Source code for lsst.sims.maf.utils.snNSNUtils

from lsst.utils import getPackageDir
from lsst.sims.photUtils import SignalToNoise
from lsst.sims.photUtils import PhotometricParameters
from lsst.sims.photUtils import Bandpass, Sed

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import *
from functools import wraps
import os
import h5py
import multiprocessing
from astropy.table import Table
import pandas as pd
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM

STERADIAN2SQDEG = 180.**2 / np.pi**2
# Mpc^3 -> Mpc^3/sr
norm = 1. / (4. * np.pi)

__all__ = ['LCfast', 'Throughputs', 'Telescope',
           'Load_Reference', 'GetReference', 'SN_Rate', 'CovColor']

[docs]class LCfast: """ class to simulate supernovae light curves in a fast way The method relies on templates and broadcasting to increase speed Parameters --------------- reference_lc: x1: float SN stretch color: float SN color telescope: Telescope() telescope for the study mjdCol: str, opt name of the MJD col in data to simulate (default: observationStartMJD) RACol: str, opt name of the RA col in data to simulate (default: fieldRA) DecCol: str, opt name of the Dec col in data to simulate (default: fieldDec) filterCol: str, opt name of the filter col in data to simulate (default: filter) exptimeCol: str, opt name of the exposure time col in data to simulate (default: visitExposureTime) m5Col: str, opt name of the fiveSigmaDepth col in data to simulate (default: fiveSigmaDepth) seasonCol: str, opt name of the season col in data to simulate (default: season) snr_min: float, opt minimal Signal-to-Noise Ratio to apply on LC points (default: 5) """ def __init__(self, reference_lc, x1, color, telescope, mjdCol='observationStartMJD', RACol='fieldRA', DecCol='fieldDec', filterCol='filter', exptimeCol='visitExposureTime', m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', seasonCol='season', nexpCol='numExposures', snr_min=5.): # grab all vals self.RACol = RACol self.DecCol = DecCol self.filterCol = filterCol self.mjdCol = mjdCol self.m5Col = m5Col self.exptimeCol = exptimeCol self.seasonCol = seasonCol self.nexpCol = nexpCol self.x1 = x1 self.color = color # Loading reference file self.reference_lc = reference_lc self.telescope = telescope # This cutoffs are used to select observations: # phase = (mjd - DayMax)/(1.+z) # selection: min_rf_phase < phase < max_rf_phase # and blue_cutoff < mean_rest_frame < red_cutoff # where mean_rest_frame = telescope.mean_wavelength/(1.+z) self.blue_cutoff = 380. self.red_cutoff = 800. # SN parameters for Fisher matrix estimation self.param_Fisher = ['x0', 'x1', 'daymax', 'color'] self.snr_min = snr_min # getting the telescope zp self.zp = {} for b in 'ugrizy': self.zp[b] = telescope.zp(b)
[docs] def __call__(self, obs, gen_par=None, bands='grizy'): """ Simulation of the light curve Parameters ---------------- obs: array array of observations gen_par: array, opt simulation parameters (default: None) bands: str, opt filters to consider for simulation (default: grizy) Returns ------------ astropy table with: columns: band, flux, fluxerr, snr_m5,flux_e,zp,zpsys,time metadata : SNID,RA,Dec,DayMax,X1,Color,z """ if len(obs) == 0: return None tab_tot = pd.DataFrame() # multiprocessing here: one process (processBand) per band for band in bands: idx = obs[self.filterCol] == band # print('multiproc',band,j,len(obs[idx])) if len(obs[idx]) > 0: res = self.processBand(obs[idx], band, gen_par) tab_tot = tab_tot.append(res, ignore_index=True) # return produced LC return tab_tot
[docs] def processBand(self, sel_obs, band, gen_par, j=-1, output_q=None): """ LC simulation of a set of obs corresponding to a band The idea is to use python broadcasting so as to estimate all the requested values (flux, flux error, Fisher components, ...) in a single path (i.e no loop!) Parameters --------------- sel_obs: array array of observations band: str band of observations gen_par: array simulation parameters j: int, opt index for multiprocessing (default: -1) output_q: multiprocessing.Queue(),opt queue for multiprocessing (default: None) Returns ------- astropy table with fields corresponding to LC components """ # method used for interpolation method = 'linear' interpType = 'regular' # if there are no observations in this filter: return None if len(sel_obs) == 0: if output_q is not None: output_q.put({j: None}) else: return None # Get the fluxes (from griddata reference) # xi = MJD-T0 xi = sel_obs[self.mjdCol]-gen_par['daymax'][:, np.newaxis] # yi = redshift simulated values # requested to avoid interpolation problems near boundaries yi = np.round(gen_par['z'], 4) # yi = gen_par['z'] # p = phases of LC points = xi/(1.+z) p = xi/(1.+yi[:, np.newaxis]) yi_arr = np.ones_like(p)*yi[:, np.newaxis] if interpType == 'regular': pts = (p, yi_arr) fluxes_obs = self.reference_lc.flux[band](pts) fluxes_obs_err = self.reference_lc.fluxerr[band](pts) # Fisher components estimation dFlux = {} # loop on Fisher parameters for val in self.param_Fisher: dFlux[val] = self.reference_lc.param[band][val](pts) # get the reference components # z_c = self.reference_lc.lc_ref[band]['d'+val] # get Fisher components from interpolation # dFlux[val] = griddata((x, y), z_c, (p, yi_arr), # method=method, fill_value=0.) # replace crazy fluxes by dummy values fluxes_obs[fluxes_obs <= 0.] = 1.e-10 fluxes_obs_err[fluxes_obs_err <= 0.] = 1.e-10 # Fisher matrix components estimation # loop on SN parameters (x0,x1,color) # estimate: dF/dxi*dF/dxj/sigma_flux**2 Derivative_for_Fisher = {} for ia, vala in enumerate(self.param_Fisher): for jb, valb in enumerate(self.param_Fisher): if jb >= ia: Derivative_for_Fisher[vala + valb] = dFlux[vala] * dFlux[valb] # remove LC points outside the restframe phase range min_rf_phase = gen_par['min_rf_phase'][:, np.newaxis] max_rf_phase = gen_par['max_rf_phase'][:, np.newaxis] flag = (p >= min_rf_phase) & (p <= max_rf_phase) # remove LC points outside the (blue-red) range mean_restframe_wavelength = np.array( [self.telescope.mean_wavelength[band]]*len(sel_obs)) mean_restframe_wavelength = np.tile( mean_restframe_wavelength, (len(gen_par), 1))/(1.+gen_par['z'][:, np.newaxis]) flag &= (mean_restframe_wavelength > self.blue_cutoff) & ( mean_restframe_wavelength < self.red_cutoff) flag_idx = np.argwhere(flag) # Correct fluxes_err (m5 in generation probably different from m5 obs) # gamma_obs = self.telescope.gamma( # sel_obs[self.m5Col], [band]*len(sel_obs), sel_obs[self.exptimeCol]) gamma_obs = self.reference_lc.gamma[band]( (sel_obs[self.m5Col], sel_obs[self.exptimeCol]/sel_obs[self.nexpCol], sel_obs[self.nexpCol])) mag_obs = -2.5*np.log10(fluxes_obs/3631.) m5 = np.asarray([self.reference_lc.m5_ref[band]]*len(sel_obs)) gammaref = np.asarray([self.reference_lc.gamma_ref[band]]*len(sel_obs)) m5_tile = np.tile(m5, (len(p), 1)) srand_ref = self.srand( np.tile(gammaref, (len(p), 1)), mag_obs, m5_tile) srand_obs = self.srand(np.tile(gamma_obs, (len(p), 1)), mag_obs, np.tile( sel_obs[self.m5Col], (len(p), 1))) correct_m5 = srand_ref/srand_obs """ print(band, gammaref, gamma_obs, m5, sel_obs[self.m5Col], sel_obs[self.exptimeCol]) """ fluxes_obs_err = fluxes_obs_err/correct_m5 # now apply the flag to select LC points fluxes =, mask=~flag) fluxes_err =, mask=~flag) phases =, mask=~flag) snr_m5 =, mask=~flag) nvals = len(phases) obs_time = np.tile(sel_obs[self.mjdCol], (nvals, 1)), mask=~flag) seasons = np.tile(sel_obs[self.seasonCol], (nvals, 1)), mask=~flag) z_vals = gen_par['z'][flag_idx[:, 0]] daymax_vals = gen_par['daymax'][flag_idx[:, 0]] mag_obs =, mask=~flag) Fisher_Mat = {} for key, vals in Derivative_for_Fisher.items(): Fisher_Mat[key] =, mask=~flag) # Store in a panda dataframe lc = pd.DataFrame() ndata = len(fluxes_err[~fluxes_err.mask]) if ndata > 0: lc['flux'] = fluxes[~fluxes.mask] lc['fluxerr'] = fluxes_err[~fluxes_err.mask] lc['phase'] = phases[~phases.mask] lc['snr_m5'] = snr_m5[~snr_m5.mask] lc['time'] = obs_time[~obs_time.mask] lc['mag'] = mag_obs[~mag_obs.mask] lc['band'] = ['LSST::'+band]*len(lc) lc.loc[:, 'zp'] = self.zp[band] lc['season'] = seasons[~seasons.mask] lc['season'] = lc['season'].astype(int) lc['z'] = z_vals lc['daymax'] = daymax_vals for key, vals in Fisher_Mat.items(): lc.loc[:, 'F_{}'.format( key)] = vals[~vals.mask]/(lc['fluxerr'].values**2) # lc.loc[:, 'F_{}'.format(key)] = 999. lc.loc[:, 'x1'] = self.x1 lc.loc[:, 'color'] = self.color lc.loc[:, 'n_aft'] = (np.sign(lc['phase']) == 1) & ( lc['snr_m5'] >= self.snr_min) lc.loc[:, 'n_bef'] = (np.sign(lc['phase']) == -1) & (lc['snr_m5'] >= self.snr_min) lc.loc[:, 'n_phmin'] = (lc['phase'] <= -5.) lc.loc[:, 'n_phmax'] = (lc['phase'] >= 20) # transform boolean to int because of some problems in the sum() for colname in ['n_aft', 'n_bef', 'n_phmin', 'n_phmax']: lc.loc[:, colname] = lc[colname].astype(int) """ idb = (lc['z'] > 0.65) & (lc['z'] < 0.9) print(lc[idb][['z', 'ratio', 'm5', 'flux_e_sec', 'snr_m5']]) """ if output_q is not None: output_q.put({j: lc}) else: return lc
[docs] def srand(self, gamma, mag, m5): """ Method to estimate :math:`srand=\sqrt((0.04-\gamma)*x+\gamma*x^2)` with :math:`x = 10^{0.4*(m-m_5)}` Parameters ----------- gamma: float gamma value mag: float magnitude m5: float fiveSigmaDepth value Returns ------- srand = np.sqrt((0.04-gamma)*x+gamma*x**2) with x = 10**(0.4*(mag-m5)) """ x = 10**(0.4*(mag-m5)) return np.sqrt((0.04-gamma)*x+gamma*x**2)
[docs]class Throughputs(object): """ class to handle instrument throughput Parameters ------------- through_dir : str, opt throughput directory. If None, uses $THROUGHPUTS_DIR/baseline atmos_dir : str, opt directory of atmos files. If None, uses $THROUGHPUTS_DIR telescope_files : list(str),opt list of of throughput files Default : ['detector.dat', 'lens1.dat','lens2.dat', 'lens3.dat','m1.dat', 'm2.dat', 'm3.dat'] filterlist: list(str), opt list of filters to consider Default : 'ugrizy' wave_min : float, opt min wavelength for throughput Default : 300 wave_max : float, opt max wavelength for throughput Default : 1150 atmos : bool, opt to include atmosphere affects Default : True aerosol : bool, opt to include aerosol effects Default : True Returns --------- Accessible throughputs (per band): lsst_system: system throughput (lens+mirrors+filters) lsst_atmos: lsst_system+atmosphere lsst_atmos_aerosol: lsst_system+atmosphere+aerosol Note: I would like to see this replaced by a class in sims_photUtils instead. This does not belong in MAF. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): params = {} params['through_dir'] = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline') params['atmos_dir'] = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'atmos') params['atmos'] = True params['aerosol'] = True params['telescope_files'] = ['detector.dat', 'lens1.dat', 'lens2.dat', 'lens3.dat', 'm1.dat', 'm2.dat', 'm3.dat'] params['filterlist'] = 'ugrizy' params['wave_min'] = 300. params['wave_max'] = 1150. # This lets a user override the atmosphere and throughputs directories. for par in ['through_dir', 'atmos_dir', 'atmos', 'aerosol', 'telescope_files', 'filterlist', 'wave_min', 'wave_max']: if par in kwargs.keys(): params[par] = kwargs[par] self.atmosDir = params['atmos_dir'] self.throughputsDir = params['through_dir'] self.telescope_files = params['telescope_files'] self.filter_files = ['filter_'+f+'.dat' for f in params['filterlist']] if 'filter_files' in kwargs.keys(): self.filter_files = kwargs['filter_files'] self.wave_min = params['wave_min'] self.wave_max = params['wave_max'] self.filterlist = params['filterlist'] self.filtercolors = {'u': 'b', 'g': 'c', 'r': 'g', 'i': 'y', 'z': 'r', 'y': 'm'} self.lsst_std = {} self.lsst_system = {} self.mean_wavelength = {} self.lsst_detector = {} self.lsst_atmos = {} self.lsst_atmos_aerosol = {} self.airmass = -1. self.aerosol_b = params['aerosol'] self.Load_System() self.Load_DarkSky() if params['atmos']: self.Load_Atmosphere() else: for f in self.filterlist: self.lsst_atmos[f] = self.lsst_system[f] self.lsst_atmos_aerosol[f] = self.lsst_system[f] self.Mean_Wave() @property def system(self): return self.lsst_system @property def telescope(self): return self.lsst_telescope @property def atmosphere(self): return self.lsst_atmos @property def aerosol(self): return self.lsst_atmos_aerosol
[docs] def Load_System(self): """ Load files required to estimate throughputs """ for f in self.filterlist: self.lsst_std[f] = Bandpass() self.lsst_system[f] = Bandpass() if len(self.telescope_files) > 0: index = [i for i, x in enumerate( self.filter_files) if f+'.dat' in x] telfiles = self.telescope_files+[self.filter_files[index[0]]] else: telfiles = self.filter_files self.lsst_system[f].readThroughputList(telfiles, rootDir=self.throughputsDir, wavelen_min=self.wave_min, wavelen_max=self.wave_max)
[docs] def Load_DarkSky(self): """ Load DarkSky """ self.darksky = Sed() self.darksky.readSED_flambda(os.path.join( self.throughputsDir, 'darksky.dat'))
[docs] def Load_Atmosphere(self, airmass=1.2): """ Load atmosphere files and convolve with transmissions Parameters -------------- airmass : float,opt airmass value Default : 1.2 """ self.airmass = airmass if self.airmass > 0.: atmosphere = Bandpass() path_atmos = os.path.join( self.atmosDir, 'atmos_%d.dat' % (self.airmass*10)) if os.path.exists(path_atmos): atmosphere.readThroughput(os.path.join( self.atmosDir, 'atmos_%d.dat' % (self.airmass*10))) else: atmosphere.readThroughput( os.path.join(self.atmosDir, 'atmos.dat')) self.atmos = Bandpass(wavelen=atmosphere.wavelen, for f in self.filterlist: wavelen, sb = self.lsst_system[f].multiplyThroughputs( atmosphere.wavelen, self.lsst_atmos[f] = Bandpass(wavelen=wavelen, sb=sb) if self.aerosol_b: atmosphere_aero = Bandpass() atmosphere_aero.readThroughput(os.path.join( self.atmosDir, 'atmos_%d_aerosol.dat' % (self.airmass*10))) self.atmos_aerosol = Bandpass( wavelen=atmosphere_aero.wavelen, for f in self.filterlist: wavelen, sb = self.lsst_system[f].multiplyThroughputs( atmosphere_aero.wavelen, self.lsst_atmos_aerosol[f] = Bandpass( wavelen=wavelen, sb=sb) else: for f in self.filterlist: self.lsst_atmos[f] = self.lsst_system[f] self.lsst_atmos_aerosol[f] = self.lsst_system[f]
[docs] def Mean_Wave(self): """ Estimate mean wave """ for band in self.filterlist: self.mean_wavelength[band] = np.sum( self.lsst_atmos[band].wavelen*self.lsst_atmos[band].sb)\ / np.sum(self.lsst_atmos[band].sb)
# decorator to access parameters of the class def get_val_decor(func): @wraps(func) def func_deco(theclass, what, xlist): for x in xlist: if x not in[what].keys(): func(theclass, what, x) return func_deco
[docs]class Telescope(Throughputs): """ Telescope class inherits from Throughputs estimate quantities defined in LSE-40 The following quantities are accessible: mag_sky: sky magnitude m5: 5-sigma depth Sigmab: see eq. (36) of LSE-40 zp: see eq. (43) of LSE-40 counts_zp: Skyb: see eq. (40) of LSE-40 flux_sky: Parameters ------------- through_dir : str, opt throughput directory Default : LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE atmos_dir : str, opt directory of atmos files Default : THROUGHPUTS_DIR telescope_files : list(str),opt list of of throughput files Default : ['detector.dat', 'lens1.dat','lens2.dat', 'lens3.dat','m1.dat', 'm2.dat', 'm3.dat'] filterlist: list(str), opt list of filters to consider Default : 'ugrizy' wave_min : float, opt min wavelength for throughput Default : 300 wave_max : float, opt max wavelength for throughput Default : 1150 atmos : bool, opt to include atmosphere affects Default : True aerosol : bool, opt to include aerosol effects Default : True airmass : float, opt airmass value Default : 1. Returns --------- Accessible throughputs (per band, from Throughput class): lsst_system: system throughput (lens+mirrors+filters) lsst_atmos: lsst_system+atmosphere lsst_atmos_aerosol: lsst_system+atmosphere+aerosol Note: I would like to see this replaced by a class in sims_photUtils instead. This does not belong in MAF. """ def __init__(self, name='unknown', airmass=1., **kwargs): = name super().__init__(**kwargs) params = ['mag_sky', 'm5', 'FWHMeff', 'Tb', 'Sigmab', 'zp', 'counts_zp', 'Skyb', 'flux_sky'] = {} for par in params:[par] = {}['FWHMeff'] = dict( zip('ugrizy', [0.92, 0.87, 0.83, 0.80, 0.78, 0.76])) # self.atmos = atmos self.Load_Atmosphere(airmass)
[docs] @get_val_decor def get(self, what, band): """ Decorator to access quantities Parameters --------------- what: str parameter to estimate band: str filter """ filter_trans = self.system[band] wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step = filter_trans.getWavelenLimits( None, None, None) bandpass = Bandpass(wavelen=filter_trans.wavelen, flatSedb = Sed() flatSedb.setFlatSED(wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step) flux0b = np.power(10., -0.4*self.mag_sky(band)) flatSedb.multiplyFluxNorm(flux0b) photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=band) norm = photParams.platescale**2/2.*photParams.exptime/photParams.gain trans = filter_trans if self.atmos: trans = self.atmosphere[band]['m5'][band] = SignalToNoise.calcM5( flatSedb, trans, filter_trans, photParams=photParams, FWHMeff=self.FWHMeff(band)) adu_int = flatSedb.calcADU(bandpass=trans, photParams=photParams)['flux_sky'][band] = adu_int*norm
[docs] @get_val_decor def get_inputs(self, what, band): """ decorator to access Tb, Sigmab, mag_sky Parameters --------------- what: str parameter to estimate band: str filter """ myup = self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.darksky, self.system[band])['Tb'][band] = self.Calc_Integ(self.atmosphere[band])['Sigmab'][band] = self.Calc_Integ(self.system[band])['mag_sky'][band] = -2.5 * \ np.log10(myup/(3631.*self.Sigmab(band)))
[docs] @get_val_decor def get_zp(self, what, band): """ decorator get zero points formula used here are extracted from LSE-40 Parameters --------------- what: str parameter to estimate band: str filter """ photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=band) Diameter = 2.*np.sqrt(photParams.effarea*1.e-4 / np.pi) # diameter in meter Cte = 3631.*np.pi*Diameter**2*2.*photParams.exptime/4/h/1.e36['Skyb'][band] = Cte*np.power(Diameter/6.5, 2.)\ * np.power(2.*photParams.exptime/30., 2.)\ * np.power(photParams.platescale, 2.)\ * 10.**0.4*(25.-self.mag_sky(band))\ * self.Sigmab(band) Zb = 181.8*np.power(Diameter/6.5, 2.)*self.Tb(band) mbZ = 25.+2.5*np.log10(Zb) filtre_trans = self.system[band] wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step = filtre_trans.getWavelenLimits( None, None, None) bandpass = Bandpass(wavelen=filtre_trans.wavelen, flatSed = Sed() flatSed.setFlatSED(wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step) flux0 = np.power(10., -0.4*mbZ) flatSed.multiplyFluxNorm(flux0) photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=band) # number of counts for exptime counts = flatSed.calcADU(bandpass, photParams=photParams)['zp'][band] = mbZ['counts_zp'][band] = counts/2.*photParams.exptime
[docs] def return_value(self, what, band): """ accessor Parameters --------------- what: str parameter to estimate band: str filter """ if len(band) > 1: return[what] else: return[what][band]
[docs] def m5(self, filtre): """m5 accessor """ self.get('m5', filtre) return self.return_value('m5', filtre)
[docs] def Tb(self, filtre): """Tb accessor """ self.get_inputs('Tb', filtre) return self.return_value('Tb', filtre)
[docs] def mag_sky(self, filtre): """mag_sky accessor """ self.get_inputs('mag_sky', filtre) return self.return_value('mag_sky', filtre)
[docs] def Sigmab(self, filtre): """ Sigmab accessor Parameters ---------------- band: str filter """ self.get_inputs('Sigmab', filtre) return self.return_value('Sigmab', filtre)
[docs] def zp(self, filtre): """ zp accessor Parameters ---------------- band: str filter """ self.get_zp('zp', filtre) return self.return_value('zp', filtre)
[docs] def FWHMeff(self, filtre): """ FWHMeff accessor Parameters ---------------- band: str filter """ return self.return_value('FWHMeff', filtre)
[docs] def Calc_Integ(self, bandpass): """ integration over bandpass Parameters -------------- bandpass : float Returns --------- integration """ resu = 0. dlam = 0 for i, wave in enumerate(bandpass.wavelen): if i < len(bandpass.wavelen)-1: dlam = bandpass.wavelen[i+1]-wave resu += dlam*[i]/wave # resu+=dlam*[i] return resu
[docs] def Calc_Integ_Sed(self, sed, bandpass, wavelen=None, fnu=None): """ SED integration Parameters -------------- sed : float sed to integrate bandpass : float bandpass wavelength : float, opt wavelength values Default : None fnu : float, opt fnu values Default : None Returns ---------- integrated sed over the bandpass """ use_self = sed._checkUseSelf(wavelen, fnu) # Use self values if desired, otherwise use values passed to function. if use_self: # Calculate fnu if required. if sed.fnu is None: # If fnu not present, calculate. (does not regrid). sed.flambdaTofnu() wavelen = sed.wavelen fnu = sed.fnu # Make sure wavelen/fnu are on the same wavelength grid as bandpass. wavelen, fnu = sed.resampleSED( wavelen, fnu, wavelen_match=bandpass.wavelen) # Calculate the number of photons. nphoton = (fnu / wavelen * dlambda = wavelen[1] - wavelen[0] return nphoton * dlambda
[docs] def flux_to_mag(self, flux, band, zp=None): """ Flux to magnitude conversion Parameters -------------- flux : float input fluxes band : str input band zp : float, opt zeropoints Default : None Returns --------- magnitudes """ if zp is None: zp = self.zero_points(band) # print 'zp',zp,band m = -2.5 * np.log10(flux) + zp return m
[docs] def mag_to_flux(self, mag, band, zp=None): """ Magnitude to flux conversion Parameters -------------- mag : float input mags band : str input band zp : float, opt zeropoints Default : None Returns --------- fluxes """ if zp is None: zp = self.zero_points(band) return np.power(10., -0.4 * (mag-zp))
[docs] def zero_points(self, band): """ Zero points estimation Parameters -------------- band : list(str) list of bands Returns --------- array of zp """ return np.asarray([self.zp[b] for b in band])
[docs] def mag_to_flux_e_sec(self, mag, band, exptime): """ Mag to flux (in photoelec/sec) conversion Parameters -------------- mag : float input magnitudes band : str input bands exptime : float input exposure times Returns ---------- counts : float number of ADU counts e_per_sec : float flux in photoelectron per sec. """ if not hasattr(mag, '__iter__'): wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step = self.atmosphere[band].getWavelenLimits( None, None, None) sed = Sed() sed.setFlatSED() flux0 = 3631.*10**(-0.4*mag) # flux in Jy flux0 = sed.calcFluxNorm(mag, self.atmosphere[band]) sed.multiplyFluxNorm(flux0) photParams = PhotometricParameters(nexp=exptime/15.) counts = sed.calcADU( bandpass=self.atmosphere[band], photParams=photParams) e_per_sec = counts e_per_sec /= exptime/photParams.gain # print('hello',photParams.gain,exptime) return counts, e_per_sec else: return np.asarray([self.mag_to_flux_e_sec(m, b, expt) for m, b, expt in zip(mag, band, exptime)])
[docs] def gamma(self, mag, band, exptime): """ gamma parameter estimation cf eq(5) of the paper LSST : from science drivers to reference design and anticipated data products with sigma_rand = 0.2 and m=m5 Parameters -------------- mag : float magnitudes band : str band exptime : float exposure time Returns ---------- gamma (float) """ if not hasattr(mag, '__iter__'): photParams = PhotometricParameters(nexp=exptime/15.) counts, e_per_sec = self.mag_to_flux_e_sec(mag, band, exptime) return 0.04-1./(photParams.gain*counts) else: return np.asarray([self.gamma(m, b, e) for m, b, e in zip(mag, band, exptime)])
[docs]class Load_Reference: """ class to load template files requested for LCFast These files should be stored in a reference_files directory Parameters --------------- server: str, opt where to get the files (default: templateDir: str, opt where to put the files (default: reference_files) """ def __init__(self, server='', templateDir=None): if templateDir is None: sims_maf_contrib_dir = os.getenv("SIMS_MAF_CONTRIB_DIR") templateDir = os.path.join(sims_maf_contrib_dir, 'data/SNe_data') self.server = server # define instrument self.Instrument = {} self.Instrument['name'] = 'LSST' # name of the telescope (internal) # dir of throughput self.Instrument['throughput_dir'] = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline') self.Instrument['atmos_dir'] = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'atmos') self.Instrument['airmass'] = 1.2 # airmass value self.Instrument['atmos'] = True # atmos self.Instrument['aerosol'] = False # aerosol x1_colors = [(-2.0, 0.2), (0.0, 0.0)] lc_reference = {} # create this directory if it does not exist if not os.path.isdir(templateDir): os.system('mkdir {}'.format(templateDir)) list_files = ['gamma.hdf5'] for j in range(len(x1_colors)): x1 = x1_colors[j][0] color = x1_colors[j][1] fname = 'LC_{}_{}_380.0_800.0_ebvofMW_0.0_vstack.hdf5'.format( x1, color) list_files += [fname] self.check_grab(templateDir, list_files) # gamma_reference self.gamma_reference = '{}/gamma.hdf5'.format(templateDir) # print('Loading reference files') resultdict = {} for j in range(len(x1_colors)): x1 = x1_colors[j][0] color = x1_colors[j][1] fname = '{}/LC_{}_{}_380.0_800.0_ebvofMW_0.0_vstack.hdf5'.format( templateDir, x1, color) resultdict[j] = self.load(fname) for j in range(len(x1_colors)): if resultdict[j] is not None: lc_reference[x1_colors[j]] = resultdict[j] self.ref = lc_reference
[docs] def load(self, fname): """ Method to load reference files Parameters --------------- fname: str file name Returns ----------- """ lc_ref = GetReference( fname, self.gamma_reference, self.Instrument) return lc_ref
[docs] def check_grab(self, templateDir, listfiles): """ Method that check if files are on disk. If not: grab them from a server (self.server) Parameters --------------- templateDir: str directory where files are (or will be) listfiles: list(str) list of files that are (will be) in templateDir """ for fi in listfiles: # check whether the file is available; if not-> get it! fname = '{}/{}'.format(templateDir, fi) if not os.path.isfile(fname): if 'gamma' in fname: fullname = '{}/reference_files/{}'.format(self.server, fi) else: fullname = '{}/Template_LC/{}'.format(self.server, fi) print('wget path:', fullname) cmd = 'wget --no-clobber --no-verbose {} --directory-prefix {}'.format( fullname, templateDir) os.system(cmd)
[docs]class GetReference: """ Class to load reference data used for the fast SN simulator Parameters ---------------- lcName: str name of the reference file to load (lc) gammaName: str name of the reference file to load (gamma) tel_par: dict telescope parameters param_Fisher : list(str),opt list of SN parameter for Fisher estimation to consider (default: ['x0', 'x1', 'color', 'daymax']) Returns ----------- The following dict can be accessed: mag_to_flux_e_sec : Interp1D of mag to flux(e.sec-1) conversion flux : dict of RegularGridInterpolator of fluxes (key: filters, (x,y)=(phase, z), result=flux) fluxerr : dict of RegularGridInterpolator of flux errors (key: filters, (x,y)=(phase, z), result=fluxerr) param : dict of dict of RegularGridInterpolator of flux derivatives wrt SN parameters (key: filters plus param_Fisher parameters; (x,y)=(phase, z), result=flux derivatives) gamma : dict of RegularGridInterpolator of gamma values (key: filters) """"" def __init__(self, lcName, gammaName, tel_par, param_Fisher=['x0', 'x1', 'color', 'daymax']): # Load the file - lc reference f = h5py.File(lcName, 'r') keys = list(f.keys()) # lc_ref_tot =, path=keys[0]) lc_ref_tot = Table.from_pandas(pd.read_hdf(lcName)) idx = lc_ref_tot['z'] > 0.005 lc_ref_tot = np.copy(lc_ref_tot[idx]) # telescope requested telescope = Telescope(name=tel_par['name'], throughput_dir=tel_par['throughput_dir'], atmos_dir=tel_par['atmos_dir'], atmos=tel_par['atmos'], aerosol=tel_par['aerosol'], airmass=tel_par['airmass']) # Load the file - gamma values if not os.path.exists(gammaName): print('gamma file {} does not exist') print('will generate it - few minutes') mag_range = np.arange(15., 38., 1.) exptimes = np.arange(1., 3000., 10.) Gamma('ugrizy', telescope, gammaName, mag_range=mag_range, exptimes=exptimes) print('end of gamma estimation') fgamma = h5py.File(gammaName, 'r') # Load references needed for the following self.lc_ref = {} self.gamma_ref = {} self.gamma = {} self.m5_ref = {} self.mag_to_flux_e_sec = {} self.flux = {} self.fluxerr = {} self.param = {} bands = np.unique(lc_ref_tot['band']) mag_range = np.arange(10., 38., 0.01) # exptimes = np.linspace(15.,30.,2) # exptimes = [15.,30.,60.,100.] # gammArray = self.loopGamma(bands, mag_range, exptimes,telescope) method = 'linear' # for each band: load data to be used for interpolation for band in bands: idx = lc_ref_tot['band'] == band lc_sel = Table(lc_ref_tot[idx]) lc_sel['z'] = lc_sel['z'].data.round(decimals=2) lc_sel['phase'] = lc_sel['phase'].data.round(decimals=1) """ select phases between -20 and 50 only """ idx = lc_sel['phase'] < 50. idx &= lc_sel['phase'] > -20. lc_sel = lc_sel[idx] fluxes_e_sec = telescope.mag_to_flux_e_sec( mag_range, [band]*len(mag_range), [30]*len(mag_range)) self.mag_to_flux_e_sec[band] = interpolate.interp1d( mag_range, fluxes_e_sec[:, 1], fill_value=0., bounds_error=False) # these reference data will be used for griddata interp. self.lc_ref[band] = lc_sel self.gamma_ref[band] = lc_sel['gamma'][0] self.m5_ref[band] = np.unique(lc_sel['m5'])[0] # Another interpolator, faster than griddata: regulargridinterpolator # Fluxes and errors zmin, zmax, zstep, nz = self.limVals(lc_sel, 'z') phamin, phamax, phastep, npha = self.limVals(lc_sel, 'phase') zstep = np.round(zstep, 1) phastep = np.round(phastep, 1) zv = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, nz) # zv = np.round(zv,2) # print(band,zv) phav = np.linspace(phamin, phamax, npha) print('Loading ', lcName, band, len(lc_sel), npha, nz) index = np.lexsort((lc_sel['z'], lc_sel['phase'])) flux = np.reshape(lc_sel[index]['flux'], (npha, nz)) fluxerr = np.reshape(lc_sel[index]['fluxerr'], (npha, nz)) self.flux[band] = RegularGridInterpolator( (phav, zv), flux, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) self.fluxerr[band] = RegularGridInterpolator( (phav, zv), fluxerr, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) # Flux derivatives self.param[band] = {} for par in param_Fisher: valpar = np.reshape( lc_sel[index]['d{}'.format(par)], (npha, nz)) self.param[band][par] = RegularGridInterpolator( (phav, zv), valpar, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) # gamma estimator rec =, path='gamma_{}'.format(band)) rec['mag'] = rec['mag'].data.round(decimals=4) rec['single_exptime'] = rec['single_exptime'].data.round( decimals=4) magmin, magmax, magstep, nmag = self.limVals(rec, 'mag') expmin, expmax, expstep, nexpo = self.limVals( rec, 'single_exptime') nexpmin, nexpmax, nexpstep, nnexp = self.limVals(rec, 'nexp') mag = np.linspace(magmin, magmax, nmag) exp = np.linspace(expmin, expmax, nexpo) nexp = np.linspace(nexpmin, nexpmax, nnexp) index = np.lexsort( (rec['nexp'], np.round(rec['single_exptime'], 4), rec['mag'])) gammab = np.reshape(rec[index]['gamma'], (nmag, nexpo, nnexp)) fluxb = np.reshape(rec[index]['flux_e_sec'], (nmag, nexpo, nnexp)) self.gamma[band] = RegularGridInterpolator( (mag, exp, nexp), gammab, method='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) """ self.mag_to_flux[band] = RegularGridInterpolator( (mag, exp, nexp), fluxb, method='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) print('hello', rec.columns) rec['mag'] = rec['mag'].data.round(decimals=4) rec['exptime'] = rec['exptime'].data.round(decimals=4) magmin, magmax, magstep, nmag = self.limVals(rec, 'mag') expmin, expmax, expstep, nexp = self.limVals(rec, 'exptime') mag = np.linspace(magmin, magmax, nmag) exp = np.linspace(expmin, expmax, nexp) index = np.lexsort((np.round(rec['exptime'], 4), rec['mag'])) gammab = np.reshape(rec[index]['gamma'], (nmag, nexp)) self.gamma[band] = RegularGridInterpolator( (mag, exp), gammab, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) """ # print(band, gammab, mag, exp)
[docs] def limVals(self, lc, field): """ Get unique values of a field in a table Parameters ---------- lc: Table astropy Table (here probably a LC) field: str name of the field of interest Returns ------- vmin: float min value of the field vmax: float max value of the field vstep: float step value for this field (median) nvals: int number of unique values """ lc.sort(field) vals = np.unique(lc[field].data.round(decimals=4)) # print(vals) vmin = np.min(vals) vmax = np.max(vals) vstep = np.median(vals[1:]-vals[:-1]) return vmin, vmax, vstep, len(vals)
[docs] def Read_Ref(self, fi, j=-1, output_q=None): """" Load the reference file and make a single astopy Table from a set of. Parameters ---------- fi: str, name of the file to be loaded Returns ------- tab_tot: astropy table single table = vstack of all the tables in fi. """ tab_tot = Table() """ keys=np.unique([int(z*100) for z in zvals]) print(keys) """ f = h5py.File(fi, 'r') keys = f.keys() zvals = np.arange(0.01, 0.9, 0.01) zvals_arr = np.array(zvals) for kk in keys: tab_b =, path=kk) if tab_b is not None: tab_tot = vstack([tab_tot, tab_b], metadata_conflicts='silent') """ diff = tab_b['z']-zvals_arr[:, np.newaxis] # flag = np.abs(diff)<1.e-3 flag_idx = np.where(np.abs(diff) < 1.e-3) if len(flag_idx[1]) > 0: tab_tot = vstack([tab_tot, tab_b[flag_idx[1]]]) """ """ print(flag,flag_idx[1]) print('there man',tab_b[flag_idx[1]]) mtile = np.tile(tab_b['z'],(len(zvals),1)) # print('mtile',mtile*flag) masked_array =,mask=~flag) print('resu masked',masked_array,masked_array.shape) print('hhh',masked_array[~masked_array.mask]) for val in zvals: print('hello',tab_b[['band','z','time']],'and',val) if np.abs(np.unique(tab_b['z'])-val)<0.01: # print('loading ref',np.unique(tab_b['z'])) tab_tot=vstack([tab_tot,tab_b]) break """ if output_q is not None: output_q.put({j: tab_tot}) else: return tab_tot
[docs] def Read_Multiproc(self, tab): """ Multiprocessing method to read references Parameters --------------- tab: astropy Table of data Returns ----------- stacked astropy Table of data """ # distrib=np.unique(tab['z']) nlc = len(tab) print('ici pal', nlc) # n_multi=8 if nlc >= 8: n_multi = min(nlc, 8) nvals = nlc/n_multi batch = range(0, nlc, nvals) batch = np.append(batch, nlc) else: batch = range(0, nlc) # lc_ref_tot={} # print('there pal',batch) result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() for i in range(len(batch)-1): ida = int(batch[i]) idb = int(batch[i+1]) p = multiprocessing.Process( name='Subprocess_main-'+str(i), target=self.Read_Ref, args=(tab[ida:idb], i, result_queue)) p.start() resultdict = {} for j in range(len(batch)-1): resultdict.update(result_queue.get()) for p in multiprocessing.active_children(): p.join() tab_res = Table() for j in range(len(batch)-1): if resultdict[j] is not None: tab_res = vstack([tab_res, resultdict[j]]) return tab_res
[docs]class SN_Rate: """ Estimate production rates of typeIa SN Available rates: Ripoche, Perrett, Dilday Parameters ---------- rate : str,opt type of rate chosen (Ripoche, Perrett, Dilday) (default : Perrett) H0 : float, opt Hubble constant value :math:`H_{0}`(default : 70.) Om0 : float, opt matter density value :math:`\Omega_{0}` (default : 0.25) min_rf_phase : float, opt min rest-frame phase (default : -15.) max_rf_phase : float, opt max rest-frame phase (default : 30.) """ def __init__(self, rate='Perrett', H0=70, Om0=0.25, min_rf_phase=-15., max_rf_phase=30.): self.astropy_cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0) self.rate = rate self.min_rf_phase = min_rf_phase self.max_rf_phase = max_rf_phase
[docs] def __call__(self, zmin=0.1, zmax=0.2, dz=0.01, survey_area=9.6, bins=None, account_for_edges=False, duration=140., duration_z=None): """ call method Parameters ---------------- zmin : float, opt minimal redshift (default : 0.1) zmax : float,opt max redshift (default : 0.2) dz : float, opt redshift bin (default : 0.001) survey_area : float, opt area of the survey (:math:`deg^{2}`) (default : 9.6 :math:`deg^{2}`) bins : list(float), opt redshift bins (default : None) account_for_edges : bool to account for season edges. If true, duration of the survey will be reduced by (1+z)*(maf_rf_phase-min_rf_phase)/365.25 (default : False) duration : float, opt survey duration (in days) (default : 140 days) duration_z : list(float),opt survey duration (as a function of z) (default : None) Returns ----------- Lists : zz : float redshift values rate : float production rate err_rate : float production rate error nsn : float number of SN err_nsn : float error on the number of SN """ if bins is None: thebins = np.arange(zmin, zmax+dz, dz) zz = 0.5 * (thebins[1:] + thebins[:-1]) else: zz = bins thebins = bins rate, err_rate = self.SNRate(zz) error_rel = err_rate/rate area = survey_area / STERADIAN2SQDEG # or area= self.survey_area/41253. dvol = norm*self.astropy_cosmo.comoving_volume(thebins).value dvol = dvol[1:] - dvol[:-1] if account_for_edges: margin = (1.+zz) * (self.max_rf_phase-self.min_rf_phase) / 365.25 effective_duration = duration / 365.25 - margin effective_duration[effective_duration <= 0.] = 0. else: # duration in days! effective_duration = duration/365.25 if duration_z is not None: effective_duration = duration_z(zz)/365.25 normz = (1.+zz) nsn = rate * area * dvol * effective_duration / normz err_nsn = err_rate*area * dvol * effective_duration / normz return zz, rate, err_rate, nsn, err_nsn
[docs] def RipocheRate(self, z): """The SNLS SNIa rate according to the (unpublished) Ripoche et al study. Parameters -------------- z : float redshift Returns ---------- rate : float error_rate : float """ rate = 1.53e-4*0.343 expn = 2.14 my_z = np.copy(z) my_z[my_z > 1.] = 1. rate_sn = rate * np.power((1+my_z)/1.5, expn) return rate_sn, 0.2*rate_sn
[docs] def PerrettRate(self, z): """The SNLS SNIa rate according to (Perrett et al, 201?) Parameters -------------- z : float redshift Returns ---------- rate : float error_rate : float """ rate = 0.17E-4 expn = 2.11 err_rate = 0.03E-4 err_expn = 0.28 my_z = np.copy(z) rate_sn = rate * np.power(1+my_z, expn) err_rate_sn = np.power(1+my_z, 2.*expn)*np.power(err_rate, 2.) err_rate_sn += np.power(rate_sn*np.log(1+my_z)*err_expn, 2.) return rate_sn, np.power(err_rate_sn, 0.5)
[docs] def DildayRate(self, z): """The Dilday rate according to Parameters -------------- z : float redshift Returns ---------- rate : float error_rate : float """ rate = 2.6e-5 expn = 1.5 err_rate = 0.01 err_expn = 0.6 my_z = np.copy(z) my_z[my_z > 1.] = 1. rate_sn = rate * np.power(1+my_z, expn) err_rate_sn = rate_sn*np.log(1+my_z)*err_expn return rate_sn, err_rate_sn
""" def flat_rate(self, z): return 1., 0.1 """
[docs] def SNRate(self, z): """SN rate estimation Parameters -------------- z : float redshift Returns ---------- rate : float error_rate : float """ if self.rate == 'Ripoche': return self.RipocheRate(z) if self.rate == 'Perrett': return self.PerrettRate(z) if self.rate == 'Dilday': return self.DildayRate(z)
[docs] def PlotNSN(self, zmin=0.1, zmax=0.2, dz=0.01, survey_area=9.6, bins=None, account_for_edges=False, duration=140., duration_z=None, norm=False): """ Plot integrated number of supernovae as a function of redshift uses the __call__ function Parameters -------------- zmin : float, opt minimal redshift (default : 0.1) zmax : float,opt max redshift (default : 0.2) dz : float, opt redshift bin (default : 0.001) survey_area : float, opt area of the survey (:math:`deg^{2}`) (default : 9.6 :math:`deg^{2}`) bins : list(float), opt redshift bins (default : None) account_for_edges : bool to account for season edges. If true, duration of the survey will be reduced by (1+z)*(maf_rf_phase-min_rf_phase)/365.25 (default : False) duration : float, opt survey duration (in days) (default : 140 days) duration_z : list(float),opt survey duration (as a function of z) (default : None) norm: bool, opt to normalise the results (default: False) """ import pylab as plt zz, rate, err_rate, nsn, err_nsn = self.__call__( zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, dz=dz, bins=bins, account_for_edges=account_for_edges, duration=duration, survey_area=survey_area) nsn_sum = np.cumsum(nsn) if norm is False: plt.errorbar(zz, nsn_sum, yerr=np.sqrt(np.cumsum(err_nsn**2))) else: plt.errorbar(zz, nsn_sum/nsn_sum[-1]) plt.xlabel('z') plt.ylabel('N$_{SN}$ <') plt.grid()
[docs]class CovColor: """ class to estimate CovColor from lc using Fisher matrix element Parameters --------------- lc: pandas df lc to process. Should contain the Fisher matrix components ie the sum of the derivative of the fluxes wrt SN parameters """ def __init__(self, lc): self.Cov_colorcolor = self.varColor(lc)
[docs] def varColor(self, lc): """ Method to estimate the variance color from matrix element Parameters -------------- lc: pandas df data to process containing the derivative of the flux with respect to SN parameters Returns ---------- float: Cov_colorcolor """ a1 = lc['F_x0x0'] a2 = lc['F_x0x1'] a3 = lc['F_x0daymax'] a4 = lc['F_x0color'] b1 = a2 b2 = lc['F_x1x1'] b3 = lc['F_x1daymax'] b4 = lc['F_x1color'] c1 = a3 c2 = b3 c3 = lc['F_daymaxdaymax'] c4 = lc['F_daymaxcolor'] d1 = a4 d2 = b4 d3 = c4 d4 = lc['F_colorcolor'] detM = a1*self.det(b2, b3, b4, c2, c3, c4, d2, d3, d4) detM -= b1*self.det(a2, a3, a4, c2, c3, c4, d2, d3, d4) detM += c1*self.det(a2, a3, a4, b2, b3, b4, d2, d3, d4) detM -= d1*self.det(a2, a3, a4, b2, b3, b4, c2, c3, c4) res = -a3*b2*c1+a2*b3*c1+a3*b1*c2-a1*b3*c2-a2*b1*c3+a1*b2*c3 return res/detM
[docs] def det(self, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3): """ Method to estimate the det of a matrix from its values Parameters --------------- Values of the matrix ( a1 a2 a3) (b1 b2 b3) (c1 c2 c3) Returns ----------- det value """ resp = a1*b2*c3+b1*c2*a3+c1*a2*b3 resm = a3*b2*c1+b3*c2*a1+c3*a2*b1 return resp-resm