Source code for lsst.sims.maf.utils.mafUtils

import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
import warnings
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
from lsst.sims.utils import int_binned_stat

__all__ = ['optimalBins', 'percentileClipping',
           'gnomonic_project_toxy', 'radec2pix', 'collapse_night']

def coaddM5(mags):
    """Coadded depth, assuming Gaussian noise
    return 1.25 * np.log10(np.sum(10.**(0.8*np.array(mags))))

[docs]def collapse_night(dataSlice, nightCol='night', filterCol='filter', m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', mjdCol='observationStartMJD'): """Collapse a dataSlice down by night. Convert the MJD to the median MJD per night and coadd 5-sigma depth (per filter) """ # Make an explicit copy so we don't clobber things result = dataSlice.copy() result.sort(order=[nightCol, filterCol]) filters = np.unique(result[filterCol]) for filtername in filters: infilt = np.where(result[filterCol] == filtername)[0] unight, indices = np.unique(result[nightCol][infilt], return_inverse=True) right = unight+0.5 bins = [unight[0]-0.5] + right.tolist() coadds, be, bn = binned_statistic(result[nightCol][infilt], result[m5Col][infilt], bins=bins, statistic=coaddM5) # now we just clobber the m5Col with the coadd for the night result[m5Col][infilt] = coadds[indices] unights, median_mjd_per_night = int_binned_stat(dataSlice[nightCol][infilt], dataSlice[mjdCol][infilt], statistic=np.median) dataSlice[mjdCol][infilt] = median_mjd_per_night[indices] # Note, we could also clobber exposure MJD, exposure time, etc. But I don't think they # get used later, so maybe OK. # Make a string that is the combination of night and filter night_filt = np.char.add(dataSlice[nightCol].astype(str), dataSlice[filterCol].astype(str)) u_nf, indx = np.unique(night_filt, return_index=True) dataSlice = dataSlice[indx] dataSlice.sort(order=[mjdCol]) return dataSlice
[docs]def optimalBins(datain, binmin=None, binmax=None, nbinMax=200, nbinMin=1): """ Set an 'optimal' number of bins using the Freedman-Diaconis rule. Parameters ---------- datain : numpy.ndarray or The data for which we want to set the binsize. binmin : float The minimum bin value to consider (if None, uses minimum data value). binmax : float The maximum bin value to consider (if None, uses maximum data value). nbinMax : int The maximum number of bins to create. Sometimes the 'optimal binsize' implies an unreasonably large number of bins, if the data distribution is unusual. nbinMin : int The minimum number of bins to create. Default is 1. Returns ------- int The number of bins. """ # if it's a masked array, only use unmasked values if hasattr(datain, 'compressed'): data = datain.compressed() else: data = datain # Check that any good data values remain. if data.size == 0: nbins = nbinMax warnings.warn('No unmasked data available for calculating optimal bin size: returning %i bins' %(nbins)) # Else proceed. else: if binmin is None: binmin = np.nanmin(data) if binmax is None: binmax = np.nanmax(data) cond = np.where((data >= binmin) & (data <= binmax))[0] # Check if any data points remain within binmin/binmax. if np.size(data[cond]) == 0: nbins = nbinMax warnings.warn('No data available for calculating optimal bin size within range of %f, %f' %(binmin, binmax) + ': returning %i bins' %(nbins)) else: iqr = np.percentile(data[cond], 75) - np.percentile(data[cond], 25) binwidth = 2 * iqr * (np.size(data[cond])**(-1./3.)) nbins = (binmax - binmin) / binwidth if nbins > nbinMax: warnings.warn('Optimal bin calculation tried to make %.0f bins, returning %i'%(nbins, nbinMax)) nbins = nbinMax if nbins < nbinMin: warnings.warn('Optimal bin calculation tried to make %.0f bins, returning %i'%(nbins, nbinMin)) nbins = nbinMin if np.isnan(nbins): warnings.warn('Optimal bin calculation calculated NaN: returning %i' %(nbinMax)) nbins = nbinMax return int(nbins)
[docs]def percentileClipping(data, percentile=95.): """ Calculate the minimum and maximum values of a distribution of points, after discarding data more than 'percentile' from the median. This is useful for determining useful data ranges for plots. Note that 'percentile' percent of the data is retained. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray The data to clip. percentile : float Retain values within percentile of the median. Returns ------- float, float The minimum and maximum values of the clipped data. """ lower_percentile = (100 - percentile) / 2.0 upper_percentile = 100 - lower_percentile min_value = np.percentile(data, lower_percentile) max_value = np.percentile(data, upper_percentile) return min_value, max_value
[docs]def gnomonic_project_toxy(RA1, Dec1, RAcen, Deccen): """ Calculate the x/y values of RA1/Dec1 in a gnomonic projection with center at RAcen/Deccen. Parameters ---------- RA1 : numpy.ndarray RA values of the data to be projected, in radians. Dec1 : numpy.ndarray Dec values of the data to be projected, in radians. RAcen: float RA value of the center of the projection, in radians. Deccen : float Dec value of the center of the projection, in radians. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray The x/y values of the projected RA1/Dec1 positions. """ cosc = np.sin(Deccen) * np.sin(Dec1) + np.cos(Deccen) * np.cos(Dec1) * np.cos(RA1-RAcen) x = np.cos(Dec1) * np.sin(RA1-RAcen) / cosc y = (np.cos(Deccen)*np.sin(Dec1) - np.sin(Deccen)*np.cos(Dec1)*np.cos(RA1-RAcen)) / cosc return x, y
[docs]def radec2pix(nside, ra, dec): """ Calculate the nearest healpixel ID of an RA/Dec array, assuming nside. Parameters ---------- nside : int The nside value of the healpix grid. ra : numpy.ndarray The RA values to be converted to healpix ids, in radians. dec : numpy.ndarray The Dec values to be converted to healpix ids, in radians. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The healpix ids. """ lat = np.pi/2. - dec hpid = hp.ang2pix(nside, lat, ra ) return hpid