from builtins import object
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import lsst.sims.maf.db as db
from .mafRunResults import MafRunResults
__all__ = ['MafTracking']
[docs]class MafTracking(object):
Class to read MAF's tracking SQLite database (tracking a set of MAF runs)
and handle the output for web display.
def __init__(self, database=None):
Instantiate the (multi-run) layout visualization class.
database :str
Path to the sqlite tracking database file.
If not set, looks for 'trackingDb_sqlite.db' file in current directory.
if database is None:
database = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'trackingDb_sqlite.db')
# Read in the results database.
tdb = db.Database(database=database, longstrings=True)
cols = ['mafRunId', 'opsimRun', 'opsimGroup', 'mafComment', 'opsimComment', 'dbFile',
'mafDir', 'opsimVersion', 'opsimDate', 'mafVersion', 'mafDate']
self.runs = tdb.query_columns('runs', colnames=cols)
self.runs = self.sortRuns(self.runs, order=['mafRunId', 'opsimRun', 'mafComment'])
self.runsPage = {}
[docs] def runInfo(self, run):
Provide the tracking database information relevant for a given run in a format
that the jinja2 templates can use.
run : numpy.NDarray
One line from self.runs
Ordered dict version of the numpy structured array.
runInfo = OrderedDict()
runInfo['OpsimRun'] = run['opsimRun']
runInfo['OpsimGroup'] = run['opsimGroup']
runInfo['MafComment'] = run['mafComment']
runInfo['OpsimComment'] = run['opsimComment']
runInfo['SQLite File'] = [os.path.relpath(run['dbFile']), os.path.split(run['dbFile'])[1]]
runInfo['ResultsDb'] = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(run['mafDir'], 'resultsDb_sqlite.db'))
runInfo['MafDir'] = run['mafDir']
runInfo['OpsimVersion'] = run['opsimVersion']
runInfo['OpsimDate'] = run['opsimDate']
runInfo['MafVersion'] = run['mafVersion']
runInfo['MafDate'] = run['mafDate']
return runInfo
[docs] def sortRuns(self, runs, order=['opsimRun', 'mafComment', 'mafRunId']):
Sort the numpy array of run data.
runs : numpy.NDarray
The runs from self.runs to sort.
order : list
The fields to use to sort the runs array.
A sorted numpy array.
return np.sort(runs, order=order)
[docs] def getRun(self, mafRunId):
Set up a mafRunResults object to read and handle the data from an individual run.
Caches the mafRunResults object, meaning the metric information from a particular run
is only read once from disk.
mafRunId : int
mafRunId value in the tracking database corresponding to a particular MAF run.
A MafRunResults object containing the information about a particular run.
Stored internally in self.runsPage dict, but also passed back to the tornado server.
if not isinstance(mafRunId, int):
if isinstance(mafRunId, dict):
mafRunId = int(mafRunId['runId'][0][0])
if isinstance(mafRunId, list):
mafRunId = int(mafRunId[0])
if mafRunId in self.runsPage:
return self.runsPage[mafRunId]
match = (self.runs['mafRunId'] == mafRunId)
mafDir = self.runs[match]['mafDir'][0]
runName = self.runs[match]['opsimRun'][0]
if runName == 'NULL':
runName = None
self.runsPage[mafRunId] = MafRunResults(mafDir, runName)
return self.runsPage[mafRunId]