplace = True)
SummaryName_list = dataframe['SummaryName'].unique().tolist()
SummaryName_select = Select(title="SummaryName:",
MetricName_list = dataframe['MetricName'].unique().tolist()
MetricName_select = Select(title="MetricName:",
MetricMetadata_list = dataframe['MetricMetadata'].unique().tolist()
MetricMetadata_select = Select(title="MetricMetadata:",
generic_callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source,
FullName_select.callback = generic_callback
BaseName_select.callback = generic_callback
SummaryName_select.callback = generic_callback
MetricName_select.callback = generic_callback
MetricMetadata_select.callback = generic_callback
dropdownMenus = column([SummaryName_select, MetricName_select,
MetricMetadata_select, FullName_select, BaseName_select])
page_layout = layout([dropdownMenus,data_table])