lsst.sims.maf.utils package


lsst.sims.maf.utils.astrometryUtils module

lsst.sims.maf.utils.astrometryUtils.astrom_precision(fwhm, snr)[source]

Calculate the approximate precision of astrometric measurements, given a particular seeing and SNR value.

  • fwhm (float or numpy.ndarray) – The seeing (FWHMgeom) of the observation.

  • snr (float or numpy.ndarray) – The SNR of the object.


The astrometric precision.

Return type

float or numpy.ndarray

lsst.sims.maf.utils.astrometryUtils.m52snr(m, m5)[source]

Calculate the SNR for a star of magnitude m in an observation with 5-sigma limiting magnitude depth m5. Assumes gaussian distribution of photons and might not be strictly due in bluer filters. See table 2 and equation 5 in astroph/0805.2366.

  • m (float or numpy.ndarray) – The magnitude of the star

  • m5 (float or numpy.ndarray) – The m5 limiting magnitude of the observation



Return type

float or numpy.ndarray

lsst.sims.maf.utils.astrometryUtils.sigma_slope(x, sigma_y)[source]

Calculate the uncertainty in fitting a line, as given by the spread in x values and the uncertainties in the y values.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – The x values of the data

  • sigma_y (numpy.ndarray) – The uncertainty in the y values


The uncertainty in the line fit

Return type


lsst.sims.maf.utils.getDateVersion module


Get today’s date and a dictionary with the MAF version information. This is written into configuration output files, to help track MAF runs.


String with today’s date, Dictionary with version information.

Return type

str, dict

lsst.sims.maf.utils.mafUtils module

lsst.sims.maf.utils.mafUtils.collapse_night(dataSlice, nightCol='night', filterCol='filter', m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', mjdCol='observationStartMJD')[source]

Collapse a dataSlice down by night. Convert the MJD to the median MJD per night and coadd 5-sigma depth (per filter)

lsst.sims.maf.utils.mafUtils.gnomonic_project_toxy(RA1, Dec1, RAcen, Deccen)[source]

Calculate the x/y values of RA1/Dec1 in a gnomonic projection with center at RAcen/Deccen.

  • RA1 (numpy.ndarray) – RA values of the data to be projected, in radians.

  • Dec1 (numpy.ndarray) – Dec values of the data to be projected, in radians.

  • RAcen (float) – RA value of the center of the projection, in radians.

  • Deccen (float) – Dec value of the center of the projection, in radians.


The x/y values of the projected RA1/Dec1 positions.

Return type

numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray

lsst.sims.maf.utils.mafUtils.optimalBins(datain, binmin=None, binmax=None, nbinMax=200, nbinMin=1)[source]

Set an ‘optimal’ number of bins using the Freedman-Diaconis rule.

  • datain (numpy.ndarray or – The data for which we want to set the binsize.

  • binmin (float) – The minimum bin value to consider (if None, uses minimum data value).

  • binmax (float) – The maximum bin value to consider (if None, uses maximum data value).

  • nbinMax (int) – The maximum number of bins to create. Sometimes the ‘optimal binsize’ implies an unreasonably large number of bins, if the data distribution is unusual.

  • nbinMin (int) – The minimum number of bins to create. Default is 1.


The number of bins.

Return type


lsst.sims.maf.utils.mafUtils.percentileClipping(data, percentile=95.0)[source]

Calculate the minimum and maximum values of a distribution of points, after discarding data more than ‘percentile’ from the median. This is useful for determining useful data ranges for plots. Note that ‘percentile’ percent of the data is retained.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – The data to clip.

  • percentile (float) – Retain values within percentile of the median.


The minimum and maximum values of the clipped data.

Return type

float, float

lsst.sims.maf.utils.mafUtils.radec2pix(nside, ra, dec)[source]

Calculate the nearest healpixel ID of an RA/Dec array, assuming nside.

  • nside (int) – The nside value of the healpix grid.

  • ra (numpy.ndarray) – The RA values to be converted to healpix ids, in radians.

  • dec (numpy.ndarray) – The Dec values to be converted to healpix ids, in radians.


The healpix ids.

Return type


lsst.sims.maf.utils.obs2sqlite module

lsst.sims.maf.utils.opsimUtils module

lsst.sims.maf.utils.opsimUtils.calcCoaddedDepth(nvisits, singleVisitDepth)[source]

Calculate the coadded depth expected for a given number of visits and single visit depth.

  • nvisits (dict of ints or floats) – Dictionary (per filter) of number of visits

  • singleVisitDepth (dict of floats) – Dictionary (per filter) of the single visit depth


Dictionary of coadded depths per filter.

Return type

dict of floats

lsst.sims.maf.utils.opsimUtils.getFieldData(opsimDb, sqlconstraint)[source]

Find the fields (ra/dec/fieldID) relevant for a given sql constraint. If the opsimDb contains a Fields table, it uses OpsimDatabase.fetchFieldsFromFieldTable() to get the fields. If the opsimDb contains only a Summary, it uses OpsimDatabase.fetchFieldsFromSummaryTable().

  • opsimDb (OpsimDatabase) – An opsim database to use to query for field information.

  • sqlconstraint (str) – A SQL constraint to apply to the query (i.e. find all fields for DD proposal)


A numpy structured array containing the field information. This data will ALWAYS be in radians.

Return type


lsst.sims.maf.utils.opsimUtils.getSimData(opsimDb, sqlconstraint, dbcols, stackers=None, groupBy='default', tableName=None)[source]

Query an opsim database for the needed data columns and run any required stackers.

  • opsimDb (OpsimDatabase) –

  • sqlconstraint (str) – SQL constraint to apply to query for observations.

  • dbcols (list of str) – Columns required from the database.

  • stackers (list of Stackers) – Stackers to be used to generate additional columns.

  • tableName (str) – Name of the table to query.

  • distinctExpMJD (bool) – Only select observations with a distinct expMJD value. This is overriden if groupBy is not expMJD.

  • groupBy (str) – Column name to group SQL results by.


A numpy structured array with columns resulting from dbcols + stackers, for observations matching the SQLconstraint.

Return type


lsst.sims.maf.utils.opsimUtils.scaleBenchmarks(runLength, benchmark='design')[source]

Set the design and stretch values of the number of visits, area of the footprint, seeing values, FWHMeff values, skybrightness, and single visit depth (based on SRD values). Scales number of visits for the length of the run, relative to 10 years.

  • runLength (float) – The length (in years) of the run.

  • benchmark (str) – design or stretch - which version of the SRD values to return. requested is another option, in which case the values of the number of visits requested by the OpSim run (recorded in the Config table) is returned.


A dictionary containing the number of visits, area of footprint, seeing and FWHMeff values, skybrightness and single visit depth for either the design or stretch SRD values.

Return type

dict of floats

lsst.sims.maf.utils.opsimUtils.writeConfigs(opsimDb, outDir)[source]

Convenience function to get the configuration information from the opsim database and write this information to text files ‘configSummary.txt’ and ‘configDetails.txt’.

  • opsimDb (OpsimDatabase) – The opsim database from which to pull the opsim configuration information. Opsim SQLite databases save this configuration information in their config table.

  • outputDir (str) – The path to the output directory, where to write the config*.txt files.

lsst.sims.maf.utils.outputUtils module


Convert a string to a more file name (and web) friendly format.


inString (str) – The input string to be sanitized. Typically these are combinations of metric names and metadata.


The string after removal/replacement of non-filename friendly characters.

Return type


lsst.sims.maf.utils.outputUtils.printDict(content, label, filehandle=None, delimiter=' ', _level=0)[source]

Print dictionaries (and/or nested dictionaries) nicely. Can also print other simpler items (such as numpy ndarray) nicely too. This is used to print the config files.

  • content (dict) – The content to pretty print.

  • label (str) – A header for this level of the dictionary.

  • filename (file) – Output destination. If None, prints to stdout.

  • delimiter (str) – User specified delimiter between fields.

  • _level (int) – Internal use (controls level of indent).

lsst.sims.maf.utils.outputUtils.printSimpleDict(topdict, subkeyorder, filehandle=None, delimiter=' ')[source]

Print a simple one-level nested dictionary nicely across the screen, with one line per top-level key and all sub-level keys aligned.

  • topdict (dict) – The dictionary to pretty print

  • subkeyorder (list of strings) – The order to print the values of the dictionary.

  • filehandle (file) – File output object, if None then uses stdout.

  • delimiter (str) – User specified delimiter between fields.

lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils module

class lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils.CovColor(lc)[source]

Bases: object

class to estimate CovColor from lc using Fisher matrix element :param lc: :type lc: pandas df :param lc to process. Should contain the Fisher matrix components: :param ie the sum of the derivative of the fluxes wrt SN parameters:

det(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3)[source]

Method to estimate the det of a matrix from its values :param Values of the matrix: :param ( a1 a2 a3): :param (b1 b2 b3): :param (c1 c2 c3):


Return type

det value


Method to estimate the variance color from matrix element :param lc: data to process containing the derivative of the flux with respect to SN parameters :type lc: pandas df



Return type


class lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils.GetReference(lcName, gammaName, tel_par, param_Fisher=['x0', 'x1', 'color', 'daymax'])[source]

Bases: object

Class to load reference data used for the fast SN simulator :param lcName: name of the reference file to load (lc) :type lcName: str :param gammaName: name of the reference file to load (gamma) :type gammaName: str :param tel_par: telescope parameters :type tel_par: dict :param param_Fisher: list of SN parameter for Fisher estimation to consider

(default: [‘x0’, ‘x1’, ‘color’, ‘daymax’])


  • The following dict can be accessed

  • mag_to_flux_e_sec (Interp1D of mag to flux(e.sec-1) conversion)

  • flux (dict of RegularGridInterpolator of fluxes (key: filters, (x,y)=(phase, z), result=flux))

  • fluxerr (dict of RegularGridInterpolator of flux errors (key: filters, (x,y)=(phase, z), result=fluxerr))

  • param (dict of dict of RegularGridInterpolator of flux derivatives wrt SN parameters) – (key: filters plus param_Fisher parameters; (x,y)=(phase, z), result=flux derivatives)

  • gamma (dict of RegularGridInterpolator of gamma values (key: filters))


Multiprocessing method to read references :param tab: :type tab: astropy Table of data


Return type

stacked astropy Table of data

Read_Ref(fi, j=- 1, output_q=None)[source]

” Load the reference file and make a single astopy Table from a set of. :param fi: name of the file to be loaded :type fi: str,


tab_tot – single table = vstack of all the tables in fi.

Return type

astropy table

limVals(lc, field)[source]

Get unique values of a field in a table :param lc: astropy Table (here probably a LC) :type lc: Table :param field: name of the field of interest :type field: str


  • vmin (float) – min value of the field

  • vmax (float) – max value of the field

  • vstep (float) – step value for this field (median)

  • nvals (int) – number of unique values

class lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils.LCfast(reference_lc, x1, color, telescope, mjdCol='observationStartMJD', RACol='fieldRA', DecCol='fieldDec', filterCol='filter', exptimeCol='visitExposureTime', m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', seasonCol='season', nexpCol='numExposures', snr_min=5.0)[source]

Bases: object

class to simulate supernovae light curves in a fast way The method relies on templates and broadcasting to increase speed :param reference_lc: :param x1: SN stretch :type x1: float :param color: SN color :type color: float :param telescope: telescope for the study :type telescope: Telescope() :param mjdCol: name of the MJD col in data to simulate (default: observationStartMJD) :type mjdCol: str, opt :param RACol: name of the RA col in data to simulate (default: fieldRA) :type RACol: str, opt :param DecCol: name of the Dec col in data to simulate (default: fieldDec) :type DecCol: str, opt :param filterCol: name of the filter col in data to simulate (default: filter) :type filterCol: str, opt :param exptimeCol: name of the exposure time col in data to simulate (default: visitExposureTime) :type exptimeCol: str, opt :param m5Col: name of the fiveSigmaDepth col in data to simulate (default: fiveSigmaDepth) :type m5Col: str, opt :param seasonCol: name of the season col in data to simulate (default: season) :type seasonCol: str, opt :param snr_min: minimal Signal-to-Noise Ratio to apply on LC points (default: 5) :type snr_min: float, opt

__call__(obs, gen_par=None, bands='grizy')[source]

Simulation of the light curve

  • obs (array) – array of observations

  • gen_par (array, opt) – simulation parameters (default: None)

  • bands (str, opt) – filters to consider for simulation (default: grizy)


  • astropy table with

  • columns (band, flux, fluxerr, snr_m5,flux_e,zp,zpsys,time)

  • metadata (SNID,RA,Dec,DayMax,X1,Color,z)

processBand(sel_obs, band, gen_par, j=- 1, output_q=None)[source]

LC simulation of a set of obs corresponding to a band The idea is to use python broadcasting so as to estimate all the requested values (flux, flux error, Fisher components, …) in a single path (i.e no loop!) :param sel_obs: array of observations :type sel_obs: array :param band: band of observations :type band: str :param gen_par: simulation parameters :type gen_par: array :param j: index for multiprocessing (default: -1) :type j: int, opt :param output_q: queue for multiprocessing (default: None) :type output_q: multiprocessing.Queue(),opt


Return type

astropy table with fields corresponding to LC components

srand(gamma, mag, m5)[source]

Method to estimate \(srand=\sqrt((0.04-\gamma)*x+\gamma*x^2)\) with \(x = 10^{0.4*(m-m_5)}\)

  • gamma (float) – gamma value

  • mag (float) – magnitude

  • m5 (float) – fiveSigmaDepth value


  • srand = np.sqrt((0.04-gamma)*x+gamma*x**2)

  • with x = 10**(0.4*(mag-m5))

class lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils.Load_Reference(server='', templateDir=None)[source]

Bases: object

class to load template files requested for LCFast These files should be stored in a reference_files directory

check_grab(templateDir, listfiles)[source]

Method that check if files are on disk. If not: grab them from a server (self.server)

  • templateDir (str) – directory where files are (or will be)

  • listfiles (list(str)) – list of files that are (will be) in templateDir


Method to load reference files


fname (str) – file name

class lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils.SN_Rate(rate='Perrett', H0=70, Om0=0.25, min_rf_phase=- 15.0, max_rf_phase=30.0)[source]

Bases: object

Estimate production rates of typeIa SN Available rates: Ripoche, Perrett, Dilday

  • rate (str,opt) – type of rate chosen (Ripoche, Perrett, Dilday) (default : Perrett)

  • H0 (float, opt) – Hubble constant value :math:`H_{0}`(default : 70.)

  • Om0 (float, opt) – matter density value \(\Omega_{0}\) (default : 0.25)

  • min_rf_phase (float, opt) – min rest-frame phase (default : -15.)

  • max_rf_phase (float, opt) – max rest-frame phase (default : 30.)

The Dilday rate according to





  • rate (float)

  • error_rate (float)


The SNLS SNIa rate according to (Perrett et al, 201?) :param z: redshift :type z: float


  • rate (float)

  • error_rate (float)

PlotNSN(zmin=0.1, zmax=0.2, dz=0.01, survey_area=9.6, bins=None, account_for_edges=False, duration=140.0, duration_z=None, norm=False)[source]

Plot integrated number of supernovae as a function of redshift uses the __call__ function :param zmin: minimal redshift (default : 0.1) :type zmin: float, opt :param zmax: max redshift (default : 0.2) :type zmax: float,opt :param dz: redshift bin (default : 0.001) :type dz: float, opt :param survey_area: area of the survey (\(deg^{2}\)) (default : 9.6 \(deg^{2}\)) :type survey_area: float, opt :param bins: redshift bins (default : None) :type bins: list(float), opt :param account_for_edges: to account for season edges. If true, duration of the survey will be reduced by (1+z)*(maf_rf_phase-min_rf_phase)/365.25 (default : False) :type account_for_edges: bool :param duration: survey duration (in days) (default : 140 days) :type duration: float, opt :param duration_z: survey duration (as a function of z) (default : None) :type duration_z: list(float),opt :param norm: to normalise the results (default: False) :type norm: bool, opt


The SNLS SNIa rate according to the (unpublished) Ripoche et al study. :param z: redshift :type z: float


  • rate (float)

  • error_rate (float)


SN rate estimation :param z: redshift :type z: float


  • rate (float)

  • error_rate (float)

__call__(zmin=0.1, zmax=0.2, dz=0.01, survey_area=9.6, bins=None, account_for_edges=False, duration=140.0, duration_z=None)[source]

call method :param zmin: minimal redshift (default : 0.1) :type zmin: float, opt :param zmax: max redshift (default : 0.2) :type zmax: float,opt :param dz: redshift bin (default : 0.001) :type dz: float, opt :param survey_area: area of the survey (\(deg^{2}\)) (default : 9.6 \(deg^{2}\)) :type survey_area: float, opt :param bins: redshift bins (default : None) :type bins: list(float), opt :param account_for_edges: to account for season edges. If true, duration of the survey will be reduced by (1+z)*(maf_rf_phase-min_rf_phase)/365.25 (default : False) :type account_for_edges: bool :param duration: survey duration (in days) (default : 140 days) :type duration: float, opt :param duration_z: survey duration (as a function of z) (default : None) :type duration_z: list(float),opt


  • Lists

  • zz (float) – redshift values

  • rate (float) – production rate

  • err_rate (float) – production rate error

  • nsn (float) – number of SN

  • err_nsn (float) – error on the number of SN

class lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils.Telescope(name='unknown', airmass=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils.Throughputs

Telescope class inherits from Throughputs estimate quantities defined in LSE-40 The following quantities are accessible: mag_sky: sky magnitude m5: 5-sigma depth Sigmab: see eq. (36) of LSE-40 zp: see eq. (43) of LSE-40 counts_zp: Skyb: see eq. (40) of LSE-40 flux_sky: :param through_dir: throughput directory


  • atmos_dir (str, opt) – directory of atmos files Default : THROUGHPUTS_DIR

  • telescope_files (list(str),opt) –

    list of of throughput files Default : [‘detector.dat’, ‘lens1.dat’,’lens2.dat’,

    ’lens3.dat’,’m1.dat’, ‘m2.dat’, ‘m3.dat’]

  • filterlist (list(str), opt) – list of filters to consider Default : ‘ugrizy’

  • wave_min (float, opt) – min wavelength for throughput Default : 300

  • wave_max (float, opt) – max wavelength for throughput Default : 1150

  • atmos (bool, opt) – to include atmosphere affects Default : True

  • aerosol (bool, opt) – to include aerosol effects Default : True

  • airmass (float, opt) – airmass value Default : 1.


  • Accessible throughputs (per band, from Throughput class)

  • lsst_system (system throughput (lens+mirrors+filters))

  • lsst_atmos (lsst_system+atmosphere)

  • lsst_atmos_aerosol (lsst_system+atmosphere+aerosol)

  • Note (I would like to see this replaced by a class in sims_photUtils instead. This does not belong in MAF.)


integration over bandpass :param bandpass: :type bandpass: float


Return type


Calc_Integ_Sed(sed, bandpass, wavelen=None, fnu=None)[source]

SED integration :param sed: sed to integrate :type sed: float :param bandpass: bandpass :type bandpass: float :param wavelength:

wavelength values

Default : None


fnu (float, opt) – fnu values Default : None


Return type

integrated sed over the bandpass


FWHMeff accessor :param band: filter :type band: str


Sigmab accessor :param band: filter :type band: str


Tb accessor

flux_to_mag(flux, band, zp=None)[source]

Flux to magnitude conversion :param flux: input fluxes :type flux: float :param band: input band :type band: str :param zp: zeropoints

Default : None


Return type


get(what, band)[source]

Decorator to access quantities :param what: parameter to estimate :type what: str :param band: filter :type band: str

get_inputs(what, band)[source]

decorator to access Tb, Sigmab, mag_sky :param what: parameter to estimate :type what: str :param band: filter :type band: str

get_zp(what, band)[source]

decorator get zero points formula used here are extracted from LSE-40 :param what: parameter to estimate :type what: str :param band: filter :type band: str


m5 accessor


mag_sky accessor

mag_to_flux(mag, band, zp=None)[source]

Magnitude to flux conversion :param mag: input mags :type mag: float :param band: input band :type band: str :param zp: zeropoints

Default : None


Return type


mag_to_flux_e_sec(mag, band, exptime)[source]

Mag to flux (in photoelec/sec) conversion :param mag: input magnitudes :type mag: float :param band: input bands :type band: str :param exptime: input exposure times :type exptime: float


  • counts (float) – number of ADU counts

  • e_per_sec (float) – flux in photoelectron per sec.

return_value(what, band)[source]

accessor :param what: parameter to estimate :type what: str :param band: filter :type band: str


Zero points estimation :param band: list of bands :type band: list(str)


Return type

array of zp


zp accessor :param band: filter :type band: str

class lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils.Throughputs(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

class to handle instrument throughput :param through_dir: throughput directory. If None, uses $THROUGHPUTS_DIR/baseline :type through_dir: str, opt :param atmos_dir: directory of atmos files. If None, uses $THROUGHPUTS_DIR :type atmos_dir: str, opt :param telescope_files: list of of throughput files

Default[‘detector.dat’, ‘lens1.dat’,’lens2.dat’,

‘lens3.dat’,’m1.dat’, ‘m2.dat’, ‘m3.dat’]

  • filterlist (list(str), opt) – list of filters to consider Default : ‘ugrizy’

  • wave_min (float, opt) – min wavelength for throughput Default : 300

  • wave_max (float, opt) – max wavelength for throughput Default : 1150

  • atmos (bool, opt) – to include atmosphere affects Default : True

  • aerosol (bool, opt) – to include aerosol effects Default : True


  • Accessible throughputs (per band)

  • lsst_system (system throughput (lens+mirrors+filters))

  • lsst_atmos (lsst_system+atmosphere)

  • lsst_atmos_aerosol (lsst_system+atmosphere+aerosol)

  • Note (I would like to see this replaced by a class in sims_photUtils instead. This does not belong in MAF.)


Load atmosphere files and convolve with transmissions :param airmass: airmass value

Default : 1.2


Load DarkSky


Load files required to estimate throughputs


Estimate mean wave

property aerosol
property atmosphere
property system
property telescope

lsst.sims.maf.utils.snUtils module

class lsst.sims.maf.utils.snUtils.GenerateFakeObservations(config, mjdCol='observationStartMJD', RaCol='fieldRA', DecCol='fieldDec', filterCol='filter', m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', exptimeCol='visitExposureTime', nexpCol='numExposures', seasonCol='season')[source]

Bases: object

Class to generate Fake observations

  • config (yaml-like) – configuration file (parameter choice: filter, cadence, m5,Nseasons, …)

  • list (str,opt) – Name of the columns used. Default : ‘observationStartMJD’, ‘fieldRA’, ‘fieldDec’,’filter’,’fiveSigmaDepth’,’visitExposureTime’,’numExposures’,’visitTime’,’season’


  • recordarray of observations with the fields

  • MJD, Ra, Dec, band,m5,Nexp, ExpTime, Season

m5_coadd(m5, Nvisits, Tvisit)[source]

Coadded m5 estimation


list of five-sigma depth values


list of the number of visits


list of the visit times


list of m5 coadded values


Generate Fake observations


config (yaml-like) – configuration file (parameter choice: filter, cadence, m5,Nseasons, …)

class lsst.sims.maf.utils.snUtils.Lims(Li_files, mag_to_flux_files, band, SNR, mag_range=(23.0, 27.5), dt_range=(0.5, 25.0))[source]

Bases: object

class to handle light curve of SN

  • Li_files (str) – light curve reference file

  • mag_to_flux_files (str) – files of magnitude to flux

  • band (str) – band considered

  • SNR (float) – Signal-To-Noise Ratio cut

  • mag_range (pair(float),opt) – mag range considered Default : (23., 27.5)

  • dt_range (pair(float)) – difference time range considered (cadence) Default : (0.5, 25.)

get_lims(band, tab, SNR)[source]

Estimations of the limits

  • band (str) – band to consider

  • tab (numpy array) – table of data

  • SNR (float) – Signal-to-Noise Ratio cut

  • Returns

  • -----------

  • of limits with redshift and band as keys. (dict) –


Estimate a grid of interpolated values in the plane (m5, cadence, metric)




Estimate metric interpolation for data (m5,cadence)


data (data where interpolation has to be done (m5,cadence)) –


Return type

griddata interpolation (m5,cadence,metric)


Mesh grid to estimate five-sigma depth values (m5) from mags input.


mag_to_flux (magnitude to flux values) –


  • m5 values

  • time difference dt (cadence)

  • metric=sqrt(dt)*F5 where F5 is the 5-sigma flux

class lsst.sims.maf.utils.snUtils.ReferenceData(Li_files, mag_to_flux_files, band, z)[source]

Bases: object

class to handle light curve of SN

  • Li_files (str) – light curve reference file

  • mag_to_flux_files (str) – files of magnitude to flux

  • band (str) – band considered

  • z (float) – redshift considered

interp_fluxes(band, tab, z)[source]

Flux interpolator

  • band (str) – band considered

  • tab (array) – reference data with (at least) fields z,band,time,DayMax

  • z (float) – redshift considered


Return type

list (float) of interpolated fluxes (in e/sec)

interp_mag(band, tab)[source]

magnitude (m5) to flux (e/sec) interpolator

  • band (str) – band considered

  • tab (array) – reference data with (at least) fields band,m5,flux_e,

  • z (float) – redshift considered


Return type

list (float) of interpolated fluxes (in e/sec)

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